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The following results are related to Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage. Are you interested to view more results? Visit OpenAIRE - Explore.

  • Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage
  • 2013-2022
  • ID
  • Indonesian


    Berdasarkan observasi yang dilakukan pada siswa kelas V SDN Babatan 1 Surabaya, ditemukan permasalahan dalam pembelajaran seni rupa khususnya materi menggambar bentuk. Siswa mengalami kesulitan dalam menggambar bentuk serta penggunaan teknik yang tidak sesuai sehingga hasil belajar siswa menjadi dibawah standar ketuntatasan minimal. Berkaitan dengan masalah tersebut maka penelitian ini memperkenalkan teknik perspektif untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar menggambar bentuk geometris. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK), yang dilaksanakan dalam dua siklus. Setiap siklus terdiri dari empat tahap yaitu perencanaan, pelaksanaan, pengamatan, dan refleksi. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu dengan pengamatan, dan tes. Data yang telah terkumpul dianalisis dengan menggunakan teknik analisis kuantitatif. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas V SDN Babatan 1 Surabaya yang berjumlah 27 siswa. Teknik pengumpulan data diperoleh dengan menggunakan tes dan observasi. Aktivitas guru meningkat dari siklus I 74,1% dan siklus II 87,4%. Aktivitas siswa selama proses pembelajaran pada siklus I 73,3% dan siklus II 87,7%. Data hasil belajar siswa siklus I 66,6%, dan siklus II 88,8%. Dari hasil data di atas dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengenalan teknik perspektif dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar menggambar bentuk pada siswa kelas V pada mata pelajaran seni rupa di SDN Babatan 1 Surabaya. Kata kunci: Menggambar bentuk, Teknik Perspektif, Seni Rupa. Absrtact: Based on observations made at the fifth grade students of SDN Babatan 1 Surabaya, found problems in learning art especially drawing material form. Students having difficulty in drawing form and the use of inappropriate techniques so that student learning outcomes to be below the standard minimum completeness. In connection with the issue, this study introduces perspective techniques to improve learning outcomes to draw geometric shapes. This study uses the design of classroom action research (CAR), which is conducted in two cycles. Each cycle consists of four stages: planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. Data collection techniques used were the observations, and tests. Collected data were analyzed using quantitative analysis techniques. This study uses descriptive quantitative research design. Subjects in this study were fifth grade students of SDN Swipe 1 Surabaya consisting of 27 students. Techniques of data collection obtained by using tests and observation. Teacher activity increased 74.1% from the first cycle and second cycle of 87.4%. Activities of students during the learning process in the first cycle and second cycle 73.3% 87.7%. Student learning outcomes data first cycle 66.6%, and 88.8% the second cycle. From the results of the above data it can be concluded that the introduction of techniques to improve learning outcomes perspective drawing shapes in class V at art subjects in SDN Babatan 1 Surabaya.

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  • Authors: Amir, M. (Muhammad);

    Kajian ini mengungkap dan menjelaskan perlawanan Kerajaan Sawitto terhadap pemerintah Hindia Belanda pada tahun 1905-1906. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode sejarah, yang menjelaskan suatu persoalan berdasarkan perspektif sejarah. Prosedurnya terdiri atas heuristik, kritik sumber, interpretasi, dan historiografi dalam bentuk kisah. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa perlawanan Kerajaan Sawitto terhadap pemerintah Hindia Belanda, bukan hanya dilatari oleh kepentingan ekonomi yang berkaitan kebijakan pelabuhan wajib pajak, melainkan juga kepentingan politik yang berkaitan dengan campur tangan pemerintah Belanda terhadap urusan dalam negeri Kerajaan Sawitto, bahkan ingin menguasai Sawitto secara langsung. Hal tersebut ditandai dengan diajukannya suatu tuntutan terhadap Kerajaan Sawitto agar tunduk, taat, dan patuh sepenuhnya kepada pemerintah Belanda dengan menandatangani pernyataan pendek (korte verklaring). Karena menolak tuntutan itu, pemerintah Belanda memutuskan untuk melancarkan serangan militer terhadap Kerajaan Sawitto, namun serangan tersebut mendapat perlawanan dari laskar Sawitto di bawah pimpinan La Sinrang. Pada akhirnya, pasukan Belanda berhasil mengalahkan laskar Sawitto.

