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  • Authors: Christian, H. (Hans); Agus, M. P. (Mikhael); Suhartono, D. (Derwin);

    The increasing availability of online information has triggered an intensive research in the area of automatic text summarization within the Natural Language Processing (NLP). Text summarization reduces the text by removing the less useful information which helps the reader to find the required information quickly. There are many kinds of algorithms that can be used to summarize the text. One of them is TF-IDF (TermFrequency-Inverse Document Frequency). This research aimed to produce an automatic text summarizer implemented with TF-IDF algorithm and to compare it with other various online source of automatic text summarizer. To evaluate the summary produced from each summarizer, The F-Measure as the standard comparison value had been used. The result of this research produces 67% of accuracy with three data samples which are higher compared to the other online summarizers.

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  • Authors: Garcia, V. L. (Víctor);

    This article aims to analyze three significant examples of defensive walls from South-East Asia made of solid stone blocks (both rock as well as stone-like laterite) and provided with different but equivalent functions –a fortified imperial capital-city (Angkor Thom, in Cambodia), a fortified royal citadel (Ho Citadel, in the North of Vietnam) and a royal palace with a partly fortified appearance (Ratu Boko, in Java Island, Indonesia)–, focusing on their constructive and technical characteristics and establishing parallels between them and their closest counterparts, from China and India. We will see how their design and structure can be closely related to the fortifications of neighbouring empires, as places of origin of their strong cultural influences and, at the same time, we will try to identify the local particularities. We will pay special attention to the form of the fortified enceintes, considering the long tradition of the quadrangular plan in the walls of royal capitals, inspired in the ideal model of Chinese and Indian cities. Our research also make us think that the walls of Ratu Boko, despite their functions as symbolic limits or for retaining the soil, could also have had a defensive purpose, no matter if secondary, or at least they could be used to provide protection to the complex in case of external menace.

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  • Authors: Putra, K. T. (Karisma); Purwanto, D. (Djoko); Mardiyanto, R. (Ronny);

    Sentence is a form of human communication which is closely related to language system. Sentence is one of the recursive structures that are often found in daily conversation. Learning syntactic structure is useful to explore the meaning of the sentence contained on it or translated it into another language such as machine language. The problem is meaning, ambiguity, and the language that is not according to the rules of syntax, causing the command translation become more complex. This research is about parsing Indonesian syntax based on natural language rules for applications in the field of human-machine interaction. Each word that is a part of the sentence, is mapped into vector-space model. To estimate the potential connection of two words, we use the recursive neural network. The potential connection of two words translated into a higher structure to obtain a complete sentence structure. We obtain 93% accuracy, with 50 data-set are given in the learning process to represent a hundred vocabularies.

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  • Authors: Permanasari, K. E. (Katherine); Darjosanjoto, E. T. (Endang); Rachmawati, M. (Murni);

    The development of tourism in Indonesia can be classified based on the type of tourism attraction preferred. Bangkalan Regency determine religious tourism as a major tourism destination. This is as affected by the existence of a number of historical relics which are related to the spread of Islam on Madura Island. , It also asserts this Cemetery as urban heritage that must be protected in Bangkalan. This study explores Cemetery Aer Mata, this religious tourism destination layout has not been arranged properly. For this reason, formulation of the zone mapping in the area is needed, in order to be developed as tourism destination that contains a historical value and consistent with regional policy for conservation. An spatial modeling can be develop as tourism strategy by using cognitive mapping techniques.

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  • Authors: Hejazziey, D. (Djawahir);

    : The Ratification of the Islamic Banking Act in Political Perspective. This article discusses the history of the formation of Islamic banking in Indonesia. At first, in the New Order era, the relationship between Muslims and the government was filled with suspicion and prejudice that every activities related to Islam was considered as an attempt to actualize the Jakarta Charter or to establish an Islamic state. However, when Indonesia experienced economic hardship followed by changes in the structure of politics/government, the idea of Indonesian Muslims to establish shariah bank can ultimately be realized. The success of the establishment of the shariah banking institutions, in many ways, can not be separated from the then political circumstances.

