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The following results are related to Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage. Are you interested to view more results? Visit OpenAIRE - Explore.

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  • Authors: Thurheimer, T. (Todd);

    Alabama University has sued artist Daniel Moore for trademark infringement over his use of the university's team colors and other indicia in his artwork. The Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit will be releasing a decision soon. This paper asserts that the inclusion of sports team trademarks in artwork is a functional use. Therefore, in addition to fair use and 1st amendment defenses, the functionality doctrine of trademark law protects such artists from being held liable for trademark infringement.

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  • Authors: Soeprobowati, Tri Retnaningsih; Suedy, Sri Widodo Agung; Gell, Peter;

    The natural mangrove ecosystems along the Northern Coast of Central Java were very limited in extent, even had replanted almost twenty years ago. Naturally, the upper layer of sediment are the latest deposition (superposition). Environmental condition recently are recorded in the top sediment layer, and can be used to reconstruct past condition (the present is the key to the past). The potential use of diatoms to reconstruct palaeoecology is well established. Diatoms are microscopic algae that form siliceous frustules which make them well preserved in sediment. Diatoms and their assemblages are very useful as integrated indicators of environmental changes because their distribution is closely linked to water quality parameters as well as their affinities to several physical habitats. This research was conducted in order to determine the changes of mangrove ecosystem in the Northern Coast of Central Java based on diatom stratigraphy. Sediment samples from mangrove sites were taken from Pekalongan, Brebes, Semarang, Demak and Rembang. Diatom analysis, consist of digestion, preparation, and identification. The diatom stratigraphy was performed by Software of C2 1.5.1. Stratigraphycally, the mangrove ecosystems along the Northern Coast of Central Java were previously more influenced by freshwater rather than the marine sources which dominate today.

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  • Authors: Zanten, W. V. (Wim);

    Collective representations of “time” do not passively reflect time, but time and space are mediated by society. By our social practices, such as making music and dancing, we create time. Different cultural groups may experience and perceive time in different ways, and also within one cultural group the quality of time is not always experienced in the same way. Anthropological studies have shown that in each cultural group different perceptions of time co-exist. For instance, time generally tends to be perceived as both a linear flow and as repetitive. We should not confuse metaphysical and sociological arguments about time: time in music and other performing arts operates at the social and not at the metaphysical level. The essay discusses a variety of social qualities of time and space as it becomes manifest in some performing arts of West Java and the implications for their safeguarding.

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  • Authors: Ulfa, Y. (Yuniarti); Sapari, N. (Nasiman); Harith, Z. Z. (Zuhar);

