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  • image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
    Authors: Rautiola, Essi;

    Tutkielma käsittelee New Yorkin kaupungin kaavoituslainsäädännön kerrosneliöbonusjärjestelmää sekä sen synnyttämiä yksityisomisteisia julkisia tiloja ja niiden tilallista laatua nykyisten ihanteiden valossa. Esimerkkitiloina käytetään Manhattanin keskikaupungille kuuden korttelin alueelle sijoittuvaa kymmenen sisä- ja ulkotilan sarjaa. Kerrosneliöbonusjärjestelmä on ollut osa kaupungin kaavoituslainsäädäntöä vuodesta 1961 alkaen ja liittyy olennaisesti New Yorkin kaupungin korkean rakentamisen perinteisiin. Se on mahdollistanut ylimääräisten kerrosneliömetrien rakentamisen tornitaloihin yli asemakaavassa määritellyn neliömääräkaton tiiviin rakentamisen sallivilla alueilla vastineeksi julkisen sisä- tai ulkotilan avaamisesta samalle tontille. Tarjoamalla yhden julkitilaneliömetrin rakennuttaja on parhaimmillaan saanut rakentaa pilvenpiirtäjäänsä kymmenen kerrosneliömetriä lisää tilaa. Käytännössä tornitalot ovat näin nousseet kaavan normaalitilanteessa sallimaa korkeammiksi. Järjestelmän turvin on tähän mennessä rakennettu yli 500 eri kokoista julkista tilaa yli 300 eri kohteeseen ja se on myös tuottanut noin 1,5 miljoonaa lisäkerrosneliömetriä kaupungin, lähinnä Manhattanin alueen, pilvenpiirtäjiin. Kaavoituslainsäädäntö määrittelee 14 erilaista tilatyyppiä, joita kaikkia koskevat eri suunnitteluohjeet ja joista jokaisesta tarjoutuu erikokoinen bonus. Sekä sallitut tilatyypit, niistä tarjoutuvan bonuksen suuruus että niiden suunnitteluohjeet ovat vuosien saatossa muuttuneet useampaan kertaan. Tilat voivat esimerkiksi olla erilaisia aukioita, atriumeja, katettuja jalkakäytävän levennyksiä tai erilaisia ulkona tai sisällä kulkevia reittejä tontin ja sillä sijaitsevan rakennuksen halki. Etenkin osa läpikulkureiteistä on kaupungin tiettyihin kortteleihin jalankulun helpottamiseksi määräämiä edellytyksenä rakennusluvan myöntämiselle. Näistä pakollisista läpikulkureiteistä vain osa on kerryttänyt bonuksia rakentajilleen. Esimerkkeinä käsiteltävistä tiloista kuusi muodostaa kortteleita halkovan, vuoroin ulko-, vuoroin sisätilassa kulkevan kävelykadun nimeltä Sixth-and-a-Half Avenue Manhattanin kuudennen ja seitsemännen avenuen välille, loput neljä tilaa taas muodostavat vaihtoehtoisia läpikulkuja tälle vuonna 2012 jalkakäytävillä yhteen liitetylle reitille. Tilat on rakennettu pääasiallisesti 1980- ja 1990-lukujen aikana ja osa niistä on uudistettu viimeisten kymmenen vuoden sisällä. Mukana on niin neliöbonuksia tuoneita kuin pakotettujakin tiloja. Osa niistä tarjoaa käyttäjilleen taukopaikkoja, osa on tarkoitettu vain nopeaan läpikulkuun, osa liittyy kiinteästi tontilla sijaitsevien pilvenpiirtäjien toimintoihin, osa on muista toiminnoista täysin irrallisia, osa on auki aina, osa suljetaan työpäivän päättyessä. Yhteistä kaikille tiloille on se, että vaikka ne sijaitsevat yksityisellä tonttimaalla, ei tonttien haltijoilla ole oikeutta rajoittaa niiden käyttöä, muuten kuin kaupungin määrittämien säännösten puitteissa. Yhteistä on myös se, että tiloille rakennusluvan myöntämisen yhteydessä määritellyt suunnittelu- ja ylläpito-ohjeet ja -rajoitukset pätevät siihen asti, että tontilla sijaitseva rakennus puretaan. Koska tällaiset yksityisomisteiset mutta silti julkiset, kaikille avoimet ulko- ja sisätilat muodostavat merkittävät osan New Yorkin kaupungin julkitilasta, on perusteltua käsitellä myös niiden tilallista laatua kaupunkilaisen tai kaupungissa vierailevan turistin näkökulmasta. Ovatko ne nykyisin hyväksi ymmärrettyä kaupunkitilaa ja jos eivät, miten niitä voisi kehittää, miten ne parantavat jalkaisin liikkuvan ihmisen kokemusta kaupungista, ja ovatko ne todella kaikkien kaupunkilaisten käytettävissä? Laatua tarkastellaan toisaalta kaupungin itse itselleen asettamien tavoitteiden, toisaalta tunnustettujen kaupunkitutkijoiden kuten William H. Whyten, Jan Gehlin ja Jeff Speckin tai American Institute of Architectsin New Yorkin osaston teesien kautta. Arvioinnissa hyödynnetään myös Sixth-and-a-Half Avenuesta muutaman viime vuoden aikana ilmestyneitä lehtiartikkeleita ja kirjoittajan omakohtaista kokemusta tiloista. Tutkielma onkin syntynyt osin juuri näissä käsittelemissään tiloissa. This thesis talks about the zoning bonus system in New York City and the privately owned public spaces created as part of this system. It also reflects on the spatial quality of the existing spaces. The concept of privately owned public space is discussed with the help of ten indoor and outdoor spaces located within a 6-city-block area in Midtown Manhattan. The zoning bonus system, officially called incentive zoning, was introduced in the 1961 New York City Zoning Resolution. It is a logical continuation to the development of the skyscrapers in the first half of the 20th century and the need to regulate their height and volume, and to secure light and air at street level in a skyscraper intensive city. The bonus system has made it possible to add square meters to those skyscrapers that have already reached the zoning district specific top limit in exchange for the provision of indoor or outdoor public space on the zoning lot. The bonus has varied between three and ten square meters of additional space for each square meter of public space provided. In practice this means that the developers have been able to build taller towers than the base floor area ratio for the zoning lot would otherwise permit. All in all, more than 500 privately owned public spaces have been built since 1961 at more than 300 locations in New York City and especially Manhattan. The built bonused floor area adds up to approximately 1.5 million square meters. The Zoning Resolution and its amendments define 14 different types of privately owned public space that all have their own specific design guidelines and that all have provided the developers with different sized floor area bonuses. The permitted types of space, the sizes of the bonuses, the design guidelines, as well as the permit processes have all varied within the past 50 years. The privately owned public spaces can be different kinds of plazas, atriums, covered sidewalk widenings, arcades or various types of indoor or outdoor routes through the host buildings. In some parts of Manhattan the City of New York has mandated the provision of these public through-block connections. In some case the bonuses have been withheld. Six of the ten spaces discussed here form a 6-block-long mid-block pedestrian passageway called Sixth-and-a-Half Avenue, the other four spaces form two variants to the named route. In 2012 the route located between 6th and 7th Avenues was formalized with the help of street signs and connecting crosswalks. Most of the spaces forming the route and its variants have been built in the 1980’s and the 1990’s with some having been renovated within the past ten years. Of these spaces some have been mandated, some have brought bonuses to their developers. Some offer places to sit, some are only meant for quick walk-throughs. Some are tightly linked to the functions of their host buildings, some are separate corridors. Some are always open, some close at the end of the business day. What is similar to all the spaces is that even if they are located on private property, the property owners cannot control the use or the users of the spaces except for within the City-specified rules of conduct and opening hours. Another shared aspect is that all the spaces will need to follow the design and maintenance guidelines valid at the time the host buildings received their building permits up until the buildings are demolished or a renovation permit is applied for. As these kinds of privately owned but publicly accessible indoor and outdoor spaces constitute a remarkable share of the public space available in New York City, it is worth studying their spatial quality from the points of view of the possible user groups. Can they be understood as good quality urban public space according to current standards? If not, how could they be developed further? How do they improve the walkability of the city? Are they really open to all? These questions are discussed in regards to the current urban policies of the City of New York, as well as the theses of acknowledged urbanists such as William H. Whyte, Jan Gehl and Jeff Speck. In addition to the existing research, the spatial qualities are also evaluated on the basis of some recent newspaper articles on Sixth-and-Half Avenue, and on-site observation. Parts of the thesis have actually been written within the actual privately owned public spaces discussed while observing other users.