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  • Authors: Bhattacharya, S. (Souren); Pal, S. (Subhasree);

    India has the second-largest tribal population after Africa. Most of them are greatly dependent on forests and their produce for their livelihood. Indian Forest Act of 1865 was the first attempt of colonial govt. to assert a monopoly right over forest resources. By the act of 1878, the customary rights of the villagers were denied. In the post-colonial period, the national forest policy of 1952 also asserted the monopoly of the state over the forest in the new brand ‘national interest'. There is a sharp rise in the production of industrial and fuelwood. The blind acceptance of the colonial policy of practice of monoculture and denial of customary rights to the forest dwellers destroys the ecological balance, and make them ecological refugee. There is a shift of policy towards commercial interest and export-oriented forest management. But this strategy shift is invariably against the interest of the tribal community who inhabit forest areas. There is growing use of Minor Forest Produce (MFP) for different purposes but the profits are reaped by processing industries while collectors of MFP would get wages at subsistence level. The loss of control over resources often compels the tribe to use the forest in an unsustainable Fashion leading to an alienation of man and forest. This paper spotlights how do the exogenous changes in different forested areas badly hamper allocation of food, fuel, fodder, medicine and even ritual rights of the tribal community and their relation with the forest.

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  • Authors: Suanmonta, T. (Tawanchai);

    This academic article aims to 1) study the history of the national marching band contest; 2) the development of the national marching band contest. The results showed that National Marching Band Contest has been held from 1982 until the present. The contest in the early age from 1982 to 1993 is divided into three categories: Category A, Men, Category B, Men and Women, Category C, Women. The winning marching band will receive a royal trophy. In addition, the marching band has to play three songs at the Supachalasai Stadium: royal song (Rama IX), Thai Thao song or Prelude song, and a selected song according to preference, continuing with the march music: sports ground music, and Thai Military Bank (TMB) song which is a compulsory one. The marching band contest has been developed because the contest management activity is an important factor in the development of standards for marching bands to grow rapidly at the national level from an early age to the present.

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  • У статті висвітлено питання класифікацій предметів колекціонування на провідних Інтернет-аукціонах України і Польщі. Проведено аналіз переваг та недоліків існуючих класифікацій, з пропозиціями щодо їх вдосконалення, з метою точної ідентифікації предметів колекціонування для потреб аналізу, обліку і контролю.

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  • Authors: Fahriani, F. (Ferra);

    Excavation causes soil deformation and changes in stress and strain. This research takes on a case study in the basement construction project of a skyscraper in Jakarta. The construction method used is top down method. The Diafragma, with a thickness of 0,6 meter and length of 37 meter, was constructed to the excavation. A professional software based on the concept of Finite Element Method, “PLAXIS 2D”, was chosen for the analysis. The soil example used in this research is Cam Clay (Soft Soil) using drained and undrained analysis and effective parameter. The result shows that drained analysis gives bigger values of deformation and bending moment than undrained analysis, so the safety factor is smaller. Undrained analysis gives a prediction result that is more similar with the result of deformation measurement in the field. For the surface movement, the result is bigger when using drained analysis than when using undrained analysis. The big surface movement occurs in 5-10 m length. However, the behavior of stress and strain in the Soft Soil modeling is similar to the condition in the field.

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  • Authors: Akkase Teng, Muhammad Bahar;

    Elaborated. The study of the orientalism is very complex (easterm affairs, particularly Islam)which is brought about by the motifs such as religious, scientific, economical, andpolitical matters.The terms orientalists and orientalism appeared in Andalusia (Spain) in the seventhcentury (Hijriah/ Islamic calender) or fourteenth century (AD) . They gnawed Islam byimmersing the moslems into the misieading school of thoughts primarily the younggeneration by turning them away from their religion with the teachings ofmaterialism, and secularism.The orientalism development phases are : (1) the missionary and anti Islamstarted in the sixteenth century (AD) . (2) the studies and distribes were in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, (3) studies and colonialisms were in the nineteenth century andthe first quarter of the tweentieth century (AD). (4) the study and politics were in thesecond half of the nineteenth century (AD). The main objective of the orientalisms is todisclose and reveal the symbolic significances of the profound Islamic Culturalexpressions, in which the Arabic language represents the primary medium.

