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The following results are related to Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage. Are you interested to view more results? Visit OpenAIRE - Explore.

  • Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage
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  • English
  • Neliti
  • SSRN Electronic Journal

  • Authors: Asari, A. S. (Amirulloh);

    This paper describes the history and development of tafsir in Southeast Asia, namely Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei Darusalam, Singapore and Thailand, aimed at providing a new discourse to the academic world, that Islam has another treasure in Far Asia, which is known as a pluralistic country because Islam entered in those countries without any wars. And to provide information related the books, author influence, and method of their tafsir in general.

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  • Authors: Sholikhah, Ika Maratus; Adiarti, Dian; Kholifah, Asrofin Nur;

    This article discusses the heritage of Banyumas culture conserved by the inhabitants. Banyumas is famous not only for its tourist destination but also for its art performances such as begalan, lengger, calung,kentongan, and ebeg. One of the famous tourist destinations in Banyumas is a mosque called Masjid Saka Tunggal Baitussalam (MSTB). This research emphasizes on the description of MSTB as the heritage of Banyumas culture as well as explains the meanings and messages reflected in the symbols found in MSTB. This mosque was buit in 1288 and is the oldest mosque in Indonesia. The symbols were analyzed with semiotic theory using qualitative descriptive analysis. The data were gained through observation, documentation, and interviews. This research found that there were 13 symbols found in MSTB representing Islamic and Javanese philosophy, especially in spiritual activities. MSTB is a promising tourism site of Banyumas to be be developed as cultural heritage. Artikel ini membahas warisan budaya Banyumas yang masih sangat dipertahankan oleh penduduk setempat. Banyumas tidak hanya terkenal dengan destinasi wisatanya, tetapi juga pertunjukan seni, seperti Begalan, Lengger, Calung, Kentongan, dan Ebeg. Salah satu tujuan wisata yang terkenal di Banyumas ialah Masjid Saka Tunggal Baitussalam (MSTB). Penelitian ini menekankan pada deskripsi Masjid Saka Tunggal Baitussalam sebagai salah satu warisan budaya Banyumas sekaligus menjelaskan makna dan pesan yang tercermin pada simbol-simbol yang ditemukan di MSTB. Masjid ini didirikan pada tahun 1288 dan merupakan masjid tertua di Indonesia. Simbol-simbol yang ditemukan dianalisis berdasarkan teori semiotik dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Data dihimpun melalui observasi, dokumentasi, dan wawancara dengan informan. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan 13 simbol yang ditemukan di MSTB yang merepresentasikan filsafat Islam dan Jawa, khususnya dalam aktivitas spiritual. MSTB merupakan situs wisata Banyumas yang menjanjikan untuk terus dikembangkan sebagai warisan budaya.

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  • Authors: Martono, Galih Hendro; SN, Azhari;

    Research related schema matching has been conducted since last decade. Few approach related schema matching has been conducted with various methods such as neuron network, feature selection, constrain based, instance based, linguistic, and so on. Some field used schema matching as basic model such as e-commerce, e-business and data warehousing. Implementation of linguistic approach itself has been used a long time with various problem such as to calculated entity similarity values in two or more schemas. The purpose of this paper was to provide an overview of previous studies related to the implementation of the linguistic approach in the schema matching and finding gap for the development of existing methods. Futhermore, this paper focused on measurement of similarity in linguistic approach in schema matching.

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  • Authors: Rina Marliana;

    Convicts Life In James Tucker's The Adventures Of Ralph Rashleigh. Convicts transported from Britain to Australia are one of historical phenomenon. This research is aimed to describe the convicts life in the late eighteenth century to early nineteenth century in Australia as illustrated in The Adventures of Ralph Rashleigh by James Tucker. This research was a descriptive qualitative research. The data were collected by using library research and it was analyzed by applying sociological approach proposed by Swingewood (1972) who revealed three classifications of sociology of literature. In this case, the researcher focused on the classification of sociology as the mirror of age. The result of this research showed that the convicts alive harshly in Australia where the flogging was a common punishment for them

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  • Authors: Salleh, Kamarudin;

    Pembahasan dalam tulisan singkat ini terdiri dari tiga bagian utama. Bagian pertama akan membahas dengan singkat asal usul bahasa Arab dan datangnya agama Islam sebagai awal yang penting dalam membentuk dan mengkaji bahasa Arab. Bagian kedua akan membahas tentang Perubahan dan pembaharuan sejarah dalam bahasa Arab selama periode awal Islam (sastra Arab) dan periode pertengahan, dalam arti yang luas, meliputi perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan sikap para cendikiawan pada saat itu. Dan pada bagian akhir, untuk memperoleh secara utuh permasalahan modern dari Perubahan dan pembaharuan bahasa Arab tersebut, dua sarjana kontemporer Timur Tengah dipilih untuk memberi komentar terhadap masalah ini.