    image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos HELDA - Digital Repo...arrow_drop_down
    image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
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      image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos HELDA - Digital Repo...arrow_drop_down
      image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
  • image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
    Authors: Kang, Taize;

    Story generation is an artificial intelligence task in which a computer program is used to create literature or stories. This kind of task usually involves giving an initial scene, characters, background information and goals, and then letting the computer program automatically generate a storyline and complete the narrative of the story. Transformers are widely used and achieved state of the art for many different natural language processing tasks, including story generation. With the help of attention mechanism, transforms can overcome overfittting and achieved great results. Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) series are one of the best transformers, which attract many researchers. In this thesis, transformer models are used to design and implement a machine learning method for the generation of very short stories. By introducing a commonsense knowledge base and a rule generator based on it, the models can learn the relationships between context and generate coherent narratives. By given the first sentence of the story as the input, the model can complete the story. The model is based on GPT-2 model and COINS. The dataset used is a collection of short stories. By comparing with the generated results of different models in many aspects, we proved the effectiveness of the model. In addition, the compared results are analyzed to find the potential optimization methods.

    image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos HELDA - Digital Repo...arrow_drop_down
    image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
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      image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos HELDA - Digital Repo...arrow_drop_down
      image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
  • image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
    Authors: Marila, Marko;

    In this master s thesis, I have discussed the question of authenticity in postprocessual archaeology. Modern archaeology is a product of the modern world, and postprocessual archaeology in turn is strongly influenced by postmodernism. The way authenticity has been understood in processual archaeology is largely dictated by the modern condition. The understanding of authenticity in postprocessual archaeology, however, rests on notions of simulation and metaphor. It has been argued by postprocessual archaeologists that the past can be experienced by metaphor, and that the relationship between now and then is of a metaphorical kind. In postprocessual archaeology, authenticity has been said to be contextual. This view has been based on a contextualist understanding of the meanings of language and metaphor. I argue that, besides being based on metaphor, authenticity is a conventional attribute based on habits of acting, which in turn have their basis in the material world and the materiality of objects. Authenticity is material meaning, and that meaning can be found out by studying the objects as signs in a chain of signification called semiosis. Authenticity therefore is semiosis. Tässä pro gradu -tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan autenttisuuden käsitteen teoreettisia käyttötapoja arkeologiassa. Työ jakautuu autenttisuuden käsitteen filosofisia juuria tarkastelevaan osaan sekä varsinaiseen arkeologian teorian tarkasteluun kirjallisuuden pohjalta. Nykyaikainen tieteellinen arkeologia on modernin yhteiskunnan tuote, jonka tavoite on systemaattinen ja objektiivinen tutkimus. Niin sanottu postprosessuaalinen arkeologia puolestaan on saanut vaikutteensa postmodernismista. Siksi viimeaikaisessa arkeologiassa on haluttu painottaa objektiivisen tiedon mahdottomuutta ja menneisyydestä tehtävien monien tulkintojen oikeellisuutta. Postprosessuaalinen arkeologia on yksilön arkeologiaa. Tavoite tutkia yksilöä on modernin yksilöajattelun ja tietynlaisen eksistentialismin innoittamaa. Postmoderni haluttomuus uskoa suuriin kertomuksiin on osaltaan johtanut menneen yksilön tutkimiseen, mutta myös menneisyyden tutkimisen moniäänisyyteen. Yksi postprosessualismin tavoitteista on siksi ollut hälventää tieteellisen arkeologian ja muun yhteiskunnan välillä vallitsevaa kuilua. Jotkut arkeologit ovatkin nähneet tieteenalansa olevan pohjimmiltaan populaaria arkeologiaa, jonka tehtävä on hyödyttää yhteiskuntaa. Postmodernismissa suositut simulaation ja hypertodellisuuden käsitteet ovat vaikuttaneet myös viimeaikaiseen arkeologian teoriaan. Siksi postprosessualistisessa arkeologiassa on hylätty ajatus autenttisista esineistä ja autenttisesta menneisyydestä. Menneisyys on haluttu nähdä erottamattomana osana nykyhetkeä, jossa kaikki esineet ovat kopioita ja todellisuus simulaatiota. Postprosessuaalisessa arkeologiassa menneisyyden merkitykset ovat arbitraarisia representaatioita nykyhetkessä, ja menneisyys voidaan kokea ainoastaan metaforisesti. Menneisyyden merkitykset voidaan siis kokea monella tavalla kontekstista riippuen. Tästä syystä myös autenttisuus on ymmärretty kontekstuaaliseksi. Autenttisuuden käsittäminen kontekstuaalisena on kuitenkin perustunut kontekstualistiselle käsitykselle kielen ja metaforan merkityksistä. Tässä tutkimuksessa osoitetaan, että metaforinen autenttisuus on konventionaalista ja voidaan kokea usealla tavalla samassa kontekstissa. Konventiot perustuvat toiminnan tavalle, jonka perusta on materiaalisessa maailmassa, jatkuvuudellisuudessa ja historiallisuudessa. Materiaalisen maailman objektit ovat osa sosiaalista mediaatiota ja merkityksenmuodostumista, joka perustuu merkkien ja niiden tulkitsemisen muodostamalle ketjulle eli semiosikselle. Autenttisuus on siis semiosista.

    image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos HELDA - Digital Repo...arrow_drop_down
    image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
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      image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos HELDA - Digital Repo...arrow_drop_down
      image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
  • image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
    Authors: Rolamo, Jani;

    This thesis examines Japanese castle reconstructions in the Heisei (1989–2019) and Reiwa eras (2019–) and links them to the ideas of cultural heritage and authenticity in traditional architecture. Japanese castles are opportune for examining the development of the role of architecture in cultural heritage throughout history. The role of castles as symbols of authority and later as symbols of local culture and history has changed according to the fluctuations of time and the needs of the contemporary people and thoughts. After majority of the feudal castles were demolished during Japan’s modernization, there have been three distinctive “booms” during which castles have been reconstructed. In the post-war era, dozens of ahistorical concrete replicas of castles were rebuilt concrete as local town symbols, and to many they symbolized the rebuilding of post-war Japan. From the early 1990s, however, a new castle boom has taken place, with the reconstructions emphasizing on using wood and historical evidence. Most notable of these reconstruction projects is the Nagoya Castle reconstruction project, in which the post-war concrete castle tower is to be demolished and rebuilt from wood using original methods and historical plans. This thesis examines these reconstructions in contemporary Japan, aiming to understand how authenticity and cultural heritage are related to this ongoing boom. In this study, a country-wide visitor survey on 10 Japanese castle sites was conducted, supported by two expert interviews from supervisors of two Heisei era castle reconstructions in Ōzu and Kakegawa cities. The findings supported the hypothesis, which suggested that the current appeal of castles is linked not only to their symbolic value to the castle towns, but also their value as objects of cultural heritage. This is why “authentic”, wooden reconstructions are preferred, which was evident from the visitor surveys, as all the respondents favored wooden reconstructions over concrete ones. Furthermore, majority of the respondents wished for more authentic castle reconstructions to be built.