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  • Authors: Ulfa, Y. (Yuniarti); Yu, E. H. (Evonne); Kit, O. C. (Ooi);

    Nenering Formation is essentially made up of semi-consolidated sediments, which are divided into basal conglomerate beds, conglomeratic sandstone, cross-bedded sandstone, and siltstone to muddy layers facies. It is overlie unconformable to the Berapit Formation, but conformable to the Kroh and Grik Formations. The stratigraphy of Nenering Formation is a fining upwards sequence where the thickness of conglomerate beds become thinner upwards and become thicker for conglomeratic sandstone. The thickness varies from 0.5 m to tenths of meters. The more sandy in the upper portion (cross-bedded sandstone) overlie with thin siltstone and mudstone facies. The clast and grain composition suggested that the material making up the sedimentary sequence were derived predominantly from the erosion of granitoid rocks and sedimentary and metamorphic rocks constitute a minor provenance. Imbrications and the trend sizes of clasts indicate that the palaeo-current flow toward northeast. Cross bedding that was found in conglomerate and sandstone indicates the main channel depositional environment. The sequence stratigraphy of this area match with the Saskatchewan fluvial braided channel model. Formasi Nenering tersusun atas sedimen semi-terkonsolidasi yang terdiri atas lapisan basal konglomerat, batupasir konglomeratik, batupasir berlapisan silang siur, batulanau hingga fasies berlapisan lempung. Formasi Nenering terletak tidak selaras di atas Formasi Berapit, tetapi terletak selaras di atas Formasi Kroh dan Formasi Grik. Stratigrafi Formasi Nenering adalah menghalus ke atas, dimana ketebalan batuan konglomerat semakin menipis ke arah atas, sedangkan batupasir konglomeratik menjadi menebal ke arah atas. Ketebalan perlapisan berkisar pada 0,5 meter hingga puluhan meter. Komposisi pasir yang lebih dominan pada bagian atas (batupasir silang siur) terletak di atas fasies lapisan tipis batulanau dan batulempung. Komposisi butiran dan klastika menunjukkan bahwa material yang menyusun sekuen sedimen didominasi berasal dari erosi batuan granitik, batuan sedimen dan sedikit dari batuan metamorf. Indikasi imbrikasi dan kecenderungan Perubahan ukuran material klastika menunjukkan bahwa aliran arus purba mengarah ke timur laut, sedangkan perlapisan silang siur pada batuan konglomerat dan batupasir mengindikasikan lingkungan pengendapan berupa sungai. Sekuen stratigrafi di daerah ini sesuai dengan model lingkungan pengendapan sungai teranyam fluvial Saskatchewan.

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  • Authors: Karmilah, Mila; Nuryanti, Wiendu; Soewarno, Nindyo; Setiawan, Bakti;

    The increase in both industrialization and tourism in Kasongan village famous with its pottery being the tourism Village since 1988, radically altered the local economy and domestic life. Based on oral history, survey, and documentary sources, this paper examine the impact of economics globalization to the diversity of culture in Kasongan. Globalization has two faces. If it can be managed properly, globalization can certainly give sufficient benefit to the country. The result of study indicated that pasedhuluran kinship systems in pottery production chain as one of social capital in socio-economic development in Kasongan, play an important role. This can be seen in terms of hiring local labor, then the pottery associated with the ordering system, and the use of the showroom to promote their pottery. Based on this note that the negative impact of globalization, especially the pottery in Kasongan indsutry can be minimized by pasedhuluran system. Peningkatan industrialisasi dan pariwisata di Desa Kasongan yang terkenal dengan kerajinan gerabah yang telah berkembang sejak tahun 1972 dan menjadi desa wisata pada tahun 1988, secara radikal telah mengubah ekonomi lokal dan kehidupan masyarakat di desa tersebut. Berdasarkan wawancara terkait sejarah, survei, dan sumber-sumber dokumenter lainnya, maka tulisan ini akan mengkaji dampak globalisasi ekonomi terhadap keragaman budaya masyarakat setempat. Globalisasi memiliki dua sisi. Jika globalisasi dapat dikelola dengan baik, maka globalisasi dapat memberikan manfaat yang cukup baik bagi negara. Namun, jika suatu negara tidak dapat beradaptasi dan menentukan strategi yang perlu diterapkan dalam rangka menghadapi globalisasi, negara akan menjadi korban dari globalisasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pasedhuluran adalah sistem kekerabatan di rantai produksi kegiatan produksi gerabah. Pasedhuluran sebagai salah satu modal sosial dalam pembangunan sosial-ekonomi di Kasongan, memainkan peranan yang penting. Hal ini terlihat dalam sistem tenaga kerja, dimana sebagian besar merupakan keluarga. Selain sistem tenaga kerja pasedhulran juga terlihat pada sistem pemesanan (order gerabah), dan menggunakan showroom sebagai tempat mempromosikan gerabah mereka. Berdasarkan studi ini diketahui bahwa dampak globalisasi dapat diminimalisir dengan adanya sistem kekerabatan (pasedhuluran).