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  • Authors: Abiriyi, N. (Nathan); Kwasu, K. J. (Katung);

    The present research article examines the myriad ways that the Dikan ritual performance among the Bajju people of Kaduna State, Northern West, Nigeria, is celebrated. The Dikan ritual performance in its current enactment can be gleamed as a cultural space for the remembrance of the essence and cultural identity of the Bajju tribe, in a world under the threat of rapid globalization, socio-cultural, and historical changes; which is made more prevalent by the exerting force of technology, popular culture, and postmodern elements demonstrated through various social media platforms and news outlets. The study begins by highlighting the background of Dikan ritual performance in Kajju from the precolonial to postcolonial Northern Nigeria. It espouses on the nature and structure of this ritual and its relevance to the Bajju people. It then makes recommendations on ways of sustaining this practice, to save it from extinction.

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  • Authors: Rouw, R. F. (Randy);

    Tujuan penulisan ini adalah membuktikan bahwa kepercayaan Rahab terwujud melalui setiap tindakan Rahab dalam Yosua 2:1-24. Penulis surat Ibrani dan Yakobus mengungkapkan bahwa setiap tindakan Rahab menunjukkan kepercayaannya kepada Allah, namun dalam narasi Yosua 2 tidak ada keterangan yang jelas apakah benar setiap tindakan Rahab mewujudkan kepercayaannya kepada Allah bangsa Israel. Sebagai kesimpulan, Rahab memang memiliki latar belakang non-Israel, namun hal itu tidak menutup anugerah keselamatan untuk dinikmatinya. Rahab membuktikan kesungguhannya untuk percaya dan berserah kepada Allah bangsa Israel melalui setiap tindakannya demi menolong umat Allah. Dalam meneliti narasi Yosua 2:1-24, penulis menggunakan prinsip-prinsip umum dalam hermeneutik. Selain itu, penulis juga meneliti narasi Yosua 2 dengan menggunakan metode penafsiran narasi terkait genre dari Yosua 2:1-24 adalah narasi. The purpose of this writing is to prove that Rahab's belief is manifested through every act of Rahab in Joshua 2: 1-24. The writers of Hebrews and James reveal that every act of Rahab shows her belief in God, but in Joshua's narrative there is no clear explanation of whether it is true that every act of Rahab embodies her belief in the God of Israel. Rahab does have a non-Israelite background, but that fact does not exclude her from the enjoyment of the grace of salvation. Rahab proves her sincerity to believe and surrender to the God of Israel through her every action to help the people of God.

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  • Authors: Mishra, R. S. (R);

    चंदनखेड़ा ग्राम इ.स. 1619 से इ.स. 1704 तक चांदागड के गोंडराजाओं के शासनकाल मे प्रसिद्ध था। यह परगना वरोरा से 28 किलोमीटर पर स्थित है। वर्तमान में चंदनखेड़ा ग्राम भद्रावती तहसील से 24 किलोमीटर पर है। मान्यता प्राप्त भारतीय नक्शे में चंदनखेड़ा यह ग्राम वर्तमान मे मौजूद है और समुद्र तट से 207 मीटर ऊंचाई पर है। इ.स. 1619 से इ.स. 1704 के समय चांदागड के गोंडराजा बिरशहा आत्राम इनके चचेरे भाई गोविंदशहा इन्हें चंदनखेड़ा ग्राम एवं आसपास के 30-40 मैल परीघ क्षेत्र के भूमि पर जमींदार के तौर पर नियुक्त किया गया था। गोंड राजा बिरशहा इनके अपने दामाद के साथ पारिवारिक समस्याओं के कारण युद्ध हुआ। उनके जमाई देवगढ़ के राजपुत्र दुर्गपाल शाह थे। इन्हीं के साथ गोंड राजा बिरशहा का युद्ध हुआ इसमे जमाई दुर्गपाल शाह मारे गए। उनका सर काट कर राजा बिरशहा ने मां काली कंकाली देवी को दिए वचन के अनुसार अर्पित किया। उसी की प्रतिकृति पत्थर से बनाकर मंदिर के ऊपर स्थापित की गई है। इसी वजह से देवगढ़ के राजा बख्त बुलंद शाह ने अपने शूरवीर सरदार हीरामन को गुप्तचर बनाकर चांदागढ़ मे राजा बिरशहा का खून करने भेजा। उसके बाद इ.स. 1704 से अंग्रेजों का राज्य चांदागढ़ से समाप्त होने तक इन दोनों घरानों में मनस्वी दुश्मनी चलती रही।

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The following results are related to Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage. Are you interested to view more results? Visit OpenAIRE - Explore.