    image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos HELDA - Digital Repo...arrow_drop_down
    image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
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      image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos HELDA - Digital Repo...arrow_drop_down
      image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
  • image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
    Authors: Hämäläinen, Riina;

    The sex/gender model used in biological archaeologies to investigate human remains and past lives is one that relies on the epistemological and ontological separation of sex and gender. Despite this separation the model ends up treating these concepts synonymously due to the taken-for-granted binary nature of sex which in a deterministic manner eventuates into an equally binary gender. This thesis develops a theoretical framework for an archaeological concept of gender that operates without the division, binarism and determinism implicit in the sex/gender model. Pursuing answers to the questions whether it is possible to approach both sex and gender in archaeology in a nonbinary way, and if so, what is an archaeologically feasible alternative, it seeks to devise a method to approach sex and gender in mortuary archaeology beyond the deterministic binary. This thesis is firmly theory-oriented and the writings of various authors within the discipline of archaeology, feminism and queer studies comprise the necessary material. The theories pertaining to the field of feminism are intersectionality and queer theory, which eschew normativity and essentialism and call for gender diversity. Respective to archaeology, the theories influencing this thesis derive from new materialisms to whom the rejection of divisions and dichotomies is characteristic. In this regard, of particular note are the writings of new materialist and feminist theorist Karen Barad. Applying her theories concerning the relational, entangled and mutually constitutive nature of matter and meaning to the topic of sex and gender is central in devising a nonbinary new materialist perspective to be used for the purpose of a more open and inclusive mortuary archaeology. This thesis reveals that the dualistic division between nature and culture has resulted in a separate conceptual development and different strategies of engagement concerning sex and gender. The reason why sex is seen as a biological fact and gender as a cultural meaning proves false when both are affected equally by nature and culture, with the body serving as a nexus-point in which these two forces converge. Applying Barad’s insight reveals that binary sex is not an inherent quality of the body, but one that is produced through a scientific biomedical apparatus. Sex and gender exist in a state of inseparability when undetermined, but when subjected to a determination process, they become mutually exclusive phenomena, thereby disrupting sex-to-gender determinism. In their separate state, both are constitutive of matter and meaning, which is why gender made determined through intersectionality can be used to study gendered understandings through the materiality of the body, exempt from binary views. Analysing a topical bioarchaeological publication concerning a female Viking warrior through the approach that does not depend on the sex binary reveals that a scientific biomedical apparatus is subject to criticism on multiple fronts. Though the case study should be credited with rejecting gender role stereotypes, it demonstrates determinism and binarism as well as homogeneity and universalism in terms of categories. Failing to imagine possibilities beyond a fixed binary also results in the exclusion of alternate ways of knowing and being. The open-ended approach proposed in this thesis not only seeks to grant these possibilities opportunities to exist, but counsels cognisance towards the exclusions apparatuses enact. Embracing speculation, it also holds ambiguity and vagueness to be meaningful qualities pertaining to gendered archaeology. Regarding the mortuary setting, binary sex determinations need not be abandoned, but they should be used alongside this nonbinary approach.

    image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos HELDA - Digital Repo...arrow_drop_down
    image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
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      image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos HELDA - Digital Repo...arrow_drop_down
      image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
  • image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
    Authors: Becher, Tanja;

    This thesis proposes polyphonic interpretations of the short film Birds in the Earth (Eatnanvuloš Lottit, 2018) by Sámi artist Marja Helander. The thesis investigates and develops a method to decentralise the research of Sámi art conducted by non-Sámi art historian’s perspective. The artwork addresses discourses about the Sámi history, culture and current matters. This raises the question of which kind of interpretation a non-Sámi art historian can form employing traditional art historical methods such as researching literature. The thesis examines how including perspectives of Sámi interviewees influences the comprehension and therefore decentralises interpretations of Birds in the Earth. The base of this thesis lays in the tradition of art historical analysis and interpretation. Additions include writings on decolonisation and Indigenous art by Kerstin Knopf, the term of polyphonic history by Peter Burke and inter/view as exchange of gazes following Alessandro Portelli. In order to formulate decentralised interpretations, three open-ended interviews with Sámi spectators are conducted about their experience and understanding of the short film. Thoughts and stories articulated by the interviewees are woven into the interpretation which proceeds by the categories of choreography, costumes, props and scenography. With the short film as point of departure, Sámi discourses are discussed such as landownership, tourism and appropriation, togetherness with nature and Sámi identity. Input from the interviews is combined with research insights from literature, seminars and documentaries. Both the interviews and the art historical research are presented alongside each other without competing or excluding each other. Adding Sámi interviewees’ perspectives decreases the distance between a non-Sámi art historian’s interpretation and the Sámi artwork which would have formed through merely employing research from literature, seminars and documentaries. The interpretation is enriched and comes alive by the interviewees’ elaborated experiences. The decentralised and therefore decentralising narratives come closer to the substance of the artwork as the art historian is formulating while self-reflecting. This implicitly demands the acknowledgement of historical and cultural references of art history itself and a reflected positioning of the non-Sámi art historian’s role in relation to Sámi discourses alongside researching and writing. Developing the methodology of non-Sámi art historians writing about Sámi art proofs necessary and purposive due to the growing importance of and interest in Indigenous art.

    image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos HELDA - Digital Repo...arrow_drop_down
    image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
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      image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos HELDA - Digital Repo...arrow_drop_down
      image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
  • image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
    Authors: Ruotsala, Anni-Helena;

    Vaikka nykyaikaisia, konenäön (computer vision) alalla kehitettyjä fotogrammetrisia menetelmiä käytetään yleisesti rikostieteissä, niiden soveltuvuutta joukkohautakaivausten dokumentointiin ei ole arvioitu. Myöskään menetelmien tai niillä tuotetun aineiston hyväksyttävyyttä todisteena oikeudenkäynnissä ei ole määritetty. Fotogrammetria on kuitenkin monilta osin soveltuvampi menetelmä joukkohautojen dokumentointiin rikoskontekstissa kuin nykyisin käytettävä takymetrimittaus: Fotogrammetria on objektiivinen ja kajoamaton menetelmä, jonka avulla todistusaineiston sijainti ja ulkoinen olemus voidaan dokumentoida perusteellisesti ja tarkasti, vaarantamatta todistusaineiston koskemattomuutta (integrity of evidence). Lisäksi fotogrammetria on hyvin nopea kenttädokumentointimenetelmä, ja nykyisten Structure-from-Motion -tekniikoiden avulla kohteista voidaan luoda visuaalisesti tehokkaita, fotorealistisia kolmiulotteisia malleja miltei tai täysin automaattisesti. Tutkielman tavoitteena on määrittää fotogrammetrian soveltuvuus joukkohautakaivausten dokumentointiin rikoskontekstissa sekä fotogrammetrian ja fotogrammetrisesti tuotetun aineiston hyväksyttävyys todisteena oikeudenkäynnissä. Fotogrammetrian soveltuvuuden määrittämiseksi menetelmää testattiin simulaatiojoukkohautakaivauksella, jossa fotogrammetria ei kuulunut alkuperäiseen dokumentointisuunnitelmaan. Kaivausalueella sijaitsevat maakerrokset ja löydöt valokuvattiin, ja kuvista muodostettiin kolmiulotteiset mallit fotogrammetrisella Structure-from-Motion -tekniikalla. Kenttähavaintoja sekä luotuja pistepilviä ja kolmiulotteisia malleja verrattiin Yhdysvalloissa käytettäviin Daubert- ja Federal Rules of Evidence -standardeihin sekä siihen, miten niitä on sovellettu fotogrammetriaan ja fotogrammetriseen todistusaineistoon. Standardien mukaan oikeudenkäynnissä hyväksyttävän tieteellisen todistusaineiston tulee olla empiirisesti testattavissa, luotettavaa, perustua riittävään aineistoon ja faktoihin, sekä pohjautua luotettaviin tieteellisiin periaatteisiin ja menetelmiin, joita on sovellettu luotettavasti kyseessä olevaan tapaukseen. Tutkielman perusteella fotogrammetria kykenee, tietyin edellytyksin, täyttämään hyväksyttävälle todistusaineistolle asetetut laatuvaatimukset, ja siten soveltuu hyvin joukkohautojen dokumentointiin rikoskontekstissa. Fotogrammetria soveltuu myös saumattomasti joukkohautakaivausprosessiin, mikäli se sisällytetään kaivauksen dokumentointisuunnitelmaan ja valokuvat otetaan samanaikaisesti rikospaikkavalokuvien kanssa. Käytetyn fotogrammetrisen menetelmän ja sillä tuotetun aineiston hyväksyttävyys todisteena voidaan kuitenkin todentaa vasta, kun tuomioistuin on hyväksynyt tuotetun aineiston todisteeksi oikeudenkäynnissä.