    This study was conducted on the sedimentary rocks belonging to the Miri Formation (Middle – Late Miocene). The primary objective of the present study is to provide additional interpretation on the stratigraphy of the Miri Formation in the Miri Field based on the new information gathered from new outcrops in the area. Five outcrops were examined in detail on sedimentology and stratigraphy. Based on lithology, sedimentary structures, bedding geometry and traces fossil, the sediments of the Miri Formation were grouped into fourteen lithofacies. Influence of tide and storm during the depositional processes of the formation were indicated by the group of two main facies associations which are: (i) tide-dominated estuary; and (ii) wave-and-storm dominated facies associations. The tide-dominated estuary system of the Miri Formation are includes variety of sub environments: estuary mouth or tidal channel and sand bars (characterized by trough cross-stratified sandstone with mud drapes facies), estuary channel or upper flow regime of sand flat (characterized by parallel stratified sandstone with mud-laminas facies), mixed-tidal flat (characterized by wavy and flaser bedded sandstone facies), and mud-tidal flat (characterized by rhythmic stratified sandstone-mudstone and lenticular bedding facies). The wave-and-storm dominated varied from lower to middle shoreface (characterized by hummocky cross-stratified sandstone and rhythmic parallel stratified sandstone and laminated siltstone facies), upper shoreface (characterized by swaley cross-stratified sandstone), lower shoreface (interbedded to bioturbated sandstone and siltstone facies), and offshore transitional (characterized by bioturbated sandstone and mudstone interbedding with parallel to hummocky cross-stratified sandstone facies). Penelitian ini dilakukan pada batuan sedimen penyusun Formasi Miri (Miosen Tengah - Akhir). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan interpretasi tambahan pada stratigrafi Formasi Miri di Lapangan Miri berdasarkan informasi baru yang dikumpulkan dari singkapan batuan baru di daerah tersebut. Lima singkapan tersebut diteliti secara rinci berdasarkan aspek sedimentologi dan stratigrafi. Berdasarkan litologi, struktur sedimen, geometri perlapisan dan fosil jejak, sedimen penyusun Formasi Miri dikelompokkan ke dalam empat belas litofasies. Pengaruh pasang surut dan badai selama proses pengendapan formasi diindikasikan dari adanya dua kelompok gabungan fasies utama antara lain: (i) didominasi oleh pasang-surut muara, dan (ii) didominasi oleh gabungan fasies gelombang dan badai. Sistem yang didominasi pasang surut muara pada Formasi Miri meliputi variasi sub-lingkungan: mulut muara atau alur pasang surut, dan gosong sungai (dicirikan oleh fasies batupasir dengan perlapisan saling silang dengan lempung yang mengapung), alur muara atau rezim aliran bagian atas dari dataran pasir (dicirikan oleh fasies batupasir berlapis paralel dengan lumpur berlapis), campuran pasang surut normal (dicirikan oleh fasies batupasir berlapis), dan lumpur pasang surut normal (dicirikan oleh fasies batupasir berlapis ritmik-batulumpur dan perlapisan lenticular). Dominasi pengaruh gelombang dan badai bervariasi dari rendah ke menengah (dicirikan oleh fasies batupasir berlapis silang yang hummocky dan batupasir berlapis paralel berulang dan batulanau berlapis), muka pantai bagian atas (dicirikan oleh batupasir berlapis silang yang swaley), muka pantai bagian bawah (fasies batupasir dan batulanau yang bersisipan sampai bioturtbasi), dan transisi lepas pantai (dicirikan oleh fasies batupasir bioturbasi dan batulumpur yang bersisipan dengan batupasir berlapis paralel sampai berlapis silang yang hummocky).

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  • Authors: Zn, H. T. (Hamzah);

    Research on the history of Islam and its dissemination on the island of Maluku have hitherto been lacking analytical depth. This paper tries to fill that gap by analysisng four stages in the development of Islam on the Island, referring to approaches to study Islam and Muslims. First, the stage of integration in which Islam tried to incorporate local values and their ramifications. Second, the stage of war and resistance in which the attempts of Islam to become the dominant power on the region face a strong confrontation from the existing power. Third, the stage of reformation and renewal in which Islam interrogates and evaluates itself so as to present itself within the context of Maluku. Fourth, the stage of modern era in which Islam faces challenges not only from other religions mainly Christianity which is equally strong on the island, but also from modernity and its narratives.

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  • Authors: Yohanes Hartadi;

    Outlaws in their various images have been important parts of history. In Australia, the longest lasting image of outlaws is the bushranger. Despite its popularity, there is a range of depictions of bushrangers and these are not necessarily similar. Interpretation of the bushrangers in colonial time differs from contemporary imagining. This papers aims at unfolding the various interpretations of the bushrangers in different periods in many types of artifact. Information was collected and interpreted by library research. The artifact analysis will be seen through a postmodernism theory by Michel Foucault and Roland Barthes. Since the phenomenon of bushranger stemmed from the colonial period, this study will commence from the period up to contemporary period. It can be concluded that a study of the different periods finds out that knowledge of the bushrangers does not make up a linear history, but rather a discontinuity in the historical narratives.

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  • Authors: Salleh, Kamarudin;

    Pembahasan dalam tulisan singkat ini terdiri dari tiga bagian utama. Bagian pertama akan membahas dengan singkat asal usul bahasa Arab dan datangnya agama Islam sebagai awal yang penting dalam membentuk dan mengkaji bahasa Arab. Bagian kedua akan membahas tentang Perubahan dan pembaharuan sejarah dalam bahasa Arab selama periode awal Islam (sastra Arab) dan periode pertengahan, dalam arti yang luas, meliputi perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan sikap para cendikiawan pada saat itu. Dan pada bagian akhir, untuk memperoleh secara utuh permasalahan modern dari Perubahan dan pembaharuan bahasa Arab tersebut, dua sarjana kontemporer Timur Tengah dipilih untuk memberi komentar terhadap masalah ini.