    Berdasarkan observasi yang dilakukan pada siswa kelas V SDN Babatan 1 Surabaya, ditemukan permasalahan dalam pembelajaran seni rupa khususnya materi menggambar bentuk. Siswa mengalami kesulitan dalam menggambar bentuk serta penggunaan teknik yang tidak sesuai sehingga hasil belajar siswa menjadi dibawah standar ketuntatasan minimal. Berkaitan dengan masalah tersebut maka penelitian ini memperkenalkan teknik perspektif untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar menggambar bentuk geometris. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK), yang dilaksanakan dalam dua siklus. Setiap siklus terdiri dari empat tahap yaitu perencanaan, pelaksanaan, pengamatan, dan refleksi. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu dengan pengamatan, dan tes. Data yang telah terkumpul dianalisis dengan menggunakan teknik analisis kuantitatif. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas V SDN Babatan 1 Surabaya yang berjumlah 27 siswa. Teknik pengumpulan data diperoleh dengan menggunakan tes dan observasi. Aktivitas guru meningkat dari siklus I 74,1% dan siklus II 87,4%. Aktivitas siswa selama proses pembelajaran pada siklus I 73,3% dan siklus II 87,7%. Data hasil belajar siswa siklus I 66,6%, dan siklus II 88,8%. Dari hasil data di atas dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengenalan teknik perspektif dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar menggambar bentuk pada siswa kelas V pada mata pelajaran seni rupa di SDN Babatan 1 Surabaya. Kata kunci: Menggambar bentuk, Teknik Perspektif, Seni Rupa. Absrtact: Based on observations made at the fifth grade students of SDN Babatan 1 Surabaya, found problems in learning art especially drawing material form. Students having difficulty in drawing form and the use of inappropriate techniques so that student learning outcomes to be below the standard minimum completeness. In connection with the issue, this study introduces perspective techniques to improve learning outcomes to draw geometric shapes. This study uses the design of classroom action research (CAR), which is conducted in two cycles. Each cycle consists of four stages: planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. Data collection techniques used were the observations, and tests. Collected data were analyzed using quantitative analysis techniques. This study uses descriptive quantitative research design. Subjects in this study were fifth grade students of SDN Swipe 1 Surabaya consisting of 27 students. Techniques of data collection obtained by using tests and observation. Teacher activity increased 74.1% from the first cycle and second cycle of 87.4%. Activities of students during the learning process in the first cycle and second cycle 73.3% 87.7%. Student learning outcomes data first cycle 66.6%, and 88.8% the second cycle. From the results of the above data it can be concluded that the introduction of techniques to improve learning outcomes perspective drawing shapes in class V at art subjects in SDN Babatan 1 Surabaya.

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  • Authors: Amir, M. (Muhammad);

    Kajian ini mengungkap dan menjelaskan perlawanan Kerajaan Sawitto terhadap pemerintah Hindia Belanda pada tahun 1905-1906. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode sejarah, yang menjelaskan suatu persoalan berdasarkan perspektif sejarah. Prosedurnya terdiri atas heuristik, kritik sumber, interpretasi, dan historiografi dalam bentuk kisah. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa perlawanan Kerajaan Sawitto terhadap pemerintah Hindia Belanda, bukan hanya dilatari oleh kepentingan ekonomi yang berkaitan kebijakan pelabuhan wajib pajak, melainkan juga kepentingan politik yang berkaitan dengan campur tangan pemerintah Belanda terhadap urusan dalam negeri Kerajaan Sawitto, bahkan ingin menguasai Sawitto secara langsung. Hal tersebut ditandai dengan diajukannya suatu tuntutan terhadap Kerajaan Sawitto agar tunduk, taat, dan patuh sepenuhnya kepada pemerintah Belanda dengan menandatangani pernyataan pendek (korte verklaring). Karena menolak tuntutan itu, pemerintah Belanda memutuskan untuk melancarkan serangan militer terhadap Kerajaan Sawitto, namun serangan tersebut mendapat perlawanan dari laskar Sawitto di bawah pimpinan La Sinrang. Pada akhirnya, pasukan Belanda berhasil mengalahkan laskar Sawitto.