    image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos HELDA - Digital Repo...arrow_drop_down
    image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
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      image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos HELDA - Digital Repo...arrow_drop_down
      image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
  • image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
    Authors: Hotti, Helmiina;

    Diagrams are a mode of communication that offers challenges for its computational processing. The challenges arise from the multimodal nature of diagrams. This means that diagrams combine several types of expressive resources to achieve their communicative purposes, such as textual elements, connective elements such as arrows and lines, and illustrations. Humans interpret diagrams by judging how these different expressive resources work together to reach the communicative goals set for the diagram. In order to do that, humans make inferences of the diagram layout and the implicit relations that exist between different parts of the diagram. In order to build computational methods for diagram understanding, large amounts of data annotated with these implicit relations is required. Traditionally, these types of discourse structure annotations have been annotated by experts, due to the difficulty of the task and the requirement that the annotator is familiar with the theoretical framework used for describing discourse relations. The chosen theory for modeling discourse relations in diagrams is Rhetorical Structure Theory, originally developed for modeling textual coherence but applicable to multimodal data as well. This thesis explores the possibility to gather discourse relation annotations for multimodal diagram data with crowdsourcing; employing naive workers on crowdsourcing platforms to complete annotation tasks for a monetary reward. Adapting the task of discourse relation annotation to be feasible for naive workers has been proven challenging by past research concerned with only textual data, and the multimodality of the data adds to the complexity of the task. This thesis presents a novel method for gathering multimodal discourse relation annotations using crowdsourcing and methods of natural language processing. Two approaches are explored: adopting an insertive annotation task where the workers are asked to describe the relationship between two diagram elements in their own words and adopting a multiple-choice task, converting the formal definitions of Rhetorical Structure Theory to understandable phrases to annotate with. Natural language processing is used in the first approach to validate the language and structure of the crowdsourced descriptions. The results of the first approach highlight the difficulty of the task: the workers show tendencies of relying heavily on example descriptions shown in the task instructions and difficulty of grasping the differences of the more fine-grained relations. The multiple-choice approach seems more promising, with annotation agreement with expert annotators higher than in previous research concerned with discourse relations in textual data. The manual inspection of the annotated diagrams show that the disagreement of the crowdworkers and expert annotators is often justifiable; both annotations represent a valid interpretation of the discourse relation. This highlights one of the main challenges of the task, which is the ambiguity of some of the relations. Future work is encouraged to consider this by adopting an approach that is less concerned with a pre-defined set of relations and more interested in how the different discourse relations are actually perceived.

    image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos HELDA - Digital Repo...arrow_drop_down
    image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
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      image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos HELDA - Digital Repo...arrow_drop_down
      image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
  • image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
    Authors: Vainikainen, Tommi;

    Tutkin tässä työssä mahdollisuutta laskea paineistetussa vesiputkistossa virranneen veden määrää muinaisessa Pompejissa säilyneiden arkeologisten jäännösten perusteella ja teen huomioita Pompejin vesijärjestelmän eri osien toiminnasta. Kuvailen soveltuvin osin antiikin kirjallisia alkuperäislähteitä sekä modernia tutkimushistoriaa. Teen yleiskatsauksen vesijärjestelmään Pompejissa ja esitän omia tulkintojani järjestelmän joidenkin osien toiminnasta. Näitä osia ovat päävesitorni, toissijaiset vesitornit ja lyijystä tehdyt vesiputkistot. Esitän perustelut virtauslaskujen tekemiseen sopivien testikohteiden valinnalle. Testikohteita ovat korttelit V1, IX 3 ja kaksi taloa korttelissa VII 4. Esitän yleisen kuvauksen kustakin korttelista ja yksityiskohtaisen kuvauksen taloista ja huoneista, joissa on vesiputkia. Kuvailen myös lyhyesti testikohteisiin liittyvät toissijaiset vesitornit, joita ovat vesitornit numero yksi, kaksi, kolme ja seitsemän. Kuvaan yksityiskohtaisesti mahdollisia putkilinjoja toissijaisista vesitorneista testikohteisiin ja esitän perustelut putkilinjojen valinnalle. Kuvailen lyhyesti fysikaalisia virtausopin kaavoja ja ainoastaan putkivirtauslaskelmien kannalta katsottuna. Esitän myös kaavan neljännen asteen yhtälölle, jonka kuvaaja, kun se on piirretty koordinaatistoon muistuttaa roomalaisten vesiputkien muotoa ja esitän syyt miksi tätä yhtälöä voi käyttää roomalaisten vesiputkien yhteydessä. Esitän kuvauksen putkivirtauslaskelmien kulusta ja esitän tuloksia edustavin osin. Lopuksi puhun laskelmiin liittyvistä ongelmista ja esitä suosituksia mahdollisia jatkotutkimuksia varten.

    image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos HELDA - Digital Repo...arrow_drop_down
    image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
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      image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos HELDA - Digital Repo...arrow_drop_down
      image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
  • image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
    Authors: Halonen, Lauha;

    This work stems from the various debates of the definition, authenticity and plurality of yoga traditions both among yoga practitioners and scholars. The work has two aims: to move away from these debates by constructing a new theoretical perspective, and to study yoga as a lived, non-ascetic practice in India because based on ethnography, because such ethnographic study has not been done properly. The material of this work is based on official field work in the city of Bangalore, in Karnātaka state, India, from the end of October 2005 towards the end of February 2006. This thesis then seeks to map the social reality of yoga as it existed in the mid 2000’s among the of middle-aged, middle-class Hindu practitioners. In this work, it is analyzed how they narrate yoga. Overview of yoga history is presented as a frame that both provides an intertextual library and guides interpretation as an authoritative voice of “past in the present”. Similarly, the traditional sources of authoritative knowledge in India, the Sanskritic textual canon and the institution of the guru are discussed. The yoga narratives gathered in Bangalore essentially informs the re-theorizing of yoga, shifting focus from tradition to knowledge. Knowledge is taken as the main analytical category of the discussion. The dialogic relationship of theory and practice is at the core this work which then translates into exploring yoga knowledge as two interconnected categories: objectified knowledge, that is theory and philosophy of yoga, and embodied knowledge, meaning not only the practiced techniques of yoga but essentially all yoga knowledge that is performed. Yoga classes and narratives are observed as knowledge performances. Lastly, practitioner narratives are analyzed by using the concepts of objectified and embodied knowledge, hierarchies of knowledge and participant roles in addition to exploring the narratives in their ethnographic context. As a result, the work concludes: each performance has the potential to integrate the theory and practice, and despite all the differences, all yoga is yoga.

