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  • image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao
    Authors: Radolović, Vanesa;

    U okviru ovog diplomskog rada odrađena je preliminarna analiza stanja Gradske Vijećnice u Dubrovniku. Budući da se radi o kulturnom dobru pod zaštitom UNESCO-a koji se nalazi na seizmički aktivnom području, bitno je znati potresni rizik. Cilj je bio analizirati stanje i ponašanje konstrukcije nakon cjelovite obnove koja je uslijedila nakon potresa koji je pogodio Dubrovnik 1979. godine s epicentrom kod Herceg Novog u Crnoj Gori. Analiza opterećenja i proračun provedeni su po HRN EN normama. Proračun je proveden modalnom analizom. Korišteni su spektri odziva za povratno razdoblje od 475 godina, 225 godina i 95 godina te stvarni spektar potresa iz Crne Gore iz 1979. godine. A preliminary case study has been conducted on Dubrovnik City Hall, a cultural heritage site protected by UNESCO, situated in a seismically active region. The study aims to analyze the building's current state following complete restoration due to damage incurred during the 1979 earthquake with epicenter in Herceg Novi, Montenegro. Load analysis and calculations were performed following HRN EN standards, utilizing modal analysis. The response spectrum considered return periods of 475, 225, and 95 years, incorporating the actual earthquake spectrum for the ground type B from Montenegro in 1979.

    image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Repository of Facult...arrow_drop_down
    image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao
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      image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Repository of Facult...arrow_drop_down
      image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao
  • image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao
    Authors: Zorica, Tajna;

    Cultural heritage is exceptionally important for all people and nations, and especially for children. From an early age, it is important to direct children's attention towards the understanding and preservation of heritage and heritage contents, as they present not only the evidence of the past but are also a part of the present as well as the future. The city of Skradin, although rather small, boasts numerous protected cultural assets as well as a rich history. This thesis contains a thorough description of all the cultural assets in the city of Skradin, while special attention is payed to sacral elements. Throughout its history, Skradin experienced numerous ups and downs, after which it was preserved and became a small secluded spot full of landmarks and heritage contents. This master thesis is the result of qualitative research with the aim of designing a model of children's encounters with heritage contents, based on the example of encounters with the religious heritage of the city of Skradin, which consist of the observation of heritage contents, as well as children's artistic expression. Kulturna baština je od iznimnog značaja za sve ljude i narode, a posebice za djecu. Važno je već od najranije dobi djeci ukazivati na razumijevanje i njegovanje baštine i baštinskih sadržaja jer su oni dokaz prošlosti, a dio su sadašnjosti kao i budućnosti. Grad Skradin, iako je malo mjesto, u sebi nosi mnogobrojna zaštićena kulturna dobra kao i bogatu povijest. Unutar ovog diplomskog rada temeljito su opisana sva kulturna dobra grada Skradina, a posebno su obrađeni i sakralni elementi. Skradin je kroz svoju povijest doživio brojne uspone i padove nakon kojih se očuvao i postao malo skriveno mjesto s mnogim znamenitostima i baštinskim sadržajima. Ovaj diplomski rad rezultat je kvalitativnog istraživanja s ciljem osmišljavanja modela dječjih susreta s baštinskim sadržajima na primjeru sakralne baštine grada Skradina, a koji se očituju u promatranju baštinskih sadržaja kao i likovnom izražavanju djece.

    image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao University of Zadar ...arrow_drop_down
    image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao
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      image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao University of Zadar ...arrow_drop_down
      image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao
  • image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao
    Authors: Đilas, Mirjana;

    This thesis aims to examine understandings of science, philosophy and knowledge, as well as interpretations of the world and man in it from the given "world of life" (Lebenswelt). The introductory part and the first half of the paper will provide us with a historical overview of the mentioned research topics and their development process, while in the second half of the paper we will specifically focus on the ontological analysis of Husserl's interpretation of the relationship between philosophy and the "world of life" through the analysis of science, as a radical expression of the crisis of the life of a European man. For us, the analysis of the "crisis" will not represent an attempt to verify or dispute its theoretical and practical successes or results, but rather a problem within the context of philosophy itself and its new-age ramifications. This attitude is inspired by the desire not only to understand philosophy in its universality, but also to understand the entire situation of the time in which a crisis is manifested, as a crisis of European humanity in the overall meaningfulness of the cultural life of the contemporary era. In addition to the importance of science for human existence, we will try to persevere in the effort to look at the historical lines of the development of science and philosophy and their epistemological misunderstandings. Emphasizing the historical genesis, it will be necessary to understand the social sources as well, if they were not directly and openly manifested during the entire history. Ova teza ima za cilj ispitati razumijevanja znanosti, filozofije i spoznaje, kao i interpretacije svijeta i čovjeka u njemu iz unaprijed danog “svijeta života” (Lebenswelt). Uvodni dio i prva polovica rada pružit će nam povijesni pregled spomenutih tema ispitivanja i njihovog razvojnog procesa, dok ćemo se naime, u drugoj polovici rada konkretno opredijeliti za ontološku analizu Husserlovog tumačenja odnosa filozofije i “svijeta života” preko analize znanosti, kao radikalnog izraza krize života europskog čovjeka. Za nas analiza Krize neće predstavljati pokušaj verificiranja ili osporavanje njezinih teorijskih i praktičnih uspjeha ili rezultata, već problematiku zahvaćenu unutar konteksta same filozofije i njezinog novovjekovnoga grananja. Taj stav je nadahnut željom ne samo da se filozofija shvati u svojoj univerzalnosti, već da se poima cjelokupna situacija vremena u kojemu se očituje kriza, kao kriza europskog ljudstva u cjelokupnoj smislenosti kulturnog života suvremenog doba. Pored značaja znanosti za ljudsku egzistenciju, pokušat ćemo ustrajati u naporu da se sagledaju povijesne linije razvoja znanosti i filozofije i njihova gnoseološka nerazumijevanja. Ističući povijesnu genezu bit će potrebno shvatiti i društvene izvore ako se nisu neposredno i otvoreno manifestirali tijekom cjelokupne povijesti.

    image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao ODRAZ - Open Reposit...arrow_drop_down
    image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao
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      image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao ODRAZ - Open Reposit...arrow_drop_down
      image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao
  • image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao
    Authors: Svilan, Ivana;