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  • Authors: Hoogervorst, T. G. (Tom);

    This PhD dissertation examines the role of insular Southeast Asia in the trans-regional networks of maritime trade that shaped the history of Indian Ocean. The work brings together data and approaches from archaeology, historical linguistics and other disciplines, proposing a reconstruction of cultural and linguistic contact between Southeast Asia and its maritime neighbours to the west in order to advance our historical understanding of this part of the world. Numerous biological, commercial and technical items are examined. The study underlines that the analysis of lexical data is one of the strongest tools to detect and analyse contact between two or more speech communities. It demonstrates how Southeast Asian products and concepts were mainly dispersed by speakers of Malay varieties, although other communities played a role as well. Through an interdisciplinary approach, the study offers new perspectives on the role of insular Southeast Asian agents on cultural dynamism and interethnic contact in the pre-modern Indian Ocean World.

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  • Authors: Burhanudin, Jajat;

    The Malay language is of great importance in understanding Indonesian society and history. As the root of Indonesia's national language, Bahasa Indonesia, the language has become part and parcel of the social-political and cultural formation of the diverse communities throughout Indonesia. Also, the role of the Malay language in Indonesian nation building proceeded alongside the historical course of Islamic development there. In line with the development of Islam in parts of Indonesia and the Southeast Asia region at large, Malay emerged as a lingua franca that was widely used as a media of social interaction, political diplomacy, commerce and, more importantly, Islamic expression. This article discusses the history of the Malay language in relation to its role as the language of Indonesian Muslims. The article also examines the contribution that the language has made, through the course of history, in uniting the people into a single nation-state—Indonesia.Copyright (c) 2014 by SDI. All right reserved.DOI: 10.15408/sdi.v21i3.1219

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  • Authors: Hadi, Amirul;

    : Aceh dalam Sejarah: Mempertahankan Tradisi dan Mengawal Modernitas. Tulisan ini berupaya mendiskusikan secara kritis tentang bagaimana masyarakat Aceh dalam sejarah, sementara mencoba menyesuaikan diri dengan dunia modern, mereka melakukan segala upaya untuk mempertahankan tradisi. Sebagai sebuah etnik yang memiliki masa lalu yang gemilang, Aceh senantiasa memiliki keterikatan kuat dengan “identitas”, dan hal ini dituangkan dalam banyak hal, termasuk “ingatan sosial.” Untuk itu, “tradisi”, digali dan dipertahankan. Namun, tantangan modernitas juga merupakan hal yang harus direspon dan disikapi. Dalam konteks inilah kelihatannya masyarakat Aceh berada di persimpangan jalan. Di satu pihak mereka berupaya mempertahankan tradisi yang telah ada namun juga harus melibatkan diri dalam kehidupan modern. Penulis menyimpulkan bahwa masyarakat Aceh masih menemukan kesulitan dalam hal ini, karena mereka masih terpaku kepada “romantisasi sejarah”, bukan “kesadaran sejarah”, sehingga “ruh” masa lalu belum mampu dibawa ke masa kini. : This paper attempts to critically discuss on how the Acehnese in history, while trying to embrace the modern world, have made every effort at preserving their traditions. As an ethnic group which has a glorious past, Aceh has strongly been connected to “identity”; and this is expressed in various means, including “social memory.” For this very reason, “traditions”, including those of the past, are explored and preserved. Yet, the challenges of modernity are also apparent. It is in this context that the Acehnese are trapped at the crossroad. On the one hand, they tend to preserve their traditions, yet, on the other, they need to embrace modern lives. The Acehnese seem to have encountered considerable obstacles on this issue, for they tend to focus more on historical “romanticism” (nostalgia) rather than historical “awareness” (consciousness). Eventually, the “spirit” of the past cannot be brought into light.