    image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos HELDA - Digital Repo...arrow_drop_down
    image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
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      image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos HELDA - Digital Repo...arrow_drop_down
      image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
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  • image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
    Authors: Rautiola, Essi;

    Tutkielma käsittelee New Yorkin kaupungin kaavoituslainsäädännön kerrosneliöbonusjärjestelmää sekä sen synnyttämiä yksityisomisteisia julkisia tiloja ja niiden tilallista laatua nykyisten ihanteiden valossa. Esimerkkitiloina käytetään Manhattanin keskikaupungille kuuden korttelin alueelle sijoittuvaa kymmenen sisä- ja ulkotilan sarjaa. Kerrosneliöbonusjärjestelmä on ollut osa kaupungin kaavoituslainsäädäntöä vuodesta 1961 alkaen ja liittyy olennaisesti New Yorkin kaupungin korkean rakentamisen perinteisiin. Se on mahdollistanut ylimääräisten kerrosneliömetrien rakentamisen tornitaloihin yli asemakaavassa määritellyn neliömääräkaton tiiviin rakentamisen sallivilla alueilla vastineeksi julkisen sisä- tai ulkotilan avaamisesta samalle tontille. Tarjoamalla yhden julkitilaneliömetrin rakennuttaja on parhaimmillaan saanut rakentaa pilvenpiirtäjäänsä kymmenen kerrosneliömetriä lisää tilaa. Käytännössä tornitalot ovat näin nousseet kaavan normaalitilanteessa sallimaa korkeammiksi. Järjestelmän turvin on tähän mennessä rakennettu yli 500 eri kokoista julkista tilaa yli 300 eri kohteeseen ja se on myös tuottanut noin 1,5 miljoonaa lisäkerrosneliömetriä kaupungin, lähinnä Manhattanin alueen, pilvenpiirtäjiin. Kaavoituslainsäädäntö määrittelee 14 erilaista tilatyyppiä, joita kaikkia koskevat eri suunnitteluohjeet ja joista jokaisesta tarjoutuu erikokoinen bonus. Sekä sallitut tilatyypit, niistä tarjoutuvan bonuksen suuruus että niiden suunnitteluohjeet ovat vuosien saatossa muuttuneet useampaan kertaan. Tilat voivat esimerkiksi olla erilaisia aukioita, atriumeja, katettuja jalkakäytävän levennyksiä tai erilaisia ulkona tai sisällä kulkevia reittejä tontin ja sillä sijaitsevan rakennuksen halki. Etenkin osa läpikulkureiteistä on kaupungin tiettyihin kortteleihin jalankulun helpottamiseksi määräämiä edellytyksenä rakennusluvan myöntämiselle. Näistä pakollisista läpikulkureiteistä vain osa on kerryttänyt bonuksia rakentajilleen. Esimerkkeinä käsiteltävistä tiloista kuusi muodostaa kortteleita halkovan, vuoroin ulko-, vuoroin sisätilassa kulkevan kävelykadun nimeltä Sixth-and-a-Half Avenue Manhattanin kuudennen ja seitsemännen avenuen välille, loput neljä tilaa taas muodostavat vaihtoehtoisia läpikulkuja tälle vuonna 2012 jalkakäytävillä yhteen liitetylle reitille. Tilat on rakennettu pääasiallisesti 1980- ja 1990-lukujen aikana ja osa niistä on uudistettu viimeisten kymmenen vuoden sisällä. Mukana on niin neliöbonuksia tuoneita kuin pakotettujakin tiloja. Osa niistä tarjoaa käyttäjilleen taukopaikkoja, osa on tarkoitettu vain nopeaan läpikulkuun, osa liittyy kiinteästi tontilla sijaitsevien pilvenpiirtäjien toimintoihin, osa on muista toiminnoista täysin irrallisia, osa on auki aina, osa suljetaan työpäivän päättyessä. Yhteistä kaikille tiloille on se, että vaikka ne sijaitsevat yksityisellä tonttimaalla, ei tonttien haltijoilla ole oikeutta rajoittaa niiden käyttöä, muuten kuin kaupungin määrittämien säännösten puitteissa. Yhteistä on myös se, että tiloille rakennusluvan myöntämisen yhteydessä määritellyt suunnittelu- ja ylläpito-ohjeet ja -rajoitukset pätevät siihen asti, että tontilla sijaitseva rakennus puretaan. Koska tällaiset yksityisomisteiset mutta silti julkiset, kaikille avoimet ulko- ja sisätilat muodostavat merkittävät osan New Yorkin kaupungin julkitilasta, on perusteltua käsitellä myös niiden tilallista laatua kaupunkilaisen tai kaupungissa vierailevan turistin näkökulmasta. Ovatko ne nykyisin hyväksi ymmärrettyä kaupunkitilaa ja jos eivät, miten niitä voisi kehittää, miten ne parantavat jalkaisin liikkuvan ihmisen kokemusta kaupungista, ja ovatko ne todella kaikkien kaupunkilaisten käytettävissä? Laatua tarkastellaan toisaalta kaupungin itse itselleen asettamien tavoitteiden, toisaalta tunnustettujen kaupunkitutkijoiden kuten William H. Whyten, Jan Gehlin ja Jeff Speckin tai American Institute of Architectsin New Yorkin osaston teesien kautta. Arvioinnissa hyödynnetään myös Sixth-and-a-Half Avenuesta muutaman viime vuoden aikana ilmestyneitä lehtiartikkeleita ja kirjoittajan omakohtaista kokemusta tiloista. Tutkielma onkin syntynyt osin juuri näissä käsittelemissään tiloissa. This thesis talks about the zoning bonus system in New York City and the privately owned public spaces created as part of this system. It also reflects on the spatial quality of the existing spaces. The concept of privately owned public space is discussed with the help of ten indoor and outdoor spaces located within a 6-city-block area in Midtown Manhattan. The zoning bonus system, officially called incentive zoning, was introduced in the 1961 New York City Zoning Resolution. It is a logical continuation to the development of the skyscrapers in the first half of the 20th century and the need to regulate their height and volume, and to secure light and air at street level in a skyscraper intensive city. The bonus system has made it possible to add square meters to those skyscrapers that have already reached the zoning district specific top limit in exchange for the provision of indoor or outdoor public space on the zoning lot. The bonus has varied between three and ten square meters of additional space for each square meter of public space provided. In practice this means that the developers have been able to build taller towers than the base floor area ratio for the zoning lot would otherwise permit. All in all, more than 500 privately owned public spaces have been built since 1961 at more than 300 locations in New York City and especially Manhattan. The built bonused floor area adds up to approximately 1.5 million square meters. The Zoning Resolution and its amendments define 14 different types of privately owned public space that all have their own specific design guidelines and that all have provided the developers with different sized floor area bonuses. The permitted types of space, the sizes of the bonuses, the design guidelines, as well as the permit processes have all varied within the past 50 years. The privately owned public spaces can be different kinds of plazas, atriums, covered sidewalk widenings, arcades or various types of indoor or outdoor routes through the host buildings. In some parts of Manhattan the City of New York has mandated the provision of these public through-block connections. In some case the bonuses have been withheld. Six of the ten spaces discussed here form a 6-block-long mid-block pedestrian passageway called Sixth-and-a-Half Avenue, the other four spaces form two variants to the named route. In 2012 the route located between 6th and 7th Avenues was formalized with the help of street signs and connecting crosswalks. Most of the spaces forming the route and its variants have been built in the 1980’s and the 1990’s with some having been renovated within the past ten years. Of these spaces some have been mandated, some have brought bonuses to their developers. Some offer places to sit, some are only meant for quick walk-throughs. Some are tightly linked to the functions of their host buildings, some are separate corridors. Some are always open, some close at the end of the business day. What is similar to all the spaces is that even if they are located on private property, the property owners cannot control the use or the users of the spaces except for within the City-specified rules of conduct and opening hours. Another shared aspect is that all the spaces will need to follow the design and maintenance guidelines valid at the time the host buildings received their building permits up until the buildings are demolished or a renovation permit is applied for. As these kinds of privately owned but publicly accessible indoor and outdoor spaces constitute a remarkable share of the public space available in New York City, it is worth studying their spatial quality from the points of view of the possible user groups. Can they be understood as good quality urban public space according to current standards? If not, how could they be developed further? How do they improve the walkability of the city? Are they really open to all? These questions are discussed in regards to the current urban policies of the City of New York, as well as the theses of acknowledged urbanists such as William H. Whyte, Jan Gehl and Jeff Speck. In addition to the existing research, the spatial qualities are also evaluated on the basis of some recent newspaper articles on Sixth-and-Half Avenue, and on-site observation. Parts of the thesis have actually been written within the actual privately owned public spaces discussed while observing other users.