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  • Authors: Basuki, R. (Ribut);

    Melodrama reflects and constructs ideology. In American melodrama, the dominant social group imposed its ideology by constructing the standard American identity and its opposite through the heroes and villains. In the four plays discussed, the standard is pictured through the heroes in terms of their ability to get financial success, their acceptance of the Protestant moral codes, and their being white. Thus, in the world of melodrama people of color as well as financially deprived people are marginalized.

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  • Authors: Basuki, R. (Ribut);

    Melodrama has long been considered as a genre with no artistic value by theatre/drama historians. It is there to cater the tastes of the lower class or the popular society; thus, it is not a genre worthy of literary scholars. Through New Historicism lens, however, such a consideration is given by people with elitist point of view. As it is discussed in the following paper, melodrama has a lot to offer. It has been a genre with a lot of values attached to it since it's "birth" in France, its development in England, and maturation in the United States. Unlike the other genres, which are not free from values and biases, melodrama is more frank in delivering its messages.

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  • Authors: Wibawa, Samodra;

    The history of Nusantara was since 1600s broken down by the Europeans, so that it has developed not in a "natural" way, in which the governmental style in the independence Indonesia was always in the tendency to centralism, and this has demolished the individual and also local governmental creativities. To make Indonesia back to its "own" socio-political development, the author argues that the decentralisation policies were not satisfied enough and suggests four perspectives on the relation between Kabupaten-Province-State in the 21" century: firstly, the relationship between them should be based on the subsidiary principal, not hierarchical but co-operative, coordinative and many-sided; secondly, the election system should be districtly and the election of the governmental chefs directly; thirdly, the capital city of every governmental level should be moved each 15-20 years; and fourthly, every political actor should be educated so that s/he is od,ready to compromise and the bureaucracy (includes the army) should be professional and clean.

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The following results are related to Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage. Are you interested to view more results? Visit OpenAIRE - Explore.
  • Authors: Thurheimer, T. (Todd);

    Alabama University has sued artist Daniel Moore for trademark infringement over his use of the university's team colors and other indicia in his artwork. The Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit will be releasing a decision soon. This paper asserts that the inclusion of sports team trademarks in artwork is a functional use. Therefore, in addition to fair use and 1st amendment defenses, the functionality doctrine of trademark law protects such artists from being held liable for trademark infringement.

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  • Authors: Soeprobowati, Tri Retnaningsih; Suedy, Sri Widodo Agung; Gell, Peter;

    The natural mangrove ecosystems along the Northern Coast of Central Java were very limited in extent, even had replanted almost twenty years ago. Naturally, the upper layer of sediment are the latest deposition (superposition). Environmental condition recently are recorded in the top sediment layer, and can be used to reconstruct past condition (the present is the key to the past). The potential use of diatoms to reconstruct palaeoecology is well established. Diatoms are microscopic algae that form siliceous frustules which make them well preserved in sediment. Diatoms and their assemblages are very useful as integrated indicators of environmental changes because their distribution is closely linked to water quality parameters as well as their affinities to several physical habitats. This research was conducted in order to determine the changes of mangrove ecosystem in the Northern Coast of Central Java based on diatom stratigraphy. Sediment samples from mangrove sites were taken from Pekalongan, Brebes, Semarang, Demak and Rembang. Diatom analysis, consist of digestion, preparation, and identification. The diatom stratigraphy was performed by Software of C2 1.5.1. Stratigraphycally, the mangrove ecosystems along the Northern Coast of Central Java were previously more influenced by freshwater rather than the marine sources which dominate today.