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  • Authors: Bhattacharya, S. (Souren); Pal, S. (Subhasree);

    India has the second-largest tribal population after Africa. Most of them are greatly dependent on forests and their produce for their livelihood. Indian Forest Act of 1865 was the first attempt of colonial govt. to assert a monopoly right over forest resources. By the act of 1878, the customary rights of the villagers were denied. In the post-colonial period, the national forest policy of 1952 also asserted the monopoly of the state over the forest in the new brand ‘national interest'. There is a sharp rise in the production of industrial and fuelwood. The blind acceptance of the colonial policy of practice of monoculture and denial of customary rights to the forest dwellers destroys the ecological balance, and make them ecological refugee. There is a shift of policy towards commercial interest and export-oriented forest management. But this strategy shift is invariably against the interest of the tribal community who inhabit forest areas. There is growing use of Minor Forest Produce (MFP) for different purposes but the profits are reaped by processing industries while collectors of MFP would get wages at subsistence level. The loss of control over resources often compels the tribe to use the forest in an unsustainable Fashion leading to an alienation of man and forest. This paper spotlights how do the exogenous changes in different forested areas badly hamper allocation of food, fuel, fodder, medicine and even ritual rights of the tribal community and their relation with the forest.

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  • Authors: Suanmonta, T. (Tawanchai);

    This academic article aims to 1) study the history of the national marching band contest; 2) the development of the national marching band contest. The results showed that National Marching Band Contest has been held from 1982 until the present. The contest in the early age from 1982 to 1993 is divided into three categories: Category A, Men, Category B, Men and Women, Category C, Women. The winning marching band will receive a royal trophy. In addition, the marching band has to play three songs at the Supachalasai Stadium: royal song (Rama IX), Thai Thao song or Prelude song, and a selected song according to preference, continuing with the march music: sports ground music, and Thai Military Bank (TMB) song which is a compulsory one. The marching band contest has been developed because the contest management activity is an important factor in the development of standards for marching bands to grow rapidly at the national level from an early age to the present.

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  • У статті висвітлено питання класифікацій предметів колекціонування на провідних Інтернет-аукціонах України і Польщі. Проведено аналіз переваг та недоліків існуючих класифікацій, з пропозиціями щодо їх вдосконалення, з метою точної ідентифікації предметів колекціонування для потреб аналізу, обліку і контролю.

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  • Authors: Fahriani, F. (Ferra);

    Excavation causes soil deformation and changes in stress and strain. This research takes on a case study in the basement construction project of a skyscraper in Jakarta. The construction method used is top down method. The Diafragma, with a thickness of 0,6 meter and length of 37 meter, was constructed to the excavation. A professional software based on the concept of Finite Element Method, “PLAXIS 2D”, was chosen for the analysis. The soil example used in this research is Cam Clay (Soft Soil) using drained and undrained analysis and effective parameter. The result shows that drained analysis gives bigger values of deformation and bending moment than undrained analysis, so the safety factor is smaller. Undrained analysis gives a prediction result that is more similar with the result of deformation measurement in the field. For the surface movement, the result is bigger when using drained analysis than when using undrained analysis. The big surface movement occurs in 5-10 m length. However, the behavior of stress and strain in the Soft Soil modeling is similar to the condition in the field.

    BIP!Powered by BIP!
  • Authors: Akkase Teng, Muhammad Bahar;

    Elaborated. The study of the orientalism is very complex (easterm affairs, particularly Islam)which is brought about by the motifs such as religious, scientific, economical, andpolitical matters.The terms orientalists and orientalism appeared in Andalusia (Spain) in the seventhcentury (Hijriah/ Islamic calender) or fourteenth century (AD) . They gnawed Islam byimmersing the moslems into the misieading school of thoughts primarily the younggeneration by turning them away from their religion with the teachings ofmaterialism, and secularism.The orientalism development phases are : (1) the missionary and anti Islamstarted in the sixteenth century (AD) . (2) the studies and distribes were in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, (3) studies and colonialisms were in the nineteenth century andthe first quarter of the tweentieth century (AD). (4) the study and politics were in thesecond half of the nineteenth century (AD). The main objective of the orientalisms is todisclose and reveal the symbolic significances of the profound Islamic Culturalexpressions, in which the Arabic language represents the primary medium.