    image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos HELDA - Digital Repo...arrow_drop_down
    image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
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      image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos HELDA - Digital Repo...arrow_drop_down
      image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
  • image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
    Authors: Kang, Taize;

    Story generation is an artificial intelligence task in which a computer program is used to create literature or stories. This kind of task usually involves giving an initial scene, characters, background information and goals, and then letting the computer program automatically generate a storyline and complete the narrative of the story. Transformers are widely used and achieved state of the art for many different natural language processing tasks, including story generation. With the help of attention mechanism, transforms can overcome overfittting and achieved great results. Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) series are one of the best transformers, which attract many researchers. In this thesis, transformer models are used to design and implement a machine learning method for the generation of very short stories. By introducing a commonsense knowledge base and a rule generator based on it, the models can learn the relationships between context and generate coherent narratives. By given the first sentence of the story as the input, the model can complete the story. The model is based on GPT-2 model and COINS. The dataset used is a collection of short stories. By comparing with the generated results of different models in many aspects, we proved the effectiveness of the model. In addition, the compared results are analyzed to find the potential optimization methods.

    image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos HELDA - Digital Repo...arrow_drop_down
    image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
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    Authors: Marila, Marko;

    In this master s thesis, I have discussed the question of authenticity in postprocessual archaeology. Modern archaeology is a product of the modern world, and postprocessual archaeology in turn is strongly influenced by postmodernism. The way authenticity has been understood in processual archaeology is largely dictated by the modern condition. The understanding of authenticity in postprocessual archaeology, however, rests on notions of simulation and metaphor. It has been argued by postprocessual archaeologists that the past can be experienced by metaphor, and that the relationship between now and then is of a metaphorical kind. In postprocessual archaeology, authenticity has been said to be contextual. This view has been based on a contextualist understanding of the meanings of language and metaphor. I argue that, besides being based on metaphor, authenticity is a conventional attribute based on habits of acting, which in turn have their basis in the material world and the materiality of objects. Authenticity is material meaning, and that meaning can be found out by studying the objects as signs in a chain of signification called semiosis. Authenticity therefore is semiosis. Tässä pro gradu -tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan autenttisuuden käsitteen teoreettisia käyttötapoja arkeologiassa. Työ jakautuu autenttisuuden käsitteen filosofisia juuria tarkastelevaan osaan sekä varsinaiseen arkeologian teorian tarkasteluun kirjallisuuden pohjalta. Nykyaikainen tieteellinen arkeologia on modernin yhteiskunnan tuote, jonka tavoite on systemaattinen ja objektiivinen tutkimus. Niin sanottu postprosessuaalinen arkeologia puolestaan on saanut vaikutteensa postmodernismista. Siksi viimeaikaisessa arkeologiassa on haluttu painottaa objektiivisen tiedon mahdottomuutta ja menneisyydestä tehtävien monien tulkintojen oikeellisuutta. Postprosessuaalinen arkeologia on yksilön arkeologiaa. Tavoite tutkia yksilöä on modernin yksilöajattelun ja tietynlaisen eksistentialismin innoittamaa. Postmoderni haluttomuus uskoa suuriin kertomuksiin on osaltaan johtanut menneen yksilön tutkimiseen, mutta myös menneisyyden tutkimisen moniäänisyyteen. Yksi postprosessualismin tavoitteista on siksi ollut hälventää tieteellisen arkeologian ja muun yhteiskunnan välillä vallitsevaa kuilua. Jotkut arkeologit ovatkin nähneet tieteenalansa olevan pohjimmiltaan populaaria arkeologiaa, jonka tehtävä on hyödyttää yhteiskuntaa. Postmodernismissa suositut simulaation ja hypertodellisuuden käsitteet ovat vaikuttaneet myös viimeaikaiseen arkeologian teoriaan. Siksi postprosessualistisessa arkeologiassa on hylätty ajatus autenttisista esineistä ja autenttisesta menneisyydestä. Menneisyys on haluttu nähdä erottamattomana osana nykyhetkeä, jossa kaikki esineet ovat kopioita ja todellisuus simulaatiota. Postprosessuaalisessa arkeologiassa menneisyyden merkitykset ovat arbitraarisia representaatioita nykyhetkessä, ja menneisyys voidaan kokea ainoastaan metaforisesti. Menneisyyden merkitykset voidaan siis kokea monella tavalla kontekstista riippuen. Tästä syystä myös autenttisuus on ymmärretty kontekstuaaliseksi. Autenttisuuden käsittäminen kontekstuaalisena on kuitenkin perustunut kontekstualistiselle käsitykselle kielen ja metaforan merkityksistä. Tässä tutkimuksessa osoitetaan, että metaforinen autenttisuus on konventionaalista ja voidaan kokea usealla tavalla samassa kontekstissa. Konventiot perustuvat toiminnan tavalle, jonka perusta on materiaalisessa maailmassa, jatkuvuudellisuudessa ja historiallisuudessa. Materiaalisen maailman objektit ovat osa sosiaalista mediaatiota ja merkityksenmuodostumista, joka perustuu merkkien ja niiden tulkitsemisen muodostamalle ketjulle eli semiosikselle. Autenttisuus on siis semiosista.

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    Authors: Rolamo, Jani;

    This thesis examines Japanese castle reconstructions in the Heisei (1989–2019) and Reiwa eras (2019–) and links them to the ideas of cultural heritage and authenticity in traditional architecture. Japanese castles are opportune for examining the development of the role of architecture in cultural heritage throughout history. The role of castles as symbols of authority and later as symbols of local culture and history has changed according to the fluctuations of time and the needs of the contemporary people and thoughts. After majority of the feudal castles were demolished during Japan’s modernization, there have been three distinctive “booms” during which castles have been reconstructed. In the post-war era, dozens of ahistorical concrete replicas of castles were rebuilt concrete as local town symbols, and to many they symbolized the rebuilding of post-war Japan. From the early 1990s, however, a new castle boom has taken place, with the reconstructions emphasizing on using wood and historical evidence. Most notable of these reconstruction projects is the Nagoya Castle reconstruction project, in which the post-war concrete castle tower is to be demolished and rebuilt from wood using original methods and historical plans. This thesis examines these reconstructions in contemporary Japan, aiming to understand how authenticity and cultural heritage are related to this ongoing boom. In this study, a country-wide visitor survey on 10 Japanese castle sites was conducted, supported by two expert interviews from supervisors of two Heisei era castle reconstructions in Ōzu and Kakegawa cities. The findings supported the hypothesis, which suggested that the current appeal of castles is linked not only to their symbolic value to the castle towns, but also their value as objects of cultural heritage. This is why “authentic”, wooden reconstructions are preferred, which was evident from the visitor surveys, as all the respondents favored wooden reconstructions over concrete ones. Furthermore, majority of the respondents wished for more authentic castle reconstructions to be built.