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  • Authors: Zanten, W. V. (Wim);

    Collective representations of “time” do not passively reflect time, but time and space are mediated by society. By our social practices, such as making music and dancing, we create time. Different cultural groups may experience and perceive time in different ways, and also within one cultural group the quality of time is not always experienced in the same way. Anthropological studies have shown that in each cultural group different perceptions of time co-exist. For instance, time generally tends to be perceived as both a linear flow and as repetitive. We should not confuse metaphysical and sociological arguments about time: time in music and other performing arts operates at the social and not at the metaphysical level. The essay discusses a variety of social qualities of time and space as it becomes manifest in some performing arts of West Java and the implications for their safeguarding.

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  • Authors: Ulfa, Y. (Yuniarti); Sapari, N. (Nasiman); Harith, Z. Z. (Zuhar);

    This study was conducted on the sedimentary rocks belonging to the Miri Formation (Middle – Late Miocene). The primary objective of the present study is to provide additional interpretation on the stratigraphy of the Miri Formation in the Miri Field based on the new information gathered from new outcrops in the area. Five outcrops were examined in detail on sedimentology and stratigraphy. Based on lithology, sedimentary structures, bedding geometry and traces fossil, the sediments of the Miri Formation were grouped into fourteen lithofacies. Influence of tide and storm during the depositional processes of the formation were indicated by the group of two main facies associations which are: (i) tide-dominated estuary; and (ii) wave-and-storm dominated facies associations. The tide-dominated estuary system of the Miri Formation are includes variety of sub environments: estuary mouth or tidal channel and sand bars (characterized by trough cross-stratified sandstone with mud drapes facies), estuary channel or upper flow regime of sand flat (characterized by parallel stratified sandstone with mud-laminas facies), mixed-tidal flat (characterized by wavy and flaser bedded sandstone facies), and mud-tidal flat (characterized by rhythmic stratified sandstone-mudstone and lenticular bedding facies). The wave-and-storm dominated varied from lower to middle shoreface (characterized by hummocky cross-stratified sandstone and rhythmic parallel stratified sandstone and laminated siltstone facies), upper shoreface (characterized by swaley cross-stratified sandstone), lower shoreface (interbedded to bioturbated sandstone and siltstone facies), and offshore transitional (characterized by bioturbated sandstone and mudstone interbedding with parallel to hummocky cross-stratified sandstone facies). Penelitian ini dilakukan pada batuan sedimen penyusun Formasi Miri (Miosen Tengah - Akhir). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan interpretasi tambahan pada stratigrafi Formasi Miri di Lapangan Miri berdasarkan informasi baru yang dikumpulkan dari singkapan batuan baru di daerah tersebut. Lima singkapan tersebut diteliti secara rinci berdasarkan aspek sedimentologi dan stratigrafi. Berdasarkan litologi, struktur sedimen, geometri perlapisan dan fosil jejak, sedimen penyusun Formasi Miri dikelompokkan ke dalam empat belas litofasies. Pengaruh pasang surut dan badai selama proses pengendapan formasi diindikasikan dari adanya dua kelompok gabungan fasies utama antara lain: (i) didominasi oleh pasang-surut muara, dan (ii) didominasi oleh gabungan fasies gelombang dan badai. Sistem yang didominasi pasang surut muara pada Formasi Miri meliputi variasi sub-lingkungan: mulut muara atau alur pasang surut, dan gosong sungai (dicirikan oleh fasies batupasir dengan perlapisan saling silang dengan lempung yang mengapung), alur muara atau rezim aliran bagian atas dari dataran pasir (dicirikan oleh fasies batupasir berlapis paralel dengan lumpur berlapis), campuran pasang surut normal (dicirikan oleh fasies batupasir berlapis), dan lumpur pasang surut normal (dicirikan oleh fasies batupasir berlapis ritmik-batulumpur dan perlapisan lenticular). Dominasi pengaruh gelombang dan badai bervariasi dari rendah ke menengah (dicirikan oleh fasies batupasir berlapis silang yang hummocky dan batupasir berlapis paralel berulang dan batulanau berlapis), muka pantai bagian atas (dicirikan oleh batupasir berlapis silang yang swaley), muka pantai bagian bawah (fasies batupasir dan batulanau yang bersisipan sampai bioturtbasi), dan transisi lepas pantai (dicirikan oleh fasies batupasir bioturbasi dan batulumpur yang bersisipan dengan batupasir berlapis paralel sampai berlapis silang yang hummocky).