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The following results are related to Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage. Are you interested to view more results? Visit OpenAIRE - Explore.
  • Authors: Christian, H. (Hans); Agus, M. P. (Mikhael); Suhartono, D. (Derwin);

    The increasing availability of online information has triggered an intensive research in the area of automatic text summarization within the Natural Language Processing (NLP). Text summarization reduces the text by removing the less useful information which helps the reader to find the required information quickly. There are many kinds of algorithms that can be used to summarize the text. One of them is TF-IDF (TermFrequency-Inverse Document Frequency). This research aimed to produce an automatic text summarizer implemented with TF-IDF algorithm and to compare it with other various online source of automatic text summarizer. To evaluate the summary produced from each summarizer, The F-Measure as the standard comparison value had been used. The result of this research produces 67% of accuracy with three data samples which are higher compared to the other online summarizers.

    BIP!Powered by BIP!
  • Authors: Garcia, V. L. (Víctor);

    This article aims to analyze three significant examples of defensive walls from South-East Asia made of solid stone blocks (both rock as well as stone-like laterite) and provided with different but equivalent functions –a fortified imperial capital-city (Angkor Thom, in Cambodia), a fortified royal citadel (Ho Citadel, in the North of Vietnam) and a royal palace with a partly fortified appearance (Ratu Boko, in Java Island, Indonesia)–, focusing on their constructive and technical characteristics and establishing parallels between them and their closest counterparts, from China and India. We will see how their design and structure can be closely related to the fortifications of neighbouring empires, as places of origin of their strong cultural influences and, at the same time, we will try to identify the local particularities. We will pay special attention to the form of the fortified enceintes, considering the long tradition of the quadrangular plan in the walls of royal capitals, inspired in the ideal model of Chinese and Indian cities. Our research also make us think that the walls of Ratu Boko, despite their functions as symbolic limits or for retaining the soil, could also have had a defensive purpose, no matter if secondary, or at least they could be used to provide protection to the complex in case of external menace.

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  • Authors: Putra, K. T. (Karisma); Purwanto, D. (Djoko); Mardiyanto, R. (Ronny);

    Sentence is a form of human communication which is closely related to language system. Sentence is one of the recursive structures that are often found in daily conversation. Learning syntactic structure is useful to explore the meaning of the sentence contained on it or translated it into another language such as machine language. The problem is meaning, ambiguity, and the language that is not according to the rules of syntax, causing the command translation become more complex. This research is about parsing Indonesian syntax based on natural language rules for applications in the field of human-machine interaction. Each word that is a part of the sentence, is mapped into vector-space model. To estimate the potential connection of two words, we use the recursive neural network. The potential connection of two words translated into a higher structure to obtain a complete sentence structure. We obtain 93% accuracy, with 50 data-set are given in the learning process to represent a hundred vocabularies.

    BIP!Powered by BIP!
  • Authors: Permanasari, K. E. (Katherine); Darjosanjoto, E. T. (Endang); Rachmawati, M. (Murni);

    The development of tourism in Indonesia can be classified based on the type of tourism attraction preferred. Bangkalan Regency determine religious tourism as a major tourism destination. This is as affected by the existence of a number of historical relics which are related to the spread of Islam on Madura Island. , It also asserts this Cemetery as urban heritage that must be protected in Bangkalan. This study explores Cemetery Aer Mata, this religious tourism destination layout has not been arranged properly. For this reason, formulation of the zone mapping in the area is needed, in order to be developed as tourism destination that contains a historical value and consistent with regional policy for conservation. An spatial modeling can be develop as tourism strategy by using cognitive mapping techniques.

    BIP!Powered by BIP!
  • Authors: Hejazziey, D. (Djawahir);

    : The Ratification of the Islamic Banking Act in Political Perspective. This article discusses the history of the formation of Islamic banking in Indonesia. At first, in the New Order era, the relationship between Muslims and the government was filled with suspicion and prejudice that every activities related to Islam was considered as an attempt to actualize the Jakarta Charter or to establish an Islamic state. However, when Indonesia experienced economic hardship followed by changes in the structure of politics/government, the idea of Indonesian Muslims to establish shariah bank can ultimately be realized. The success of the establishment of the shariah banking institutions, in many ways, can not be separated from the then political circumstances.