    The development of the city of Trogir as a community throughout the Middle Ages is more thoroughly documented from the 11th century. It can be said to conclude at the beginning of the second half of the 15th century when the city came under the rule of the Venetian Republic; that is when the spatial, socio-political, and demographic landscape of the city underwent significant changes. Throughout the Middle Ages, the city endured various destructions, conquests, diseases, migrations, and population movements. All these events shaped a city that persisted in its aspirations for development and freedom, regardless of various political situations and changes. The social and urban aspects of Trogir developed in tandem and exerted mutual influence. Medieval Trogir evolved in harmony with the environment and possibilities, but also in accordance with the number of citizens, their needs, and the defense of the city. The medieval city developed in line with social, political, and economic reasons that prompted changes in space, content, and function. Trogir had a tumultuous past, especially during the 'dark' Middle Ages, and various historical events played a significant role in the city's formation, along with the citizens who lived in Trogir. The influence of the Church is particularly important. Changes in medieval Trogir depended on those who owned or had jurisdiction over properties, buildings, and the population. The Church and wealthy nobles aimed to preserve and increase their wealth, thus constructing and expanding their buildings, which were invested in and specially restored after attacks. Razvoj grada Trogira kao zajednice, kroz srednji vijek detaljnije se prati od 11. stoljeća, a može se reći da završava početkom druge polovine 15. stoljeća kada grad dolazi pod vlast Mletačke republike; odnosno kada se znatno promijenila prostorna, društveno – politička i demografska slika grada. Kroz srednji vijek grad je pretrpio razna razaranja, osvajanja, bolesti, iseljavanja i doseljavanja stanovništva. Svi ti događaji oblikovali su grad koji je ustrajao u svojim težnjama za razvojem i svojom slobodom bez obzira na razna politička stanja i mijenjanja. Društveni i urbanistički aspekt Trogira se zajedno razvijaju i vrše međusobni utjecaj. Srednjovjekovni Trogir razvija se u skladu sa okolinom i mogućnostima, ali i u skladu sa brojem građana, njihovim potrebama, kao i obranom grada. Srednjovjekovni grad se razvijao u skladu sa društvenim, političkim i gospodarskim razlozima zbog kojih su se poticale promjene u prostoru, sadržaju i funkciji. Trogir je imao burnu prošlost, posebice tokom ‘mračnog’ srednjeg vijeka te su veliku ulogu u stvaranju grada imala razna povijesna zbivanja, ali i sami građani koji su živjeli u Trogiru. Posebice je bitan utjecaj Crkve. Promjene u srednjovjekovnom Trogiru ovisile su o onima koji su imali vlasništvo ili jurisdikciju nad nekretninama, objektima i pučanstvom. Crkva i bogati plemići su imali za cilj očuvanje i povećanje vlastitog dobra te su se samim time gradile i širile njihove građevine u koje se investiralo te posebno obnavljalo poslije napada.

    image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao University of Zadar ...arrow_drop_down
    image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao
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      image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao University of Zadar ...arrow_drop_down
      image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao
  • image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
    Authors: Škvorc, Božidar;

    This paper describes nacional project e-Kultura „Digitalization of Cultural Heritage“, and will be focusing on the ICT system for the project e-Kultura. The system and its capabilities will be explained in detail, including the central system of the project, administrative permissions for all specific actions in the system such as creating information packages, data agregation and administration of themes in the system, as well as creation and updating of collections of digital data in the system. The paper will also outline the rules for digitizing materials, providing a more detailed explanation of the goals and purposes of digitization, file formats for display and permanent storage in the system, and subsequently, publication on the eKultura portal. It will briefly describe the necessary steps for preparing materials before digitization. Additionally, the paper will describe how to create virtual exhibitions on the eKultura portal through WordPress platform. The second, practical part of the paper will be focused on the user experience of the eKultura portal, where the obtained data through online questionnaires will be described. These data can be categorized as a type of investigation in usability testing. The online questionnaires were completed by 20 students, which is the maximum allowed number of participants using the AttrakDiff and VisAWI tools, used for analysis purposes. This approach will consolidate information in one paper about the ICT system for the e-Kultura project, rules, and guidelines for digitizing materials stored in the system, as well as the user experience of the end-users of the eKultura portal. Ovaj rad opisuje nacionalni projekt e-Kultura „Digitalizacija kulturne baštine“, a usredotočit će se na IKT sustav za projekt e-Kultura. Kroz opis središnjeg sustava te njegovim mogućnostima pobliže će se objasniti središnja te PURL administracija sustava, ovlasti administratora za pojedine radnje u sustavu kao što su izrada informacijskih paketa u sustavu, agregacija podataka i administracija tema u sustavu, stvaranje i ažuriranje zbirki. Kroz rad će se opisati i pravila za digitalizaciju građe koja detaljnije objašnjavaju ciljeve i svrhu digitalizacije građe, formate datoteka za prikaz i trajnu pohranu u sustavu te posljedično i objavu na portalu eKultura kao i ukratko opisati koje su radnje potrebne za pripremu gradiva prije same digitalizacije. Nadalje će se opisati način na koji je moguće kreirati virtualne izložbe na portalu eKultura kroz WordPress platformu. Drugi, praktični, dio rada bit će usredotočen na korisničko iskustvo portala eKultura gdje će se opisati dobiveni podaci kroz online upitnike koje možemo svrstati u tip ispitivanja kod testiranja uporabljivosti. Online upitnike ispunjavalo je 20 studenata, što je najveći dozvoljeni broj ispitanika putem alata AttrakDiff i VisAWI, koji su korišteni u svrhu analize. Na ovaj način u jednom radu biti će objedinjene informacije o IKT sustavu za projekt e-Kultura, pravila i smjernice digitalizacije gradiva koja će biti pohranjena u sustavu te korisničko iskustvo krajnjih korisnika portala eKultura.

    image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos ODRAZ - Open Reposit...arrow_drop_down
    image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
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  • image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
    Authors: Miloglav, Ina; Mileusnić, Marta; Grzunov, Adriana; Wriessnig, Karin; +2 Authors