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  • Authors: Zn, H. T. (Hamzah);

    Research on the history of Islam and its dissemination on the island of Maluku have hitherto been lacking analytical depth. This paper tries to fill that gap by analysisng four stages in the development of Islam on the Island, referring to approaches to study Islam and Muslims. First, the stage of integration in which Islam tried to incorporate local values and their ramifications. Second, the stage of war and resistance in which the attempts of Islam to become the dominant power on the region face a strong confrontation from the existing power. Third, the stage of reformation and renewal in which Islam interrogates and evaluates itself so as to present itself within the context of Maluku. Fourth, the stage of modern era in which Islam faces challenges not only from other religions mainly Christianity which is equally strong on the island, but also from modernity and its narratives.

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  • Authors: Yohanes Hartadi;

    Outlaws in their various images have been important parts of history. In Australia, the longest lasting image of outlaws is the bushranger. Despite its popularity, there is a range of depictions of bushrangers and these are not necessarily similar. Interpretation of the bushrangers in colonial time differs from contemporary imagining. This papers aims at unfolding the various interpretations of the bushrangers in different periods in many types of artifact. Information was collected and interpreted by library research. The artifact analysis will be seen through a postmodernism theory by Michel Foucault and Roland Barthes. Since the phenomenon of bushranger stemmed from the colonial period, this study will commence from the period up to contemporary period. It can be concluded that a study of the different periods finds out that knowledge of the bushrangers does not make up a linear history, but rather a discontinuity in the historical narratives.

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  • Authors: Salleh, Kamarudin;

    Pembahasan dalam tulisan singkat ini terdiri dari tiga bagian utama. Bagian pertama akan membahas dengan singkat asal usul bahasa Arab dan datangnya agama Islam sebagai awal yang penting dalam membentuk dan mengkaji bahasa Arab. Bagian kedua akan membahas tentang Perubahan dan pembaharuan sejarah dalam bahasa Arab selama periode awal Islam (sastra Arab) dan periode pertengahan, dalam arti yang luas, meliputi perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan sikap para cendikiawan pada saat itu. Dan pada bagian akhir, untuk memperoleh secara utuh permasalahan modern dari Perubahan dan pembaharuan bahasa Arab tersebut, dua sarjana kontemporer Timur Tengah dipilih untuk memberi komentar terhadap masalah ini.

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  • Authors: Basuki, R. (Ribut);

    Melodrama reflects and constructs ideology. In American melodrama, the dominant social group imposed its ideology by constructing the standard American identity and its opposite through the heroes and villains. In the four plays discussed, the standard is pictured through the heroes in terms of their ability to get financial success, their acceptance of the Protestant moral codes, and their being white. Thus, in the world of melodrama people of color as well as financially deprived people are marginalized.

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  • Authors: Basuki, R. (Ribut);

    Melodrama has long been considered as a genre with no artistic value by theatre/drama historians. It is there to cater the tastes of the lower class or the popular society; thus, it is not a genre worthy of literary scholars. Through New Historicism lens, however, such a consideration is given by people with elitist point of view. As it is discussed in the following paper, melodrama has a lot to offer. It has been a genre with a lot of values attached to it since it's "birth" in France, its development in England, and maturation in the United States. Unlike the other genres, which are not free from values and biases, melodrama is more frank in delivering its messages.

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  • Authors: Wibawa, Samodra;

    The history of Nusantara was since 1600s broken down by the Europeans, so that it has developed not in a "natural" way, in which the governmental style in the independence Indonesia was always in the tendency to centralism, and this has demolished the individual and also local governmental creativities. To make Indonesia back to its "own" socio-political development, the author argues that the decentralisation policies were not satisfied enough and suggests four perspectives on the relation between Kabupaten-Province-State in the 21" century: firstly, the relationship between them should be based on the subsidiary principal, not hierarchical but co-operative, coordinative and many-sided; secondly, the election system should be districtly and the election of the governmental chefs directly; thirdly, the capital city of every governmental level should be moved each 15-20 years; and fourthly, every political actor should be educated so that s/he is od,ready to compromise and the bureaucracy (includes the army) should be professional and clean.

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