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  • Authors: Ulfa, Y. (Yuniarti); Yu, E. H. (Evonne); Kit, O. C. (Ooi);

    Nenering Formation is essentially made up of semi-consolidated sediments, which are divided into basal conglomerate beds, conglomeratic sandstone, cross-bedded sandstone, and siltstone to muddy layers facies. It is overlie unconformable to the Berapit Formation, but conformable to the Kroh and Grik Formations. The stratigraphy of Nenering Formation is a fining upwards sequence where the thickness of conglomerate beds become thinner upwards and become thicker for conglomeratic sandstone. The thickness varies from 0.5 m to tenths of meters. The more sandy in the upper portion (cross-bedded sandstone) overlie with thin siltstone and mudstone facies. The clast and grain composition suggested that the material making up the sedimentary sequence were derived predominantly from the erosion of granitoid rocks and sedimentary and metamorphic rocks constitute a minor provenance. Imbrications and the trend sizes of clasts indicate that the palaeo-current flow toward northeast. Cross bedding that was found in conglomerate and sandstone indicates the main channel depositional environment. The sequence stratigraphy of this area match with the Saskatchewan fluvial braided channel model. Formasi Nenering tersusun atas sedimen semi-terkonsolidasi yang terdiri atas lapisan basal konglomerat, batupasir konglomeratik, batupasir berlapisan silang siur, batulanau hingga fasies berlapisan lempung. Formasi Nenering terletak tidak selaras di atas Formasi Berapit, tetapi terletak selaras di atas Formasi Kroh dan Formasi Grik. Stratigrafi Formasi Nenering adalah menghalus ke atas, dimana ketebalan batuan konglomerat semakin menipis ke arah atas, sedangkan batupasir konglomeratik menjadi menebal ke arah atas. Ketebalan perlapisan berkisar pada 0,5 meter hingga puluhan meter. Komposisi pasir yang lebih dominan pada bagian atas (batupasir silang siur) terletak di atas fasies lapisan tipis batulanau dan batulempung. Komposisi butiran dan klastika menunjukkan bahwa material yang menyusun sekuen sedimen didominasi berasal dari erosi batuan granitik, batuan sedimen dan sedikit dari batuan metamorf. Indikasi imbrikasi dan kecenderungan Perubahan ukuran material klastika menunjukkan bahwa aliran arus purba mengarah ke timur laut, sedangkan perlapisan silang siur pada batuan konglomerat dan batupasir mengindikasikan lingkungan pengendapan berupa sungai. Sekuen stratigrafi di daerah ini sesuai dengan model lingkungan pengendapan sungai teranyam fluvial Saskatchewan.

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  • Authors: Karmilah, Mila; Nuryanti, Wiendu; Soewarno, Nindyo; Setiawan, Bakti;

    The increase in both industrialization and tourism in Kasongan village famous with its pottery being the tourism Village since 1988, radically altered the local economy and domestic life. Based on oral history, survey, and documentary sources, this paper examine the impact of economics globalization to the diversity of culture in Kasongan. Globalization has two faces. If it can be managed properly, globalization can certainly give sufficient benefit to the country. The result of study indicated that pasedhuluran kinship systems in pottery production chain as one of social capital in socio-economic development in Kasongan, play an important role. This can be seen in terms of hiring local labor, then the pottery associated with the ordering system, and the use of the showroom to promote their pottery. Based on this note that the negative impact of globalization, especially the pottery in Kasongan indsutry can be minimized by pasedhuluran system. Peningkatan industrialisasi dan pariwisata di Desa Kasongan yang terkenal dengan kerajinan gerabah yang telah berkembang sejak tahun 1972 dan menjadi desa wisata pada tahun 1988, secara radikal telah mengubah ekonomi lokal dan kehidupan masyarakat di desa tersebut. Berdasarkan wawancara terkait sejarah, survei, dan sumber-sumber dokumenter lainnya, maka tulisan ini akan mengkaji dampak globalisasi ekonomi terhadap keragaman budaya masyarakat setempat. Globalisasi memiliki dua sisi. Jika globalisasi dapat dikelola dengan baik, maka globalisasi dapat memberikan manfaat yang cukup baik bagi negara. Namun, jika suatu negara tidak dapat beradaptasi dan menentukan strategi yang perlu diterapkan dalam rangka menghadapi globalisasi, negara akan menjadi korban dari globalisasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pasedhuluran adalah sistem kekerabatan di rantai produksi kegiatan produksi gerabah. Pasedhuluran sebagai salah satu modal sosial dalam pembangunan sosial-ekonomi di Kasongan, memainkan peranan yang penting. Hal ini terlihat dalam sistem tenaga kerja, dimana sebagian besar merupakan keluarga. Selain sistem tenaga kerja pasedhulran juga terlihat pada sistem pemesanan (order gerabah), dan menggunakan showroom sebagai tempat mempromosikan gerabah mereka. Berdasarkan studi ini diketahui bahwa dampak globalisasi dapat diminimalisir dengan adanya sistem kekerabatan (pasedhuluran).