    Analysis of ceramics artefacts may disclose a social, economic and political context of the specific area and period being studied. The subject of this study is ceramic material, found in Stari Mikanovci, which belonged to different prehistoric cultures that lived and rebuilt on the same spot forming a mound (tell Damića gradina). This multi- layered tell site represents a very good example of settling continuity from the Neolithic to the beginning of the Roman period. It was occupied during Sopot, Baden, Vučedol, Vinkovci and Bosut culture, and ends with fortified settlement in the last phase of the middle La Tène period (second half of the first century). The main goal of the study is reconstruction of technological processes of pottery production in different cultures that lived in the same place during approx. 6000 years and used the same raw material. Technology of pottery production considers: (1) preparation of clay paste (mixing of clay with different temper material) ; (2) modelling techniques ; (3) firing methods ; and (4) styles of decoration. The purpose of investigation is to define to which extent technological processes were conditioned by economic, social or traditional factor, i.e. to which extent they were matter of choice. Different archaeometric analyses (mineralogical, petrographic and chemical) of pottery fragments were essential step in the reconstruction of the technological process and their results indicate recipes for the clay mixture and the firing regime.

    image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Faculty of Mining, G...arrow_drop_down
    image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
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      image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Faculty of Mining, G...arrow_drop_down
      image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
  • image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
    Authors: Buble, Marin;

    Objective: To explore in an interdisciplinary way the application of three fire risk reduction measures in the historical center of the city of Trogir: creation of an operational plan for responding and saving cultural heritage in the event of a fire, the ARICA method for calculating the fire risk index of the city core, and a survey of residents related to the construction and household conditions, specific habits and perception of vulnerability in terms of fire protection. Methods: Using the ARICA method, a numerical assessment of fire hazard was calculated for the observed facility. The survey questionnaire collected data on the state of construction and the state of households, specific habits and the perception of residents' vulnerability in terms of fire danger. Results: The ARICA calculation method showed a moderate fire hazard for the observed object (1.193). The survey questionnaire confirmed the construction defects of the observed space. It was shown that the residents are not convinced whether they feel safe from the fire danger and have confidence in the firefighters that they will come in time and put out the fire. Fire is perceived as the main danger, while the element of human carelessness is considered to be the main cause. Conclusions: The operational rescue plan is an effective operational measure to mitigate the risk of fire on cultural heritage and can be used as a model for other cities in the Republic of Croatia. The ARICA method can be successfully applied and can be used to create a fire risk map. Applying the method can compensate for the shortcomings of the legal framework for the assessment of the risk of fire in historic cities. By surveying residents, relevant data can be collected on the construction condition and the condition of households, the respondents' habits regarding fire protection and the perception of danger from fire risk. Cilj: U povijesnoj jezgri grada Trogira interdisciplinarno istražiti primjenu tri mjere smanjivanja rizika od požara: izradu operativnog plan reagiranja i spašavanja kulturne baštine za slučaj požara, ARICA metodu izračuna indeksa ugroženosti od požarne opasnosti gradske jezgre i anketu sa stanovnicima vezanu za građevinsko stanje i stanje kućanstava, specifične navike i percepciju ugroženosti u pogledu zaštite od požara. Metode: S pomoću ARICA metode izračunata je numerička procjena ugroženosti od požara za promatrani objekt. Anketnim upitnikom prikupljeni su podaci o građevinskom stanju i stanju kućanstava, specifičnim navikama i percepcijom ugroženosti stanovnika u pogledu požarne opasnosti. Rezultati: ARICA metoda izračuna pokazala je umjerenu opasnost od požara za promatrani objekt (1,193). Anketni upitnik potvrdio je građevinske nedostatke promatranog prostora. Pokazalo se kako stanovnici nisu uvjereni osjećaju li se sigurno od požarne opasnosti i imaju povjerenja u vatrogasce da će na vrijeme doći i ugasiti požar. Požar se doživljava kao glavna opasnost dok se kao glavnog uzročnika smatra element ljudske nepažnje. Zaključci: Operativni plan spašavanja djelotvorna je operativna mjera ublažavanja rizika od požara na kulturnoj baštini te se može rabiti kao ogledni primjerak za ostale gradove u Republici Hrvatskoj. ARICA metoda može se uspješno primijeniti te može poslužiti za izradu karte požarnog rizika. Primjenom metode mogu se nadomjestiti nedostaci zakonskog okvira izrade procjene ugroženosti od požara povijesnih gradova. Anketiranjem stanovnika mogu se prikupiti relevantni podaci o građevinskom stanju i stanju kućanstava, navikama ispitanika u pogledu zaštite od požara i percepciji ugroženosti od požarnog rizika.

    image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Repository of Univer...arrow_drop_down
    image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
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      image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Repository of Univer...arrow_drop_down
      image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
  • image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao
    Authors: Ariana Osman; Ronald J. Steel; Ryan Ramsook; Cornel Olariu;

    AbstractCompound clinoforms are well‐recognized in modern large muddy deltas and in some ancient deltas, but there is still a lack of understanding regarding their lithology variations and the process by which sand from the shoreline clinothem reaches the subaqueous clinothem foresets that are sometimes 100 km away. Net‐to‐gross, thickness and facies association evaluation show overall coarsening‐upward through a 191 m thick exposure of the late Pliocene Orinoco, Lower Morne L'Enfer Formation, with a distinct tripartite lithology distribution. The subaqueous clinothem records a lower, relatively muddy coarsening‐upward interval, 112 m thick, with net‐to‐gross increasing from zero to 60%. On the lower delta front, zero net sand units show graded beds of silt and mud with occasional spring–neap rhythmites, strongly suggesting gravity flows influenced by tidal currents. These foreset beds are overlain by structureless very fine sand, interbedded with deformed wavy to lenticular, grey fluid mud layers that rapidly accumulated near the subaqueous clinoform rollover point. The tidally dominated subaqueous platform (subaqueous delta topset), 1 to 4 m thick, shows zero net sand units with anomalously high mud content, >70%, due to the high near‐bed suspended sediment concentration of externally derived fluid mud that migrated littorally alongshore from the Amazon Delta. The interaction of freshwater river flood discharge with fluid‐mud banks gave rise to density stratification with fine sand hypopycnally dispersing as a turbulent layer above the denser fluid‐mud carpet. The shoreline clinothem (<8 m thick) has high net‐to‐gross, >85%, attributed to winnowing of sediment by waves and tides. Utilizing net‐to‐gross trends and facies changes provide useful criteria to identify compound clinoforms in the rock record. The Orinoco Delta deposits, however, are unusual, since fluid mud hinders sand deposition on the platform, allowing for easy identification of platform facies and a clear distinction between the subaqueous and shoreline clinothem in outcrop.

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    Article . 2024 . Peer-reviewed
    License: Wiley Online Library User Agreement
    Data sources: Crossref

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      Article . 2024 . Peer-reviewed
      License: Wiley Online Library User Agreement
      Data sources: Crossref

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    Authors: Gregorić, Ivana;

    This paper deals with the theme of the past where, looking at history, we meet with the facts that helped to form the world as we know it today. History helps us know the truth that motivates us collectively to make good decisions. With the advancement of knowledge, we can build a more precise past with the help of better detection construction. By studying and analyzing history, we get an insight into what and how happened in history, and presents us with facts that we can use to guarantee a better future. In the 1960s, research into history ceased to be based on the enumeration of the activities of those in power, but shifted to social and economic history by looking at the course of a cultural civilization that dealt with religion, language, art, etc. The theory of social democracy emerged in Central Europe during the 19th century, and only after the First World War did it begin to be recognized as a separate ideology. The fundamental values of social democracy are freedom, equality, justice and solidarity, and interpretations of them form a theoretical framework that is also the basis of political action throughout history. The history of the Soviet Union is a very complex topic because it depends on the interpretation of the observer. Various types of interpretations are listed, but the belief that interpretations of the history of the Soviet Union are less related to academic research and more to the collision of political interests, is very strong. Various interpretations and views on the conflict over the Baltic dimension do not change the fact that the Baltic states were illegally and forcibly wiped out in 1940. The comparison of fascism and communism says that communism is a system based on the theory of economic equality and stands for a society without class, and fascism is a nationalist system from top to bottom with rigid class roles ruled by an all-powerful dictator. Anyone who is willing and who wants to learn and overcome past tragedies and create conditions for the intelligence of the Balkan region in the European Union should form their own opinions and moral judgments that are based on facts. It is important to note that history is an ongoing process, and our understanding of the past is constantly evolving as new evidence and interpretations emerge. Historians engage in research, analysis, and discussions to continually refine our knowledge and understanding of the past. U ovome radu obrađena je tema prošlosti gdje se, pogledom u povijest, sastajemo sa činjenicama koje su pomogle da se formira svijet kakvog poznajemo danas. Povijest nam pomaže u saznavanju istine koja nas kao kolektiv motivira prema donošenju dobrih i pravednih odluka. Napretkom znanja možemo izgraditi prošlost koja je preciznija, uz pomoć bolje konstrukcije otkrivanja. Proučavajući i analizirajući povijest dobivamo uvid u ono što se i na koji način dogodilo u povijesti, te nam predstavlja činjenice koje možemo iskoristit kako bi se garantirala bolja budućnost. 60-ih godina prošlog stoljeća istraživanja povijesti prestala su se bazirati na nabrajanju aktivnosti onih na vlasti, već su se preusmjerila na društvenu i ekonomsku povijest sagledavajući tijek kulturne civilizacije koja se bavila religijom, jezikom, umjetnošću itd. Teorija socijalne demokracije pojavila se u srednjoj Europi tijekom 19. stoljeća, a tek nakon Prvog svjetskog rata počela se priznavati kao zasebna ideologija. Temeljne vrijednosti socijalne demokracije su sloboda, jednakost, pravda i solidarnost te tumačenja istih čine teorijski okvir koji je ujedno i temelj političkog djelovanja kroz povijest. Povijest Sovjetskog Saveza vrlo je složena tema jer ovisi o tumačenju promatrača. Navedene su razne vrste interpretacija, ali vjerovanje da su tumačenja povijesti Sovjetskog Saveza manje povezana s akademskim istraživanja, a više sa sudaranjem političkih interesa, vrlo je snažno. Razna tumačenja i pogledi na sukob oko baltičke dimenzije ne mijenjaju činjenicu da su baltičke države 1940. godine bile nezakonito i prisilno izbrisane. Usporedba fašizma i komunizma govori kako je komunizam sustav koji se temelji na teoriji ekonomske jednakosti i zalaže se za društvo bez klase, a fašizam je nacionalistički sustav odozgo prema dolje s krutim klasnim ulogama kojim vlada svemoćni diktator. Svatko tko je voljan i tko želi učiti i prevladati prošle tragedije i stvoriti uvjete za inteligenciju balkanske regije u Europsku Uniju treba formirati vlastita mišljenja i moralne prosudbe koje su temeljene na činjenicama. Važno je napomenuti da je povijest proces koji je u tijeku, a naše razumijevanje prošlosti neprestano se razvija kako se pojavljuju novi dokazi i tumačenja. Povjesničari se bave istraživanjem, analizom, i raspravama kako bi neprestano usavršavali naše znanje i razumijevanje prošlosti.

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    Authors: Sokolić, Martin;

    The first part of this graduate thesis refers to the theoretical concept of the term bibliography and it is divided into three subchapters. In the first subchapter the author describes the creation and the developement of the term bibliography and the term bibliographer. In the second subchapter the author provides a short overview of the invention and the evolution of writing, books, libraries and bibliographies since the start of literacy until present time. The third subchapter refers to the bibliography that the author had created as a part of this graduate thesis bringing information about the creation of this bibliography, the method of citing, the method of listing used in this bibliography and other similar information. The second part of this graduate thesis brings a short historical overview of the city of Sisak through historical sources, archaeological sources and archaeological excavations and it is divided into three subchapters. The first subchapter refers to the prehistorical period and the first founding of the first settlement in this area. The second subchapter refers to the ancient period closely connected to Roman rule. The third subchapter refers to the medival period, starting after the end of Roman rule and ending with the end of the 16th century. The third part of this graduate thesis is the created bibliography with 398 bibliographical units and a final conclusion of this work. Prvi dio ovog diplomskog rada donosi teorijski pregled termina i koncepta bibliografije a podijeljen je na tri potpoglavlja. U prvom potpoglavlju opisana je trenutna definicija termina bibliografija kao i nastanak i razvoj same ideje bibliografije i bibliografa. U drugom potpoglavlju donesen je kratak pregled izuma i razvoja pisma, knjige, knjižnica i bibliografija od početka pismenosti do danas. Treće potpoglavlje odnosi se na izrađenu bibliografiju te se u njemu nalaze podaci o izradi, načinu navođenja, načinu oblikovanja zapisa u ovoj bibliografiji i slično. Drugi dio ovog diplomskog rada odnosi se na kratak povijesni pregled grada Siska kroz povijesne izvore, arheološke izvore i arheološka istraživanja a podijeljen je na tri potpoglavlja. Prvo potpoglavlje odnosi se na prapovijesno razdoblje i osnivanje prvog naselja na području grada Siska. Drugo potpoglavlje odnosi se na antičko razdoblje i vladavinu Rimskog carstva. Treće potpoglavlje odnosi se na srednjovjekovno razdoblje grada Siska, od raspada Rimskog carstva do kraja 16. stoljeća. Treći dio ovog diplomskog rada je sama izrađena bibliografija s 398 bibliografskih jedinica i navedenim zaključkom.

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  • image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao
    Authors: Radolović, Vanesa;

    U okviru ovog diplomskog rada odrađena je preliminarna analiza stanja Gradske Vijećnice u Dubrovniku. Budući da se radi o kulturnom dobru pod zaštitom UNESCO-a koji se nalazi na seizmički aktivnom području, bitno je znati potresni rizik. Cilj je bio analizirati stanje i ponašanje konstrukcije nakon cjelovite obnove koja je uslijedila nakon potresa koji je pogodio Dubrovnik 1979. godine s epicentrom kod Herceg Novog u Crnoj Gori. Analiza opterećenja i proračun provedeni su po HRN EN normama. Proračun je proveden modalnom analizom. Korišteni su spektri odziva za povratno razdoblje od 475 godina, 225 godina i 95 godina te stvarni spektar potresa iz Crne Gore iz 1979. godine. A preliminary case study has been conducted on Dubrovnik City Hall, a cultural heritage site protected by UNESCO, situated in a seismically active region. The study aims to analyze the building's current state following complete restoration due to damage incurred during the 1979 earthquake with epicenter in Herceg Novi, Montenegro. Load analysis and calculations were performed following HRN EN standards, utilizing modal analysis. The response spectrum considered return periods of 475, 225, and 95 years, incorporating the actual earthquake spectrum for the ground type B from Montenegro in 1979.

    image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Repository of Facult...arrow_drop_down
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    Authors: Zorica, Tajna;

    Cultural heritage is exceptionally important for all people and nations, and especially for children. From an early age, it is important to direct children's attention towards the understanding and preservation of heritage and heritage contents, as they present not only the evidence of the past but are also a part of the present as well as the future. The city of Skradin, although rather small, boasts numerous protected cultural assets as well as a rich history. This thesis contains a thorough description of all the cultural assets in the city of Skradin, while special attention is payed to sacral elements. Throughout its history, Skradin experienced numerous ups and downs, after which it was preserved and became a small secluded spot full of landmarks and heritage contents. This master thesis is the result of qualitative research with the aim of designing a model of children's encounters with heritage contents, based on the example of encounters with the religious heritage of the city of Skradin, which consist of the observation of heritage contents, as well as children's artistic expression. Kulturna baština je od iznimnog značaja za sve ljude i narode, a posebice za djecu. Važno je već od najranije dobi djeci ukazivati na razumijevanje i njegovanje baštine i baštinskih sadržaja jer su oni dokaz prošlosti, a dio su sadašnjosti kao i budućnosti. Grad Skradin, iako je malo mjesto, u sebi nosi mnogobrojna zaštićena kulturna dobra kao i bogatu povijest. Unutar ovog diplomskog rada temeljito su opisana sva kulturna dobra grada Skradina, a posebno su obrađeni i sakralni elementi. Skradin je kroz svoju povijest doživio brojne uspone i padove nakon kojih se očuvao i postao malo skriveno mjesto s mnogim znamenitostima i baštinskim sadržajima. Ovaj diplomski rad rezultat je kvalitativnog istraživanja s ciljem osmišljavanja modela dječjih susreta s baštinskim sadržajima na primjeru sakralne baštine grada Skradina, a koji se očituju u promatranju baštinskih sadržaja kao i likovnom izražavanju djece.

    image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao University of Zadar ...arrow_drop_down
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    Authors: Đilas, Mirjana;

    This thesis aims to examine understandings of science, philosophy and knowledge, as well as interpretations of the world and man in it from the given "world of life" (Lebenswelt). The introductory part and the first half of the paper will provide us with a historical overview of the mentioned research topics and their development process, while in the second half of the paper we will specifically focus on the ontological analysis of Husserl's interpretation of the relationship between philosophy and the "world of life" through the analysis of science, as a radical expression of the crisis of the life of a European man. For us, the analysis of the "crisis" will not represent an attempt to verify or dispute its theoretical and practical successes or results, but rather a problem within the context of philosophy itself and its new-age ramifications. This attitude is inspired by the desire not only to understand philosophy in its universality, but also to understand the entire situation of the time in which a crisis is manifested, as a crisis of European humanity in the overall meaningfulness of the cultural life of the contemporary era. In addition to the importance of science for human existence, we will try to persevere in the effort to look at the historical lines of the development of science and philosophy and their epistemological misunderstandings. Emphasizing the historical genesis, it will be necessary to understand the social sources as well, if they were not directly and openly manifested during the entire history. Ova teza ima za cilj ispitati razumijevanja znanosti, filozofije i spoznaje, kao i interpretacije svijeta i čovjeka u njemu iz unaprijed danog “svijeta života” (Lebenswelt). Uvodni dio i prva polovica rada pružit će nam povijesni pregled spomenutih tema ispitivanja i njihovog razvojnog procesa, dok ćemo se naime, u drugoj polovici rada konkretno opredijeliti za ontološku analizu Husserlovog tumačenja odnosa filozofije i “svijeta života” preko analize znanosti, kao radikalnog izraza krize života europskog čovjeka. Za nas analiza Krize neće predstavljati pokušaj verificiranja ili osporavanje njezinih teorijskih i praktičnih uspjeha ili rezultata, već problematiku zahvaćenu unutar konteksta same filozofije i njezinog novovjekovnoga grananja. Taj stav je nadahnut željom ne samo da se filozofija shvati u svojoj univerzalnosti, već da se poima cjelokupna situacija vremena u kojemu se očituje kriza, kao kriza europskog ljudstva u cjelokupnoj smislenosti kulturnog života suvremenog doba. Pored značaja znanosti za ljudsku egzistenciju, pokušat ćemo ustrajati u naporu da se sagledaju povijesne linije razvoja znanosti i filozofije i njihova gnoseološka nerazumijevanja. Ističući povijesnu genezu bit će potrebno shvatiti i društvene izvore ako se nisu neposredno i otvoreno manifestirali tijekom cjelokupne povijesti.

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    Authors: Svilan, Ivana;

    The development of the city of Trogir as a community throughout the Middle Ages is more thoroughly documented from the 11th century. It can be said to conclude at the beginning of the second half of the 15th century when the city came under the rule of the Venetian Republic; that is when the spatial, socio-political, and demographic landscape of the city underwent significant changes. Throughout the Middle Ages, the city endured various destructions, conquests, diseases, migrations, and population movements. All these events shaped a city that persisted in its aspirations for development and freedom, regardless of various political situations and changes. The social and urban aspects of Trogir developed in tandem and exerted mutual influence. Medieval Trogir evolved in harmony with the environment and possibilities, but also in accordance with the number of citizens, their needs, and the defense of the city. The medieval city developed in line with social, political, and economic reasons that prompted changes in space, content, and function. Trogir had a tumultuous past, especially during the 'dark' Middle Ages, and various historical events played a significant role in the city's formation, along with the citizens who lived in Trogir. The influence of the Church is particularly important. Changes in medieval Trogir depended on those who owned or had jurisdiction over properties, buildings, and the population. The Church and wealthy nobles aimed to preserve and increase their wealth, thus constructing and expanding their buildings, which were invested in and specially restored after attacks. Razvoj grada Trogira kao zajednice, kroz srednji vijek detaljnije se prati od 11. stoljeća, a može se reći da završava početkom druge polovine 15. stoljeća kada grad dolazi pod vlast Mletačke republike; odnosno kada se znatno promijenila prostorna, društveno – politička i demografska slika grada. Kroz srednji vijek grad je pretrpio razna razaranja, osvajanja, bolesti, iseljavanja i doseljavanja stanovništva. Svi ti događaji oblikovali su grad koji je ustrajao u svojim težnjama za razvojem i svojom slobodom bez obzira na razna politička stanja i mijenjanja. Društveni i urbanistički aspekt Trogira se zajedno razvijaju i vrše međusobni utjecaj. Srednjovjekovni Trogir razvija se u skladu sa okolinom i mogućnostima, ali i u skladu sa brojem građana, njihovim potrebama, kao i obranom grada. Srednjovjekovni grad se razvijao u skladu sa društvenim, političkim i gospodarskim razlozima zbog kojih su se poticale promjene u prostoru, sadržaju i funkciji. Trogir je imao burnu prošlost, posebice tokom ‘mračnog’ srednjeg vijeka te su veliku ulogu u stvaranju grada imala razna povijesna zbivanja, ali i sami građani koji su živjeli u Trogiru. Posebice je bitan utjecaj Crkve. Promjene u srednjovjekovnom Trogiru ovisile su o onima koji su imali vlasništvo ili jurisdikciju nad nekretninama, objektima i pučanstvom. Crkva i bogati plemići su imali za cilj očuvanje i povećanje vlastitog dobra te su se samim time gradile i širile njihove građevine u koje se investiralo te posebno obnavljalo poslije napada.

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    Authors: Škvorc, Božidar;

    This paper describes nacional project e-Kultura „Digitalization of Cultural Heritage“, and will be focusing on the ICT system for the project e-Kultura. The system and its capabilities will be explained in detail, including the central system of the project, administrative permissions for all specific actions in the system such as creating information packages, data agregation and administration of themes in the system, as well as creation and updating of collections of digital data in the system. The paper will also outline the rules for digitizing materials, providing a more detailed explanation of the goals and purposes of digitization, file formats for display and permanent storage in the system, and subsequently, publication on the eKultura portal. It will briefly describe the necessary steps for preparing materials before digitization. Additionally, the paper will describe how to create virtual exhibitions on the eKultura portal through WordPress platform. The second, practical part of the paper will be focused on the user experience of the eKultura portal, where the obtained data through online questionnaires will be described. These data can be categorized as a type of investigation in usability testing. The online questionnaires were completed by 20 students, which is the maximum allowed number of participants using the AttrakDiff and VisAWI tools, used for analysis purposes. This approach will consolidate information in one paper about the ICT system for the e-Kultura project, rules, and guidelines for digitizing materials stored in the system, as well as the user experience of the end-users of the eKultura portal. Ovaj rad opisuje nacionalni projekt e-Kultura „Digitalizacija kulturne baštine“, a usredotočit će se na IKT sustav za projekt e-Kultura. Kroz opis središnjeg sustava te njegovim mogućnostima pobliže će se objasniti središnja te PURL administracija sustava, ovlasti administratora za pojedine radnje u sustavu kao što su izrada informacijskih paketa u sustavu, agregacija podataka i administracija tema u sustavu, stvaranje i ažuriranje zbirki. Kroz rad će se opisati i pravila za digitalizaciju građe koja detaljnije objašnjavaju ciljeve i svrhu digitalizacije građe, formate datoteka za prikaz i trajnu pohranu u sustavu te posljedično i objavu na portalu eKultura kao i ukratko opisati koje su radnje potrebne za pripremu gradiva prije same digitalizacije. Nadalje će se opisati način na koji je moguće kreirati virtualne izložbe na portalu eKultura kroz WordPress platformu. Drugi, praktični, dio rada bit će usredotočen na korisničko iskustvo portala eKultura gdje će se opisati dobiveni podaci kroz online upitnike koje možemo svrstati u tip ispitivanja kod testiranja uporabljivosti. Online upitnike ispunjavalo je 20 studenata, što je najveći dozvoljeni broj ispitanika putem alata AttrakDiff i VisAWI, koji su korišteni u svrhu analize. Na ovaj način u jednom radu biti će objedinjene informacije o IKT sustavu za projekt e-Kultura, pravila i smjernice digitalizacije gradiva koja će biti pohranjena u sustavu te korisničko iskustvo krajnjih korisnika portala eKultura.

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    Authors: Miloglav, Ina; Mileusnić, Marta; Grzunov, Adriana; Wriessnig, Karin; +2 Authors

    Analysis of ceramics artefacts may disclose a social, economic and political context of the specific area and period being studied. The subject of this study is ceramic material, found in Stari Mikanovci, which belonged to different prehistoric cultures that lived and rebuilt on the same spot forming a mound (tell Damića gradina). This multi- layered tell site represents a very good example of settling continuity from the Neolithic to the beginning of the Roman period. It was occupied during Sopot, Baden, Vučedol, Vinkovci and Bosut culture, and ends with fortified settlement in the last phase of the middle La Tène period (second half of the first century). The main goal of the study is reconstruction of technological processes of pottery production in different cultures that lived in the same place during approx. 6000 years and used the same raw material. Technology of pottery production considers: (1) preparation of clay paste (mixing of clay with different temper material) ; (2) modelling techniques ; (3) firing methods ; and (4) styles of decoration. The purpose of investigation is to define to which extent technological processes were conditioned by economic, social or traditional factor, i.e. to which extent they were matter of choice. Different archaeometric analyses (mineralogical, petrographic and chemical) of pottery fragments were essential step in the reconstruction of the technological process and their results indicate recipes for the clay mixture and the firing regime.

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    Authors: Buble, Marin;

    Objective: To explore in an interdisciplinary way the application of three fire risk reduction measures in the historical center of the city of Trogir: creation of an operational plan for responding and saving cultural heritage in the event of a fire, the ARICA method for calculating the fire risk index of the city core, and a survey of residents related to the construction and household conditions, specific habits and perception of vulnerability in terms of fire protection. Methods: Using the ARICA method, a numerical assessment of fire hazard was calculated for the observed facility. The survey questionnaire collected data on the state of construction and the state of households, specific habits and the perception of residents' vulnerability in terms of fire danger. Results: The ARICA calculation method showed a moderate fire hazard for the observed object (1.193). The survey questionnaire confirmed the construction defects of the observed space. It was shown that the residents are not convinced whether they feel safe from the fire danger and have confidence in the firefighters that they will come in time and put out the fire. Fire is perceived as the main danger, while the element of human carelessness is considered to be the main cause. Conclusions: The operational rescue plan is an effective operational measure to mitigate the risk of fire on cultural heritage and can be used as a model for other cities in the Republic of Croatia. The ARICA method can be successfully applied and can be used to create a fire risk map. Applying the method can compensate for the shortcomings of the legal framework for the assessment of the risk of fire in historic cities. By surveying residents, relevant data can be collected on the construction condition and the condition of households, the respondents' habits regarding fire protection and the perception of danger from fire risk. Cilj: U povijesnoj jezgri grada Trogira interdisciplinarno istražiti primjenu tri mjere smanjivanja rizika od požara: izradu operativnog plan reagiranja i spašavanja kulturne baštine za slučaj požara, ARICA metodu izračuna indeksa ugroženosti od požarne opasnosti gradske jezgre i anketu sa stanovnicima vezanu za građevinsko stanje i stanje kućanstava, specifične navike i percepciju ugroženosti u pogledu zaštite od požara. Metode: S pomoću ARICA metode izračunata je numerička procjena ugroženosti od požara za promatrani objekt. Anketnim upitnikom prikupljeni su podaci o građevinskom stanju i stanju kućanstava, specifičnim navikama i percepcijom ugroženosti stanovnika u pogledu požarne opasnosti. Rezultati: ARICA metoda izračuna pokazala je umjerenu opasnost od požara za promatrani objekt (1,193). Anketni upitnik potvrdio je građevinske nedostatke promatranog prostora. Pokazalo se kako stanovnici nisu uvjereni osjećaju li se sigurno od požarne opasnosti i imaju povjerenja u vatrogasce da će na vrijeme doći i ugasiti požar. Požar se doživljava kao glavna opasnost dok se kao glavnog uzročnika smatra element ljudske nepažnje. Zaključci: Operativni plan spašavanja djelotvorna je operativna mjera ublažavanja rizika od požara na kulturnoj baštini te se može rabiti kao ogledni primjerak za ostale gradove u Republici Hrvatskoj. ARICA metoda može se uspješno primijeniti te može poslužiti za izradu karte požarnog rizika. Primjenom metode mogu se nadomjestiti nedostaci zakonskog okvira izrade procjene ugroženosti od požara povijesnih gradova. Anketiranjem stanovnika mogu se prikupiti relevantni podaci o građevinskom stanju i stanju kućanstava, navikama ispitanika u pogledu zaštite od požara i percepciji ugroženosti od požarnog rizika.

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    Authors: Ariana Osman; Ronald J. Steel; Ryan Ramsook; Cornel Olariu;

    AbstractCompound clinoforms are well‐recognized in modern large muddy deltas and in some ancient deltas, but there is still a lack of understanding regarding their lithology variations and the process by which sand from the shoreline clinothem reaches the subaqueous clinothem foresets that are sometimes 100 km away. Net‐to‐gross, thickness and facies association evaluation show overall coarsening‐upward through a 191 m thick exposure of the late Pliocene Orinoco, Lower Morne L'Enfer Formation, with a distinct tripartite lithology distribution. The subaqueous clinothem records a lower, relatively muddy coarsening‐upward interval, 112 m thick, with net‐to‐gross increasing from zero to 60%. On the lower delta front, zero net sand units show graded beds of silt and mud with occasional spring–neap rhythmites, strongly suggesting gravity flows influenced by tidal currents. These foreset beds are overlain by structureless very fine sand, interbedded with deformed wavy to lenticular, grey fluid mud layers that rapidly accumulated near the subaqueous clinoform rollover point. The tidally dominated subaqueous platform (subaqueous delta topset), 1 to 4 m thick, shows zero net sand units with anomalously high mud content, >70%, due to the high near‐bed suspended sediment concentration of externally derived fluid mud that migrated littorally alongshore from the Amazon Delta. The interaction of freshwater river flood discharge with fluid‐mud banks gave rise to density stratification with fine sand hypopycnally dispersing as a turbulent layer above the denser fluid‐mud carpet. The shoreline clinothem (<8 m thick) has high net‐to‐gross, >85%, attributed to winnowing of sediment by waves and tides. Utilizing net‐to‐gross trends and facies changes provide useful criteria to identify compound clinoforms in the rock record. The Orinoco Delta deposits, however, are unusual, since fluid mud hinders sand deposition on the platform, allowing for easy identification of platform facies and a clear distinction between the subaqueous and shoreline clinothem in outcrop.

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    Article . 2024 . Peer-reviewed
    License: Wiley Online Library User Agreement
    Data sources: Crossref

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      Article . 2024 . Peer-reviewed
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    Authors: Gregorić, Ivana;

    This paper deals with the theme of the past where, looking at history, we meet with the facts that helped to form the world as we know it today. History helps us know the truth that motivates us collectively to make good decisions. With the advancement of knowledge, we can build a more precise past with the help of better detection construction. By studying and analyzing history, we get an insight into what and how happened in history, and presents us with facts that we can use to guarantee a better future. In the 1960s, research into history ceased to be based on the enumeration of the activities of those in power, but shifted to social and economic history by looking at the course of a cultural civilization that dealt with religion, language, art, etc. The theory of social democracy emerged in Central Europe during the 19th century, and only after the First World War did it begin to be recognized as a separate ideology. The fundamental values of social democracy are freedom, equality, justice and solidarity, and interpretations of them form a theoretical framework that is also the basis of political action throughout history. The history of the Soviet Union is a very complex topic because it depends on the interpretation of the observer. Various types of interpretations are listed, but the belief that interpretations of the history of the Soviet Union are less related to academic research and more to the collision of political interests, is very strong. Various interpretations and views on the conflict over the Baltic dimension do not change the fact that the Baltic states were illegally and forcibly wiped out in 1940. The comparison of fascism and communism says that communism is a system based on the theory of economic equality and stands for a society without class, and fascism is a nationalist system from top to bottom with rigid class roles ruled by an all-powerful dictator. Anyone who is willing and who wants to learn and overcome past tragedies and create conditions for the intelligence of the Balkan region in the European Union should form their own opinions and moral judgments that are based on facts. It is important to note that history is an ongoing process, and our understanding of the past is constantly evolving as new evidence and interpretations emerge. Historians engage in research, analysis, and discussions to continually refine our knowledge and understanding of the past. U ovome radu obrađena je tema prošlosti gdje se, pogledom u povijest, sastajemo sa činjenicama koje su pomogle da se formira svijet kakvog poznajemo danas. Povijest nam pomaže u saznavanju istine koja nas kao kolektiv motivira prema donošenju dobrih i pravednih odluka. Napretkom znanja možemo izgraditi prošlost koja je preciznija, uz pomoć bolje konstrukcije otkrivanja. Proučavajući i analizirajući povijest dobivamo uvid u ono što se i na koji način dogodilo u povijesti, te nam predstavlja činjenice koje možemo iskoristit kako bi se garantirala bolja budućnost. 60-ih godina prošlog stoljeća istraživanja povijesti prestala su se bazirati na nabrajanju aktivnosti onih na vlasti, već su se preusmjerila na društvenu i ekonomsku povijest sagledavajući tijek kulturne civilizacije koja se bavila religijom, jezikom, umjetnošću itd. Teorija socijalne demokracije pojavila se u srednjoj Europi tijekom 19. stoljeća, a tek nakon Prvog svjetskog rata počela se priznavati kao zasebna ideologija. Temeljne vrijednosti socijalne demokracije su sloboda, jednakost, pravda i solidarnost te tumačenja istih čine teorijski okvir koji je ujedno i temelj političkog djelovanja kroz povijest. Povijest Sovjetskog Saveza vrlo je složena tema jer ovisi o tumačenju promatrača. Navedene su razne vrste interpretacija, ali vjerovanje da su tumačenja povijesti Sovjetskog Saveza manje povezana s akademskim istraživanja, a više sa sudaranjem političkih interesa, vrlo je snažno. Razna tumačenja i pogledi na sukob oko baltičke dimenzije ne mijenjaju činjenicu da su baltičke države 1940. godine bile nezakonito i prisilno izbrisane. Usporedba fašizma i komunizma govori kako je komunizam sustav koji se temelji na teoriji ekonomske jednakosti i zalaže se za društvo bez klase, a fašizam je nacionalistički sustav odozgo prema dolje s krutim klasnim ulogama kojim vlada svemoćni diktator. Svatko tko je voljan i tko želi učiti i prevladati prošle tragedije i stvoriti uvjete za inteligenciju balkanske regije u Europsku Uniju treba formirati vlastita mišljenja i moralne prosudbe koje su temeljene na činjenicama. Važno je napomenuti da je povijest proces koji je u tijeku, a naše razumijevanje prošlosti neprestano se razvija kako se pojavljuju novi dokazi i tumačenja. Povjesničari se bave istraživanjem, analizom, i raspravama kako bi neprestano usavršavali naše znanje i razumijevanje prošlosti.

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    Authors: Sokolić, Martin;

    The first part of this graduate thesis refers to the theoretical concept of the term bibliography and it is divided into three subchapters. In the first subchapter the author describes the creation and the developement of the term bibliography and the term bibliographer. In the second subchapter the author provides a short overview of the invention and the evolution of writing, books, libraries and bibliographies since the start of literacy until present time. The third subchapter refers to the bibliography that the author had created as a part of this graduate thesis bringing information about the creation of this bibliography, the method of citing, the method of listing used in this bibliography and other similar information. The second part of this graduate thesis brings a short historical overview of the city of Sisak through historical sources, archaeological sources and archaeological excavations and it is divided into three subchapters. The first subchapter refers to the prehistorical period and the first founding of the first settlement in this area. The second subchapter refers to the ancient period closely connected to Roman rule. The third subchapter refers to the medival period, starting after the end of Roman rule and ending with the end of the 16th century. The third part of this graduate thesis is the created bibliography with 398 bibliographical units and a final conclusion of this work. Prvi dio ovog diplomskog rada donosi teorijski pregled termina i koncepta bibliografije a podijeljen je na tri potpoglavlja. U prvom potpoglavlju opisana je trenutna definicija termina bibliografija kao i nastanak i razvoj same ideje bibliografije i bibliografa. U drugom potpoglavlju donesen je kratak pregled izuma i razvoja pisma, knjige, knjižnica i bibliografija od početka pismenosti do danas. Treće potpoglavlje odnosi se na izrađenu bibliografiju te se u njemu nalaze podaci o izradi, načinu navođenja, načinu oblikovanja zapisa u ovoj bibliografiji i slično. Drugi dio ovog diplomskog rada odnosi se na kratak povijesni pregled grada Siska kroz povijesne izvore, arheološke izvore i arheološka istraživanja a podijeljen je na tri potpoglavlja. Prvo potpoglavlje odnosi se na prapovijesno razdoblje i osnivanje prvog naselja na području grada Siska. Drugo potpoglavlje odnosi se na antičko razdoblje i vladavinu Rimskog carstva. Treće potpoglavlje odnosi se na srednjovjekovno razdoblje grada Siska, od raspada Rimskog carstva do kraja 16. stoljeća. Treći dio ovog diplomskog rada je sama izrađena bibliografija s 398 bibliografskih jedinica i navedenim zaključkom.

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