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  • Authors: Abiriyi, N. (Nathan); Kwasu, K. J. (Katung);

    The present research article examines the myriad ways that the Dikan ritual performance among the Bajju people of Kaduna State, Northern West, Nigeria, is celebrated. The Dikan ritual performance in its current enactment can be gleamed as a cultural space for the remembrance of the essence and cultural identity of the Bajju tribe, in a world under the threat of rapid globalization, socio-cultural, and historical changes; which is made more prevalent by the exerting force of technology, popular culture, and postmodern elements demonstrated through various social media platforms and news outlets. The study begins by highlighting the background of Dikan ritual performance in Kajju from the precolonial to postcolonial Northern Nigeria. It espouses on the nature and structure of this ritual and its relevance to the Bajju people. It then makes recommendations on ways of sustaining this practice, to save it from extinction.

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  • Authors: Rouw, R. F. (Randy);

    Tujuan penulisan ini adalah membuktikan bahwa kepercayaan Rahab terwujud melalui setiap tindakan Rahab dalam Yosua 2:1-24. Penulis surat Ibrani dan Yakobus mengungkapkan bahwa setiap tindakan Rahab menunjukkan kepercayaannya kepada Allah, namun dalam narasi Yosua 2 tidak ada keterangan yang jelas apakah benar setiap tindakan Rahab mewujudkan kepercayaannya kepada Allah bangsa Israel. Sebagai kesimpulan, Rahab memang memiliki latar belakang non-Israel, namun hal itu tidak menutup anugerah keselamatan untuk dinikmatinya. Rahab membuktikan kesungguhannya untuk percaya dan berserah kepada Allah bangsa Israel melalui setiap tindakannya demi menolong umat Allah. Dalam meneliti narasi Yosua 2:1-24, penulis menggunakan prinsip-prinsip umum dalam hermeneutik. Selain itu, penulis juga meneliti narasi Yosua 2 dengan menggunakan metode penafsiran narasi terkait genre dari Yosua 2:1-24 adalah narasi. The purpose of this writing is to prove that Rahab's belief is manifested through every act of Rahab in Joshua 2: 1-24. The writers of Hebrews and James reveal that every act of Rahab shows her belief in God, but in Joshua's narrative there is no clear explanation of whether it is true that every act of Rahab embodies her belief in the God of Israel. Rahab does have a non-Israelite background, but that fact does not exclude her from the enjoyment of the grace of salvation. Rahab proves her sincerity to believe and surrender to the God of Israel through her every action to help the people of God.

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  • Authors: Mishra, R. S. (R);

    चंदनखेड़ा ग्राम इ.स. 1619 से इ.स. 1704 तक चांदागड के गोंडराजाओं के शासनकाल मे प्रसिद्ध था। यह परगना वरोरा से 28 किलोमीटर पर स्थित है। वर्तमान में चंदनखेड़ा ग्राम भद्रावती तहसील से 24 किलोमीटर पर है। मान्यता प्राप्त भारतीय नक्शे में चंदनखेड़ा यह ग्राम वर्तमान मे मौजूद है और समुद्र तट से 207 मीटर ऊंचाई पर है। इ.स. 1619 से इ.स. 1704 के समय चांदागड के गोंडराजा बिरशहा आत्राम इनके चचेरे भाई गोविंदशहा इन्हें चंदनखेड़ा ग्राम एवं आसपास के 30-40 मैल परीघ क्षेत्र के भूमि पर जमींदार के तौर पर नियुक्त किया गया था। गोंड राजा बिरशहा इनके अपने दामाद के साथ पारिवारिक समस्याओं के कारण युद्ध हुआ। उनके जमाई देवगढ़ के राजपुत्र दुर्गपाल शाह थे। इन्हीं के साथ गोंड राजा बिरशहा का युद्ध हुआ इसमे जमाई दुर्गपाल शाह मारे गए। उनका सर काट कर राजा बिरशहा ने मां काली कंकाली देवी को दिए वचन के अनुसार अर्पित किया। उसी की प्रतिकृति पत्थर से बनाकर मंदिर के ऊपर स्थापित की गई है। इसी वजह से देवगढ़ के राजा बख्त बुलंद शाह ने अपने शूरवीर सरदार हीरामन को गुप्तचर बनाकर चांदागढ़ मे राजा बिरशहा का खून करने भेजा। उसके बाद इ.स. 1704 से अंग्रेजों का राज्य चांदागढ़ से समाप्त होने तक इन दोनों घरानों में मनस्वी दुश्मनी चलती रही।

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