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    Authors: Hämäläinen, Riina;

    The sex/gender model used in biological archaeologies to investigate human remains and past lives is one that relies on the epistemological and ontological separation of sex and gender. Despite this separation the model ends up treating these concepts synonymously due to the taken-for-granted binary nature of sex which in a deterministic manner eventuates into an equally binary gender. This thesis develops a theoretical framework for an archaeological concept of gender that operates without the division, binarism and determinism implicit in the sex/gender model. Pursuing answers to the questions whether it is possible to approach both sex and gender in archaeology in a nonbinary way, and if so, what is an archaeologically feasible alternative, it seeks to devise a method to approach sex and gender in mortuary archaeology beyond the deterministic binary. This thesis is firmly theory-oriented and the writings of various authors within the discipline of archaeology, feminism and queer studies comprise the necessary material. The theories pertaining to the field of feminism are intersectionality and queer theory, which eschew normativity and essentialism and call for gender diversity. Respective to archaeology, the theories influencing this thesis derive from new materialisms to whom the rejection of divisions and dichotomies is characteristic. In this regard, of particular note are the writings of new materialist and feminist theorist Karen Barad. Applying her theories concerning the relational, entangled and mutually constitutive nature of matter and meaning to the topic of sex and gender is central in devising a nonbinary new materialist perspective to be used for the purpose of a more open and inclusive mortuary archaeology. This thesis reveals that the dualistic division between nature and culture has resulted in a separate conceptual development and different strategies of engagement concerning sex and gender. The reason why sex is seen as a biological fact and gender as a cultural meaning proves false when both are affected equally by nature and culture, with the body serving as a nexus-point in which these two forces converge. Applying Barad’s insight reveals that binary sex is not an inherent quality of the body, but one that is produced through a scientific biomedical apparatus. Sex and gender exist in a state of inseparability when undetermined, but when subjected to a determination process, they become mutually exclusive phenomena, thereby disrupting sex-to-gender determinism. In their separate state, both are constitutive of matter and meaning, which is why gender made determined through intersectionality can be used to study gendered understandings through the materiality of the body, exempt from binary views. Analysing a topical bioarchaeological publication concerning a female Viking warrior through the approach that does not depend on the sex binary reveals that a scientific biomedical apparatus is subject to criticism on multiple fronts. Though the case study should be credited with rejecting gender role stereotypes, it demonstrates determinism and binarism as well as homogeneity and universalism in terms of categories. Failing to imagine possibilities beyond a fixed binary also results in the exclusion of alternate ways of knowing and being. The open-ended approach proposed in this thesis not only seeks to grant these possibilities opportunities to exist, but counsels cognisance towards the exclusions apparatuses enact. Embracing speculation, it also holds ambiguity and vagueness to be meaningful qualities pertaining to gendered archaeology. Regarding the mortuary setting, binary sex determinations need not be abandoned, but they should be used alongside this nonbinary approach.

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    Authors: Becher, Tanja;

    This thesis proposes polyphonic interpretations of the short film Birds in the Earth (Eatnanvuloš Lottit, 2018) by Sámi artist Marja Helander. The thesis investigates and develops a method to decentralise the research of Sámi art conducted by non-Sámi art historian’s perspective. The artwork addresses discourses about the Sámi history, culture and current matters. This raises the question of which kind of interpretation a non-Sámi art historian can form employing traditional art historical methods such as researching literature. The thesis examines how including perspectives of Sámi interviewees influences the comprehension and therefore decentralises interpretations of Birds in the Earth. The base of this thesis lays in the tradition of art historical analysis and interpretation. Additions include writings on decolonisation and Indigenous art by Kerstin Knopf, the term of polyphonic history by Peter Burke and inter/view as exchange of gazes following Alessandro Portelli. In order to formulate decentralised interpretations, three open-ended interviews with Sámi spectators are conducted about their experience and understanding of the short film. Thoughts and stories articulated by the interviewees are woven into the interpretation which proceeds by the categories of choreography, costumes, props and scenography. With the short film as point of departure, Sámi discourses are discussed such as landownership, tourism and appropriation, togetherness with nature and Sámi identity. Input from the interviews is combined with research insights from literature, seminars and documentaries. Both the interviews and the art historical research are presented alongside each other without competing or excluding each other. Adding Sámi interviewees’ perspectives decreases the distance between a non-Sámi art historian’s interpretation and the Sámi artwork which would have formed through merely employing research from literature, seminars and documentaries. The interpretation is enriched and comes alive by the interviewees’ elaborated experiences. The decentralised and therefore decentralising narratives come closer to the substance of the artwork as the art historian is formulating while self-reflecting. This implicitly demands the acknowledgement of historical and cultural references of art history itself and a reflected positioning of the non-Sámi art historian’s role in relation to Sámi discourses alongside researching and writing. Developing the methodology of non-Sámi art historians writing about Sámi art proofs necessary and purposive due to the growing importance of and interest in Indigenous art.

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    Authors: Ruotsala, Anni-Helena;

    Vaikka nykyaikaisia, konenäön (computer vision) alalla kehitettyjä fotogrammetrisia menetelmiä käytetään yleisesti rikostieteissä, niiden soveltuvuutta joukkohautakaivausten dokumentointiin ei ole arvioitu. Myöskään menetelmien tai niillä tuotetun aineiston hyväksyttävyyttä todisteena oikeudenkäynnissä ei ole määritetty. Fotogrammetria on kuitenkin monilta osin soveltuvampi menetelmä joukkohautojen dokumentointiin rikoskontekstissa kuin nykyisin käytettävä takymetrimittaus: Fotogrammetria on objektiivinen ja kajoamaton menetelmä, jonka avulla todistusaineiston sijainti ja ulkoinen olemus voidaan dokumentoida perusteellisesti ja tarkasti, vaarantamatta todistusaineiston koskemattomuutta (integrity of evidence). Lisäksi fotogrammetria on hyvin nopea kenttädokumentointimenetelmä, ja nykyisten Structure-from-Motion -tekniikoiden avulla kohteista voidaan luoda visuaalisesti tehokkaita, fotorealistisia kolmiulotteisia malleja miltei tai täysin automaattisesti. Tutkielman tavoitteena on määrittää fotogrammetrian soveltuvuus joukkohautakaivausten dokumentointiin rikoskontekstissa sekä fotogrammetrian ja fotogrammetrisesti tuotetun aineiston hyväksyttävyys todisteena oikeudenkäynnissä. Fotogrammetrian soveltuvuuden määrittämiseksi menetelmää testattiin simulaatiojoukkohautakaivauksella, jossa fotogrammetria ei kuulunut alkuperäiseen dokumentointisuunnitelmaan. Kaivausalueella sijaitsevat maakerrokset ja löydöt valokuvattiin, ja kuvista muodostettiin kolmiulotteiset mallit fotogrammetrisella Structure-from-Motion -tekniikalla. Kenttähavaintoja sekä luotuja pistepilviä ja kolmiulotteisia malleja verrattiin Yhdysvalloissa käytettäviin Daubert- ja Federal Rules of Evidence -standardeihin sekä siihen, miten niitä on sovellettu fotogrammetriaan ja fotogrammetriseen todistusaineistoon. Standardien mukaan oikeudenkäynnissä hyväksyttävän tieteellisen todistusaineiston tulee olla empiirisesti testattavissa, luotettavaa, perustua riittävään aineistoon ja faktoihin, sekä pohjautua luotettaviin tieteellisiin periaatteisiin ja menetelmiin, joita on sovellettu luotettavasti kyseessä olevaan tapaukseen. Tutkielman perusteella fotogrammetria kykenee, tietyin edellytyksin, täyttämään hyväksyttävälle todistusaineistolle asetetut laatuvaatimukset, ja siten soveltuu hyvin joukkohautojen dokumentointiin rikoskontekstissa. Fotogrammetria soveltuu myös saumattomasti joukkohautakaivausprosessiin, mikäli se sisällytetään kaivauksen dokumentointisuunnitelmaan ja valokuvat otetaan samanaikaisesti rikospaikkavalokuvien kanssa. Käytetyn fotogrammetrisen menetelmän ja sillä tuotetun aineiston hyväksyttävyys todisteena voidaan kuitenkin todentaa vasta, kun tuomioistuin on hyväksynyt tuotetun aineiston todisteeksi oikeudenkäynnissä.