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  • Authors: Hoogervorst, T. G. (Tom);

    This PhD dissertation examines the role of insular Southeast Asia in the trans-regional networks of maritime trade that shaped the history of Indian Ocean. The work brings together data and approaches from archaeology, historical linguistics and other disciplines, proposing a reconstruction of cultural and linguistic contact between Southeast Asia and its maritime neighbours to the west in order to advance our historical understanding of this part of the world. Numerous biological, commercial and technical items are examined. The study underlines that the analysis of lexical data is one of the strongest tools to detect and analyse contact between two or more speech communities. It demonstrates how Southeast Asian products and concepts were mainly dispersed by speakers of Malay varieties, although other communities played a role as well. Through an interdisciplinary approach, the study offers new perspectives on the role of insular Southeast Asian agents on cultural dynamism and interethnic contact in the pre-modern Indian Ocean World.

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  • Authors: Burhanudin, Jajat;

    The Malay language is of great importance in understanding Indonesian society and history. As the root of Indonesia's national language, Bahasa Indonesia, the language has become part and parcel of the social-political and cultural formation of the diverse communities throughout Indonesia. Also, the role of the Malay language in Indonesian nation building proceeded alongside the historical course of Islamic development there. In line with the development of Islam in parts of Indonesia and the Southeast Asia region at large, Malay emerged as a lingua franca that was widely used as a media of social interaction, political diplomacy, commerce and, more importantly, Islamic expression. This article discusses the history of the Malay language in relation to its role as the language of Indonesian Muslims. The article also examines the contribution that the language has made, through the course of history, in uniting the people into a single nation-state—Indonesia.Copyright (c) 2014 by SDI. All right reserved.DOI: 10.15408/sdi.v21i3.1219

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  • Authors: Hadi, Amirul;

    : Aceh dalam Sejarah: Mempertahankan Tradisi dan Mengawal Modernitas. Tulisan ini berupaya mendiskusikan secara kritis tentang bagaimana masyarakat Aceh dalam sejarah, sementara mencoba menyesuaikan diri dengan dunia modern, mereka melakukan segala upaya untuk mempertahankan tradisi. Sebagai sebuah etnik yang memiliki masa lalu yang gemilang, Aceh senantiasa memiliki keterikatan kuat dengan “identitas”, dan hal ini dituangkan dalam banyak hal, termasuk “ingatan sosial.” Untuk itu, “tradisi”, digali dan dipertahankan. Namun, tantangan modernitas juga merupakan hal yang harus direspon dan disikapi. Dalam konteks inilah kelihatannya masyarakat Aceh berada di persimpangan jalan. Di satu pihak mereka berupaya mempertahankan tradisi yang telah ada namun juga harus melibatkan diri dalam kehidupan modern. Penulis menyimpulkan bahwa masyarakat Aceh masih menemukan kesulitan dalam hal ini, karena mereka masih terpaku kepada “romantisasi sejarah”, bukan “kesadaran sejarah”, sehingga “ruh” masa lalu belum mampu dibawa ke masa kini. : This paper attempts to critically discuss on how the Acehnese in history, while trying to embrace the modern world, have made every effort at preserving their traditions. As an ethnic group which has a glorious past, Aceh has strongly been connected to “identity”; and this is expressed in various means, including “social memory.” For this very reason, “traditions”, including those of the past, are explored and preserved. Yet, the challenges of modernity are also apparent. It is in this context that the Acehnese are trapped at the crossroad. On the one hand, they tend to preserve their traditions, yet, on the other, they need to embrace modern lives. The Acehnese seem to have encountered considerable obstacles on this issue, for they tend to focus more on historical “romanticism” (nostalgia) rather than historical “awareness” (consciousness). Eventually, the “spirit” of the past cannot be brought into light.

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