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  • Authors: Ulfa, Y. (Yuniarti); Yu, E. H. (Evonne); Kit, O. C. (Ooi);

    Nenering Formation is essentially made up of semi-consolidated sediments, which are divided into basal conglomerate beds, conglomeratic sandstone, cross-bedded sandstone, and siltstone to muddy layers facies. It is overlie unconformable to the Berapit Formation, but conformable to the Kroh and Grik Formations. The stratigraphy of Nenering Formation is a fining upwards sequence where the thickness of conglomerate beds become thinner upwards and become thicker for conglomeratic sandstone. The thickness varies from 0.5 m to tenths of meters. The more sandy in the upper portion (cross-bedded sandstone) overlie with thin siltstone and mudstone facies. The clast and grain composition suggested that the material making up the sedimentary sequence were derived predominantly from the erosion of granitoid rocks and sedimentary and metamorphic rocks constitute a minor provenance. Imbrications and the trend sizes of clasts indicate that the palaeo-current flow toward northeast. Cross bedding that was found in conglomerate and sandstone indicates the main channel depositional environment. The sequence stratigraphy of this area match with the Saskatchewan fluvial braided channel model. Formasi Nenering tersusun atas sedimen semi-terkonsolidasi yang terdiri atas lapisan basal konglomerat, batupasir konglomeratik, batupasir berlapisan silang siur, batulanau hingga fasies berlapisan lempung. Formasi Nenering terletak tidak selaras di atas Formasi Berapit, tetapi terletak selaras di atas Formasi Kroh dan Formasi Grik. Stratigrafi Formasi Nenering adalah menghalus ke atas, dimana ketebalan batuan konglomerat semakin menipis ke arah atas, sedangkan batupasir konglomeratik menjadi menebal ke arah atas. Ketebalan perlapisan berkisar pada 0,5 meter hingga puluhan meter. Komposisi pasir yang lebih dominan pada bagian atas (batupasir silang siur) terletak di atas fasies lapisan tipis batulanau dan batulempung. Komposisi butiran dan klastika menunjukkan bahwa material yang menyusun sekuen sedimen didominasi berasal dari erosi batuan granitik, batuan sedimen dan sedikit dari batuan metamorf. Indikasi imbrikasi dan kecenderungan Perubahan ukuran material klastika menunjukkan bahwa aliran arus purba mengarah ke timur laut, sedangkan perlapisan silang siur pada batuan konglomerat dan batupasir mengindikasikan lingkungan pengendapan berupa sungai. Sekuen stratigrafi di daerah ini sesuai dengan model lingkungan pengendapan sungai teranyam fluvial Saskatchewan.

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  • Authors: Basuki, R. (Ribut);

    Melodrama reflects and constructs ideology. In American melodrama, the dominant social group imposed its ideology by constructing the standard American identity and its opposite through the heroes and villains. In the four plays discussed, the standard is pictured through the heroes in terms of their ability to get financial success, their acceptance of the Protestant moral codes, and their being white. Thus, in the world of melodrama people of color as well as financially deprived people are marginalized.

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  • Authors: Ulfa, Y. (Yuniarti); Sapari, N. (Nasiman); Harith, Z. Z. (Zuhar);

    This study was conducted on the sedimentary rocks belonging to the Miri Formation (Middle – Late Miocene). The primary objective of the present study is to provide additional interpretation on the stratigraphy of the Miri Formation in the Miri Field based on the new information gathered from new outcrops in the area. Five outcrops were examined in detail on sedimentology and stratigraphy. Based on lithology, sedimentary structures, bedding geometry and traces fossil, the sediments of the Miri Formation were grouped into fourteen lithofacies. Influence of tide and storm during the depositional processes of the formation were indicated by the group of two main facies associations which are: (i) tide-dominated estuary; and (ii) wave-and-storm dominated facies associations. The tide-dominated estuary system of the Miri Formation are includes variety of sub environments: estuary mouth or tidal channel and sand bars (characterized by trough cross-stratified sandstone with mud drapes facies), estuary channel or upper flow regime of sand flat (characterized by parallel stratified sandstone with mud-laminas facies), mixed-tidal flat (characterized by wavy and flaser bedded sandstone facies), and mud-tidal flat (characterized by rhythmic stratified sandstone-mudstone and lenticular bedding facies). The wave-and-storm dominated varied from lower to middle shoreface (characterized by hummocky cross-stratified sandstone and rhythmic parallel stratified sandstone and laminated siltstone facies), upper shoreface (characterized by swaley cross-stratified sandstone), lower shoreface (interbedded to bioturbated sandstone and siltstone facies), and offshore transitional (characterized by bioturbated sandstone and mudstone interbedding with parallel to hummocky cross-stratified sandstone facies). Penelitian ini dilakukan pada batuan sedimen penyusun Formasi Miri (Miosen Tengah - Akhir). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan interpretasi tambahan pada stratigrafi Formasi Miri di Lapangan Miri berdasarkan informasi baru yang dikumpulkan dari singkapan batuan baru di daerah tersebut. Lima singkapan tersebut diteliti secara rinci berdasarkan aspek sedimentologi dan stratigrafi. Berdasarkan litologi, struktur sedimen, geometri perlapisan dan fosil jejak, sedimen penyusun Formasi Miri dikelompokkan ke dalam empat belas litofasies. Pengaruh pasang surut dan badai selama proses pengendapan formasi diindikasikan dari adanya dua kelompok gabungan fasies utama antara lain: (i) didominasi oleh pasang-surut muara, dan (ii) didominasi oleh gabungan fasies gelombang dan badai. Sistem yang didominasi pasang surut muara pada Formasi Miri meliputi variasi sub-lingkungan: mulut muara atau alur pasang surut, dan gosong sungai (dicirikan oleh fasies batupasir dengan perlapisan saling silang dengan lempung yang mengapung), alur muara atau rezim aliran bagian atas dari dataran pasir (dicirikan oleh fasies batupasir berlapis paralel dengan lumpur berlapis), campuran pasang surut normal (dicirikan oleh fasies batupasir berlapis), dan lumpur pasang surut normal (dicirikan oleh fasies batupasir berlapis ritmik-batulumpur dan perlapisan lenticular). Dominasi pengaruh gelombang dan badai bervariasi dari rendah ke menengah (dicirikan oleh fasies batupasir berlapis silang yang hummocky dan batupasir berlapis paralel berulang dan batulanau berlapis), muka pantai bagian atas (dicirikan oleh batupasir berlapis silang yang swaley), muka pantai bagian bawah (fasies batupasir dan batulanau yang bersisipan sampai bioturtbasi), dan transisi lepas pantai (dicirikan oleh fasies batupasir bioturbasi dan batulumpur yang bersisipan dengan batupasir berlapis paralel sampai berlapis silang yang hummocky).

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  • Authors: Abdul Latif, Siti Waznah; Matzin, R. (Rohani); Jawawi, R. (Rosmawijah); Mahadi, M. A. (Mar); +3 Authors

    This study investigated the effectiveness in implementing the Flipped Classroom model in teaching History and to identify the students' perceptions using this approach towards their learning. The chosen History topic was on ‘James Brooke's activities in Sarawak in the 1840s'. The sample consisted of twelve students from two Year 9 classes in one of the secondary schools in Brunei Darussalam. In adopting the Flipped Classroom approach, the students were required to watch a video lesson outside the classroom setting. To measure its effectiveness, a test instrument was used, and five students were interviewed. The findings revealed that the utilisation of this instructional method was effective in teaching History, as there were improvements in the students' test results. The analyses of the students' perceptions using this approach revealed that while some students believed that it helped them improve in their communication and writing skills, others did not perceive it effective for their learning.

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  • Authors: Karmilah, Mila; Nuryanti, Wiendu; Soewarno, Nindyo; Setiawan, Bakti;

    The increase in both industrialization and tourism in Kasongan village famous with its pottery being the tourism Village since 1988, radically altered the local economy and domestic life. Based on oral history, survey, and documentary sources, this paper examine the impact of economics globalization to the diversity of culture in Kasongan. Globalization has two faces. If it can be managed properly, globalization can certainly give sufficient benefit to the country. The result of study indicated that pasedhuluran kinship systems in pottery production chain as one of social capital in socio-economic development in Kasongan, play an important role. This can be seen in terms of hiring local labor, then the pottery associated with the ordering system, and the use of the showroom to promote their pottery. Based on this note that the negative impact of globalization, especially the pottery in Kasongan indsutry can be minimized by pasedhuluran system. Peningkatan industrialisasi dan pariwisata di Desa Kasongan yang terkenal dengan kerajinan gerabah yang telah berkembang sejak tahun 1972 dan menjadi desa wisata pada tahun 1988, secara radikal telah mengubah ekonomi lokal dan kehidupan masyarakat di desa tersebut. Berdasarkan wawancara terkait sejarah, survei, dan sumber-sumber dokumenter lainnya, maka tulisan ini akan mengkaji dampak globalisasi ekonomi terhadap keragaman budaya masyarakat setempat. Globalisasi memiliki dua sisi. Jika globalisasi dapat dikelola dengan baik, maka globalisasi dapat memberikan manfaat yang cukup baik bagi negara. Namun, jika suatu negara tidak dapat beradaptasi dan menentukan strategi yang perlu diterapkan dalam rangka menghadapi globalisasi, negara akan menjadi korban dari globalisasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pasedhuluran adalah sistem kekerabatan di rantai produksi kegiatan produksi gerabah. Pasedhuluran sebagai salah satu modal sosial dalam pembangunan sosial-ekonomi di Kasongan, memainkan peranan yang penting. Hal ini terlihat dalam sistem tenaga kerja, dimana sebagian besar merupakan keluarga. Selain sistem tenaga kerja pasedhulran juga terlihat pada sistem pemesanan (order gerabah), dan menggunakan showroom sebagai tempat mempromosikan gerabah mereka. Berdasarkan studi ini diketahui bahwa dampak globalisasi dapat diminimalisir dengan adanya sistem kekerabatan (pasedhuluran).

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The following results are related to Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage. Are you interested to view more results? Visit OpenAIRE - Explore.
  • Authors: Asari, A. S. (Amirulloh);

    This paper describes the history and development of tafsir in Southeast Asia, namely Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei Darusalam, Singapore and Thailand, aimed at providing a new discourse to the academic world, that Islam has another treasure in Far Asia, which is known as a pluralistic country because Islam entered in those countries without any wars. And to provide information related the books, author influence, and method of their tafsir in general.

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  • Authors: Sholikhah, Ika Maratus; Adiarti, Dian; Kholifah, Asrofin Nur;

    This article discusses the heritage of Banyumas culture conserved by the inhabitants. Banyumas is famous not only for its tourist destination but also for its art performances such as begalan, lengger, calung,kentongan, and ebeg. One of the famous tourist destinations in Banyumas is a mosque called Masjid Saka Tunggal Baitussalam (MSTB). This research emphasizes on the description of MSTB as the heritage of Banyumas culture as well as explains the meanings and messages reflected in the symbols found in MSTB. This mosque was buit in 1288 and is the oldest mosque in Indonesia. The symbols were analyzed with semiotic theory using qualitative descriptive analysis. The data were gained through observation, documentation, and interviews. This research found that there were 13 symbols found in MSTB representing Islamic and Javanese philosophy, especially in spiritual activities. MSTB is a promising tourism site of Banyumas to be be developed as cultural heritage. Artikel ini membahas warisan budaya Banyumas yang masih sangat dipertahankan oleh penduduk setempat. Banyumas tidak hanya terkenal dengan destinasi wisatanya, tetapi juga pertunjukan seni, seperti Begalan, Lengger, Calung, Kentongan, dan Ebeg. Salah satu tujuan wisata yang terkenal di Banyumas ialah Masjid Saka Tunggal Baitussalam (MSTB). Penelitian ini menekankan pada deskripsi Masjid Saka Tunggal Baitussalam sebagai salah satu warisan budaya Banyumas sekaligus menjelaskan makna dan pesan yang tercermin pada simbol-simbol yang ditemukan di MSTB. Masjid ini didirikan pada tahun 1288 dan merupakan masjid tertua di Indonesia. Simbol-simbol yang ditemukan dianalisis berdasarkan teori semiotik dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Data dihimpun melalui observasi, dokumentasi, dan wawancara dengan informan. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan 13 simbol yang ditemukan di MSTB yang merepresentasikan filsafat Islam dan Jawa, khususnya dalam aktivitas spiritual. MSTB merupakan situs wisata Banyumas yang menjanjikan untuk terus dikembangkan sebagai warisan budaya.

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  • Authors: Martono, Galih Hendro; SN, Azhari;

    Research related schema matching has been conducted since last decade. Few approach related schema matching has been conducted with various methods such as neuron network, feature selection, constrain based, instance based, linguistic, and so on. Some field used schema matching as basic model such as e-commerce, e-business and data warehousing. Implementation of linguistic approach itself has been used a long time with various problem such as to calculated entity similarity values in two or more schemas. The purpose of this paper was to provide an overview of previous studies related to the implementation of the linguistic approach in the schema matching and finding gap for the development of existing methods. Futhermore, this paper focused on measurement of similarity in linguistic approach in schema matching.

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  • Authors: Rina Marliana;

    Convicts Life In James Tucker's The Adventures Of Ralph Rashleigh. Convicts transported from Britain to Australia are one of historical phenomenon. This research is aimed to describe the convicts life in the late eighteenth century to early nineteenth century in Australia as illustrated in The Adventures of Ralph Rashleigh by James Tucker. This research was a descriptive qualitative research. The data were collected by using library research and it was analyzed by applying sociological approach proposed by Swingewood (1972) who revealed three classifications of sociology of literature. In this case, the researcher focused on the classification of sociology as the mirror of age. The result of this research showed that the convicts alive harshly in Australia where the flogging was a common punishment for them

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  • Authors: Salleh, Kamarudin;

    Pembahasan dalam tulisan singkat ini terdiri dari tiga bagian utama. Bagian pertama akan membahas dengan singkat asal usul bahasa Arab dan datangnya agama Islam sebagai awal yang penting dalam membentuk dan mengkaji bahasa Arab. Bagian kedua akan membahas tentang Perubahan dan pembaharuan sejarah dalam bahasa Arab selama periode awal Islam (sastra Arab) dan periode pertengahan, dalam arti yang luas, meliputi perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan sikap para cendikiawan pada saat itu. Dan pada bagian akhir, untuk memperoleh secara utuh permasalahan modern dari Perubahan dan pembaharuan bahasa Arab tersebut, dua sarjana kontemporer Timur Tengah dipilih untuk memberi komentar terhadap masalah ini.

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  • Authors: Ulfa, Y. (Yuniarti); Yu, E. H. (Evonne); Kit, O. C. (Ooi);

    Nenering Formation is essentially made up of semi-consolidated sediments, which are divided into basal conglomerate beds, conglomeratic sandstone, cross-bedded sandstone, and siltstone to muddy layers facies. It is overlie unconformable to the Berapit Formation, but conformable to the Kroh and Grik Formations. The stratigraphy of Nenering Formation is a fining upwards sequence where the thickness of conglomerate beds become thinner upwards and become thicker for conglomeratic sandstone. The thickness varies from 0.5 m to tenths of meters. The more sandy in the upper portion (cross-bedded sandstone) overlie with thin siltstone and mudstone facies. The clast and grain composition suggested that the material making up the sedimentary sequence were derived predominantly from the erosion of granitoid rocks and sedimentary and metamorphic rocks constitute a minor provenance. Imbrications and the trend sizes of clasts indicate that the palaeo-current flow toward northeast. Cross bedding that was found in conglomerate and sandstone indicates the main channel depositional environment. The sequence stratigraphy of this area match with the Saskatchewan fluvial braided channel model. Formasi Nenering tersusun atas sedimen semi-terkonsolidasi yang terdiri atas lapisan basal konglomerat, batupasir konglomeratik, batupasir berlapisan silang siur, batulanau hingga fasies berlapisan lempung. Formasi Nenering terletak tidak selaras di atas Formasi Berapit, tetapi terletak selaras di atas Formasi Kroh dan Formasi Grik. Stratigrafi Formasi Nenering adalah menghalus ke atas, dimana ketebalan batuan konglomerat semakin menipis ke arah atas, sedangkan batupasir konglomeratik menjadi menebal ke arah atas. Ketebalan perlapisan berkisar pada 0,5 meter hingga puluhan meter. Komposisi pasir yang lebih dominan pada bagian atas (batupasir silang siur) terletak di atas fasies lapisan tipis batulanau dan batulempung. Komposisi butiran dan klastika menunjukkan bahwa material yang menyusun sekuen sedimen didominasi berasal dari erosi batuan granitik, batuan sedimen dan sedikit dari batuan metamorf. Indikasi imbrikasi dan kecenderungan Perubahan ukuran material klastika menunjukkan bahwa aliran arus purba mengarah ke timur laut, sedangkan perlapisan silang siur pada batuan konglomerat dan batupasir mengindikasikan lingkungan pengendapan berupa sungai. Sekuen stratigrafi di daerah ini sesuai dengan model lingkungan pengendapan sungai teranyam fluvial Saskatchewan.

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  • Authors: Basuki, R. (Ribut);

    Melodrama reflects and constructs ideology. In American melodrama, the dominant social group imposed its ideology by constructing the standard American identity and its opposite through the heroes and villains. In the four plays discussed, the standard is pictured through the heroes in terms of their ability to get financial success, their acceptance of the Protestant moral codes, and their being white. Thus, in the world of melodrama people of color as well as financially deprived people are marginalized.

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  • Authors: Ulfa, Y. (Yuniarti); Sapari, N. (Nasiman); Harith, Z. Z. (Zuhar);

    This study was conducted on the sedimentary rocks belonging to the Miri Formation (Middle – Late Miocene). The primary objective of the present study is to provide additional interpretation on the stratigraphy of the Miri Formation in the Miri Field based on the new information gathered from new outcrops in the area. Five outcrops were examined in detail on sedimentology and stratigraphy. Based on lithology, sedimentary structures, bedding geometry and traces fossil, the sediments of the Miri Formation were grouped into fourteen lithofacies. Influence of tide and storm during the depositional processes of the formation were indicated by the group of two main facies associations which are: (i) tide-dominated estuary; and (ii) wave-and-storm dominated facies associations. The tide-dominated estuary system of the Miri Formation are includes variety of sub environments: estuary mouth or tidal channel and sand bars (characterized by trough cross-stratified sandstone with mud drapes facies), estuary channel or upper flow regime of sand flat (characterized by parallel stratified sandstone with mud-laminas facies), mixed-tidal flat (characterized by wavy and flaser bedded sandstone facies), and mud-tidal flat (characterized by rhythmic stratified sandstone-mudstone and lenticular bedding facies). The wave-and-storm dominated varied from lower to middle shoreface (characterized by hummocky cross-stratified sandstone and rhythmic parallel stratified sandstone and laminated siltstone facies), upper shoreface (characterized by swaley cross-stratified sandstone), lower shoreface (interbedded to bioturbated sandstone and siltstone facies), and offshore transitional (characterized by bioturbated sandstone and mudstone interbedding with parallel to hummocky cross-stratified sandstone facies). Penelitian ini dilakukan pada batuan sedimen penyusun Formasi Miri (Miosen Tengah - Akhir). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan interpretasi tambahan pada stratigrafi Formasi Miri di Lapangan Miri berdasarkan informasi baru yang dikumpulkan dari singkapan batuan baru di daerah tersebut. Lima singkapan tersebut diteliti secara rinci berdasarkan aspek sedimentologi dan stratigrafi. Berdasarkan litologi, struktur sedimen, geometri perlapisan dan fosil jejak, sedimen penyusun Formasi Miri dikelompokkan ke dalam empat belas litofasies. Pengaruh pasang surut dan badai selama proses pengendapan formasi diindikasikan dari adanya dua kelompok gabungan fasies utama antara lain: (i) didominasi oleh pasang-surut muara, dan (ii) didominasi oleh gabungan fasies gelombang dan badai. Sistem yang didominasi pasang surut muara pada Formasi Miri meliputi variasi sub-lingkungan: mulut muara atau alur pasang surut, dan gosong sungai (dicirikan oleh fasies batupasir dengan perlapisan saling silang dengan lempung yang mengapung), alur muara atau rezim aliran bagian atas dari dataran pasir (dicirikan oleh fasies batupasir berlapis paralel dengan lumpur berlapis), campuran pasang surut normal (dicirikan oleh fasies batupasir berlapis), dan lumpur pasang surut normal (dicirikan oleh fasies batupasir berlapis ritmik-batulumpur dan perlapisan lenticular). Dominasi pengaruh gelombang dan badai bervariasi dari rendah ke menengah (dicirikan oleh fasies batupasir berlapis silang yang hummocky dan batupasir berlapis paralel berulang dan batulanau berlapis), muka pantai bagian atas (dicirikan oleh batupasir berlapis silang yang swaley), muka pantai bagian bawah (fasies batupasir dan batulanau yang bersisipan sampai bioturtbasi), dan transisi lepas pantai (dicirikan oleh fasies batupasir bioturbasi dan batulumpur yang bersisipan dengan batupasir berlapis paralel sampai berlapis silang yang hummocky).

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  • Authors: Abdul Latif, Siti Waznah; Matzin, R. (Rohani); Jawawi, R. (Rosmawijah); Mahadi, M. A. (Mar); +3 Authors

    This study investigated the effectiveness in implementing the Flipped Classroom model in teaching History and to identify the students' perceptions using this approach towards their learning. The chosen History topic was on ‘James Brooke's activities in Sarawak in the 1840s'. The sample consisted of twelve students from two Year 9 classes in one of the secondary schools in Brunei Darussalam. In adopting the Flipped Classroom approach, the students were required to watch a video lesson outside the classroom setting. To measure its effectiveness, a test instrument was used, and five students were interviewed. The findings revealed that the utilisation of this instructional method was effective in teaching History, as there were improvements in the students' test results. The analyses of the students' perceptions using this approach revealed that while some students believed that it helped them improve in their communication and writing skills, others did not perceive it effective for their learning.

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  • Authors: Karmilah, Mila; Nuryanti, Wiendu; Soewarno, Nindyo; Setiawan, Bakti;

    The increase in both industrialization and tourism in Kasongan village famous with its pottery being the tourism Village since 1988, radically altered the local economy and domestic life. Based on oral history, survey, and documentary sources, this paper examine the impact of economics globalization to the diversity of culture in Kasongan. Globalization has two faces. If it can be managed properly, globalization can certainly give sufficient benefit to the country. The result of study indicated that pasedhuluran kinship systems in pottery production chain as one of social capital in socio-economic development in Kasongan, play an important role. This can be seen in terms of hiring local labor, then the pottery associated with the ordering system, and the use of the showroom to promote their pottery. Based on this note that the negative impact of globalization, especially the pottery in Kasongan indsutry can be minimized by pasedhuluran system. Peningkatan industrialisasi dan pariwisata di Desa Kasongan yang terkenal dengan kerajinan gerabah yang telah berkembang sejak tahun 1972 dan menjadi desa wisata pada tahun 1988, secara radikal telah mengubah ekonomi lokal dan kehidupan masyarakat di desa tersebut. Berdasarkan wawancara terkait sejarah, survei, dan sumber-sumber dokumenter lainnya, maka tulisan ini akan mengkaji dampak globalisasi ekonomi terhadap keragaman budaya masyarakat setempat. Globalisasi memiliki dua sisi. Jika globalisasi dapat dikelola dengan baik, maka globalisasi dapat memberikan manfaat yang cukup baik bagi negara. Namun, jika suatu negara tidak dapat beradaptasi dan menentukan strategi yang perlu diterapkan dalam rangka menghadapi globalisasi, negara akan menjadi korban dari globalisasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pasedhuluran adalah sistem kekerabatan di rantai produksi kegiatan produksi gerabah. Pasedhuluran sebagai salah satu modal sosial dalam pembangunan sosial-ekonomi di Kasongan, memainkan peranan yang penting. Hal ini terlihat dalam sistem tenaga kerja, dimana sebagian besar merupakan keluarga. Selain sistem tenaga kerja pasedhulran juga terlihat pada sistem pemesanan (order gerabah), dan menggunakan showroom sebagai tempat mempromosikan gerabah mereka. Berdasarkan studi ini diketahui bahwa dampak globalisasi dapat diminimalisir dengan adanya sistem kekerabatan (pasedhuluran).

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