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    Authors: Hotti, Helmiina;

    Diagrams are a mode of communication that offers challenges for its computational processing. The challenges arise from the multimodal nature of diagrams. This means that diagrams combine several types of expressive resources to achieve their communicative purposes, such as textual elements, connective elements such as arrows and lines, and illustrations. Humans interpret diagrams by judging how these different expressive resources work together to reach the communicative goals set for the diagram. In order to do that, humans make inferences of the diagram layout and the implicit relations that exist between different parts of the diagram. In order to build computational methods for diagram understanding, large amounts of data annotated with these implicit relations is required. Traditionally, these types of discourse structure annotations have been annotated by experts, due to the difficulty of the task and the requirement that the annotator is familiar with the theoretical framework used for describing discourse relations. The chosen theory for modeling discourse relations in diagrams is Rhetorical Structure Theory, originally developed for modeling textual coherence but applicable to multimodal data as well. This thesis explores the possibility to gather discourse relation annotations for multimodal diagram data with crowdsourcing; employing naive workers on crowdsourcing platforms to complete annotation tasks for a monetary reward. Adapting the task of discourse relation annotation to be feasible for naive workers has been proven challenging by past research concerned with only textual data, and the multimodality of the data adds to the complexity of the task. This thesis presents a novel method for gathering multimodal discourse relation annotations using crowdsourcing and methods of natural language processing. Two approaches are explored: adopting an insertive annotation task where the workers are asked to describe the relationship between two diagram elements in their own words and adopting a multiple-choice task, converting the formal definitions of Rhetorical Structure Theory to understandable phrases to annotate with. Natural language processing is used in the first approach to validate the language and structure of the crowdsourced descriptions. The results of the first approach highlight the difficulty of the task: the workers show tendencies of relying heavily on example descriptions shown in the task instructions and difficulty of grasping the differences of the more fine-grained relations. The multiple-choice approach seems more promising, with annotation agreement with expert annotators higher than in previous research concerned with discourse relations in textual data. The manual inspection of the annotated diagrams show that the disagreement of the crowdworkers and expert annotators is often justifiable; both annotations represent a valid interpretation of the discourse relation. This highlights one of the main challenges of the task, which is the ambiguity of some of the relations. Future work is encouraged to consider this by adopting an approach that is less concerned with a pre-defined set of relations and more interested in how the different discourse relations are actually perceived.

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    Authors: Vainikainen, Tommi;

    Tutkin tässä työssä mahdollisuutta laskea paineistetussa vesiputkistossa virranneen veden määrää muinaisessa Pompejissa säilyneiden arkeologisten jäännösten perusteella ja teen huomioita Pompejin vesijärjestelmän eri osien toiminnasta. Kuvailen soveltuvin osin antiikin kirjallisia alkuperäislähteitä sekä modernia tutkimushistoriaa. Teen yleiskatsauksen vesijärjestelmään Pompejissa ja esitän omia tulkintojani järjestelmän joidenkin osien toiminnasta. Näitä osia ovat päävesitorni, toissijaiset vesitornit ja lyijystä tehdyt vesiputkistot. Esitän perustelut virtauslaskujen tekemiseen sopivien testikohteiden valinnalle. Testikohteita ovat korttelit V1, IX 3 ja kaksi taloa korttelissa VII 4. Esitän yleisen kuvauksen kustakin korttelista ja yksityiskohtaisen kuvauksen taloista ja huoneista, joissa on vesiputkia. Kuvailen myös lyhyesti testikohteisiin liittyvät toissijaiset vesitornit, joita ovat vesitornit numero yksi, kaksi, kolme ja seitsemän. Kuvaan yksityiskohtaisesti mahdollisia putkilinjoja toissijaisista vesitorneista testikohteisiin ja esitän perustelut putkilinjojen valinnalle. Kuvailen lyhyesti fysikaalisia virtausopin kaavoja ja ainoastaan putkivirtauslaskelmien kannalta katsottuna. Esitän myös kaavan neljännen asteen yhtälölle, jonka kuvaaja, kun se on piirretty koordinaatistoon muistuttaa roomalaisten vesiputkien muotoa ja esitän syyt miksi tätä yhtälöä voi käyttää roomalaisten vesiputkien yhteydessä. Esitän kuvauksen putkivirtauslaskelmien kulusta ja esitän tuloksia edustavin osin. Lopuksi puhun laskelmiin liittyvistä ongelmista ja esitä suosituksia mahdollisia jatkotutkimuksia varten.

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  • image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
    Authors: Halonen, Lauha;

    This work stems from the various debates of the definition, authenticity and plurality of yoga traditions both among yoga practitioners and scholars. The work has two aims: to move away from these debates by constructing a new theoretical perspective, and to study yoga as a lived, non-ascetic practice in India because based on ethnography, because such ethnographic study has not been done properly. The material of this work is based on official field work in the city of Bangalore, in Karnātaka state, India, from the end of October 2005 towards the end of February 2006. This thesis then seeks to map the social reality of yoga as it existed in the mid 2000’s among the of middle-aged, middle-class Hindu practitioners. In this work, it is analyzed how they narrate yoga. Overview of yoga history is presented as a frame that both provides an intertextual library and guides interpretation as an authoritative voice of “past in the present”. Similarly, the traditional sources of authoritative knowledge in India, the Sanskritic textual canon and the institution of the guru are discussed. The yoga narratives gathered in Bangalore essentially informs the re-theorizing of yoga, shifting focus from tradition to knowledge. Knowledge is taken as the main analytical category of the discussion. The dialogic relationship of theory and practice is at the core this work which then translates into exploring yoga knowledge as two interconnected categories: objectified knowledge, that is theory and philosophy of yoga, and embodied knowledge, meaning not only the practiced techniques of yoga but essentially all yoga knowledge that is performed. Yoga classes and narratives are observed as knowledge performances. Lastly, practitioner narratives are analyzed by using the concepts of objectified and embodied knowledge, hierarchies of knowledge and participant roles in addition to exploring the narratives in their ethnographic context. As a result, the work concludes: each performance has the potential to integrate the theory and practice, and despite all the differences, all yoga is yoga.

    image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos HELDA - Digital Repo...arrow_drop_down
    image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
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      image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos HELDA - Digital Repo...arrow_drop_down
      image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos